the world seemed so much slower now around Texas, her mind slowly drifted away as her eyes began to swirl. Mumbling to herself, Texas stood perfectly still, mind gone and completely memorized by the rabbit's charm. "Excellent, you're all set! Now Mrs.Sheriff, I know that being the law enforcer such as yourself carries a lot over your shoulders, no?" Texas mumbled again, nodding at Penelope as she had no control over herself. "Y-yes...So...Tired now...." Penelope giggled as she listened to Texas speak, her pendulum still swaying in front of her as she responded back to Texas. "I bet~ So why not take some time off now? Take off those boot of yours, let your feet breath for once~ Loosen that belt of yours, and let kick back on a comfy seat~ Be like one of those nasty gals you catch and let loose a little! hehe~"
All of these thoughts ran through Texas's mind as she slowly began to smile, giggling along with Penelope as mumbled yet again. "yeah...Always much fun a loud one out..." With that, Texas's own bum responded back with a loud, airy toot, causing the sheriff to sigh out with bliss. The rabbit took one with of Texas's gas before smiling again. "hehe, you go girl~ Tell you what; when I snap my fingers, you can just kick back and have as much time as you need to rest up and do aaaaallll the fun stuff you want, with whoever you want! And I'll take over for ya as Sheriff~ Okay? Now get ready! 1...2...3!" And with a snap of Penelope's fingers, Texas's mind was completely changed. The once energetic and eager sheriff was gone, and in her place now was a much more relaxed, and bubblier Texas.
"huh? Why do I feel so...hehe, wow, I feel so much bettah now!" Texas cheered as she bent her bum out once more, letting out another airy poot! "Jeez doc, thank ya for taken ovah for me! You're a life savior!" Texas reached out and shook the rabbit's hand, causing Penelope to giggle once more. "It was my pleasure, Sher-I mean, Texas~ Now you go out there and have some fun!" Texas nodded and hopped off away from the hypnotist, kicking off her boots and tossing them aside, as she spun off around town. Seems now the people of Golden Springs were in-store for a much more...different Texas experience. One that they may not soon forget.. But just what would Texas do first in her new state of mind?