You poke a finger against Liz's forehead, instincts from before the change guiding you as you whisper "Wake up Lizzy"
Your sister groans, her eyes opening with such force that an eyelash hits your arm and flings it away. You shake your hand as Liz rapidly blinks the sleepiness out of her eyes, her lash felt like a pool noodle, soft, but sped up just enough to sting your bare arm.
Your sister glances at you as you calm down and gives you a happy smile "Oh good morning Steven", she reaches over to grab you and pull you to her chest. You yelp as your bare chest slaps against hers, her perky tits squeezing you lightly from the sides. She looks down at you as you stare up at her.
You get lost in her gaze for a moment before you remember yourself "Uh... hey" you dumbly respond. A full blown giggle from her feels like the whole house is shaking in an earthquake, the thin fabric that make up your underwear doing nothing to stop you from getting hard as your dick rubs against her skin.
You're not sure what she found so funny, but Liz just says "Ready to start the day?"
You suppose in this reality you're more often waking Liz up, because she easily handles you as she rolls out of bed, carrying you into the bathroom with her, placing you near a small sink hidden by her (And your parent's? gigantic one), there's a third middle sized sink that you can only assume is for the kids twins, still dwarfing you but not by nearly as much. Nice to know they don't absolutely eclipse you the way Liz does.
You brush your teeth in relative silence (The sounds of bristles brushing against teeth from Liz is comparatively loud). You try not to look over, but you can't help it. If you stood on your tip toes (or on Liz's foot), you'd be tall enough to kiss her knee, you can barely comprehend someone that tall, how much does she eat? Drink? How do her lungs manage to take in enough oxygen to keep her going? Magic? Does she not need oxygen?? You try to remember the rule about lung ratio needed to keep large creatures alive, you can't, but you conclude that she's too big to scientifically make sense.
Once again your drawn to her dick, dangling so high up you'd have to jump to grab onto it, though you imagine that, providing they don't just yank out, you could climb her pubes like a monkey after that.
After you finish Liz picks you back up with another practiced flourish she drops you back off at your room before skipping to her own, you can feel light rumbles in the house as she goes. You get dressed and try to figure out what's going on, a giant curse is your first guess, though perhaps it's just you and your stuff that shrunk? You'll know for sure when you go outside.
Despite taking longer to get dressed Liz easily catches up to you in the hallway and scoops you up. You understand why she's used to manhandling you as she gently carries you downstairs. Even though there's a normal sized set of stairs built into the side, you note that it'd still take you an age to climb all the way up and down. "They should build a slide" you think, before noticing to your chagrin that there is indeed a "tiny" slide on the other side of the stairs for you. Must have been easy to install if your parents are anything like Liz.
Liz carries you into the kitchen and you have a moment to note that all the tools, furniture, everything is gigantic, asides from the food your mom is cooking. She's a Steven taller than Liz is, a massive spatula in her hand, using it to dexterously flip a mind boggling amount of bacon in her giant pan. "Good morning mom!" Liz cheers, with you following suite, if in subdued awe.
"Good morning sweeties" She cheers back "Breakfast will be ready soon, Liz can you be a dear and set the table?"
Liz hustles over to the silverware drawer and swaps you over to a one hand grasp, she slides the drawer open, grabs 3 sets of massive utensils, 2 sets of slightly smaller utensils, and lastly moves you forward so you can grab your own tiny utensils. She sets the table and once again you're chagrined to see you have your own tiny seat set on top of the table, a small tray attached to it, it's not quite a baby seat, missing the soft edges and "safe" look of one, but it might as well be. You're still trying to process what the heck is going on, so you set your "table", sit down, and wait
You feel a quiver go through the table and stare again as your dad looms into the room, just slightly taller than mom, you almost laugh at how ridiculous a giant in a suit is, but instead you watch as he kisses your mom, grabs the bowl of eggs, and carries it over to the table, carefully placing it next to you as he and Liz grab everything your mom has been cooking.
"KIDS! BREAKFAST!" Your mom singsongs, and the house literally rattles as they trample downstairs, the savages probably not even brushing their teeth. You'd call them reasonably sized compared to Liz, where you would have to get on tip toes to stare at her knee, with them you'd only need to go on tip toes to be face to face with... their crotches... Best not to think about that.
The bowls of food have been situated around you so that you can easily grab what you want from them, just having to lean a little to get to the eggs, your dad scoots the bowl forward. You note the rest of the family waits patiently for you (Not helping you feel like less of the family baby) and then once you're finished attack the bowls, leaving them empty in seconds.
Between bites you ask "So... does anything feel... off?"
Your family all ponder that for a moment, asides from Jake and June, the twins horking down food like they'd never eaten in their lives, so acting normally.
"I can't think of anything champ" your dad says, the women of the house nodding in agreement. "Are you ok? Did the twins bump into you? Liz roll over on you when you woke her up?"
"Dad! Liz whines as he and mom laugh.
You shrug "I think I just didn't get enough sleep" you casually respond, if they don't notice the issue you don't imagine pointing it out will do anything. You eat slowly as you consider the witch from yesterday again, you're now sure you're not dreaming, and your family has been cursed, true to her word only you seem to notice.