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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Detective · #2057243
The short novella

The short novella

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Arrived at the office, where he was to begin his new job as Finance Controller. After his six weeks training he would be out visiting all other companies. He was careful to maintain his respectable personality the Jimmy that everyone respected, and not the gangster impression that he developed at weekends. Everybody+ in the workforce saw him as an intelligent and polite young business man who was successful in every task his training threw at him.
It was here he met Sadie again, and he was as shocked to see her, as she was to see him, when they met at a business meeting in the main office. She couldn't believe he was the same person, sitting at the other side of the table. They exchanged smiles, -but his thoughts were on his future. Jimmy knew he would have to exclude her from his fantasies. His weekend gangster personality mustn't get in the way of his success at work.

This lovely polite man didn't fool Sadie, she had seen his other personality, and she intended to take a wide berth from him. A few weeks later he passed his training period and was out on the road visiting other attached to his Job

Jimmy visited Livingston, a new development which was to be a
Large town in the next few years. He booked into a small bed and breakfast establishment for a few days, and on impulse decided to go into Edinburgh. While shopping he came across a store that sold costume accessories for fancy dress, and he bought a false moustache and a wig. Nobody knew him around here, and this was his chance to be whoever he chose to be.

The men's cloakroom at the railway station was empty and changed his appearance and was amazed at the transformation. He checked once more that there was none of his own hair showing, and he went to the bar in the railway pub. A blond girl came into the bar, and they engaged in conversation.
'Are you on holiday?' She asked.
'Yes a few days, I'm touring Scotland.'
'Me too, I mean I'm here for a few days.' They spent the afternoon together, and she asked him to walk her to her hotel because of the drink she had consumed at the pub, and she felt she could trust him. They made their way to the hotel. He was the perfect gentleman and walked her right to the door. He said goodbye but hesitated.
'Do you fancy meeting me tonight for dinner?'
'Why don't we have dinner here I can have room service brought up, and it will save us going out.
'If you don't mind not going out to a restaurant, and I will pay for the meal. 'Jimmy added.
Her name was Catherine, and he said his name was Ron Jones, and he lived I London. They ordered the meal with a bottle of wine. They talked about what they their interests. Catherine let her guard down when he kissed her, she kissed him back. One kiss led to another and he had her on the bed, and they were getting a bit heated between them. She felt him hard, and he was about to enter her when she said
'No stop!
He didn't heed her and was pushing against her.
'Stop' she cried again.
He pinned her down on the bed
She tried to move, and he slapped her.
'Stay there.'
And with these words ringing in her ears until he had relief,-
'Stay down.' He warned and took his jacket from the chair and left the room. He took the stairs and removing the moustache and wig stuffed them into the pocket of his jacket, and walked out of the building he had just raped a woman. No one would know Ronald Jones from London.

He called in at the pub in Livingston, and made polite conversation with the bar man before he went to the bed and breakfast polite young man, phoning his mum before he goes to bed. In his bedroom, he took the wig and moustache and threw them into the fire. He watched them burn, and said.
'There disappears the identity of Ronald Jones.'

Next day there was no mention of a rape in the papers or on the news, and Jimmy thought; she hasn't reported the incident. He kept his head down for the next few days and was home in Glasgow. Living with his parents and he served mass on Sunday as the respectable young catholic youth.
He stayed at home on Saturday, and instead of going into the City he went to the local pub in Bridgeton. He gave Joe the reason being he has loads of work to do from home. He didn't feel like going to crowded dance +halls. A few pints in the pub and a bet at the bookies and his mums home cooking. An early night in his bedroom and a good book. Early Mass on Sunday morning. He needed to feel good about himself after the crime he committed in Edinburgh as the gangster, Ronald Jones, who raped a young woman.
He pushed the thoughts from his mind, and consoled himself by saying she asked me to her hotel, and it was her that suggested having dinner in her hotel room. Yes she was asking for it

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