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This is a fan-based prequel to Bruce607's The Outcast. It follows the Dracolich story arc. |
Rules: 1. Make every attempt to stay in character. i.e act each character out in both writing and dialogue. For example: "I knew it. He lied. All males are liars that's how they are." Leyanne said truthfully. Quite frankly I don't get why we...\ do you get my point? 2. Onomatopoeia are okay and I greatly encourage the use of them (however I would prefer you'd spell out the sound effect instead of just saying "bam" or "woof" or "grunts". 3.Going on the example for rule #1, Try to keep the narrative as if it were in the point of view for each character on whom that chapter or section may center upon. IOW, try to maintain an alternating POV that reads as if you were that character. 4. Just b/c you should remain in character doesn't mean you should endear to make the exposition torturous. 5. Please maintain some form of logic within the contexts of this story. Rules may adapt, concepts can be ignored, laws created, but for all which is HOLY, please don't turn this into an erotic story! Keep to the genre, if possible. This is a fan-based prequel to Bruce607's The Outcast. It follows the Dracolich story arc and as such is meant to serve as the basis for what will hopefully be added onto that arc. The Kingdom of Alchtreuk is a kingdom considered to be accursed as both monsters (not necessary in the sense of personality) and humans coexist in harmony. Chronologically speaking our tale first begins 7 generations ago and ends 30 mins before the start of Bruce607's The Outcast Chapter 1. Here are the Characters who may not die off (they are basically the protagonists, except for the first one who's still just as important) 1. King Aggelos - The current ruler of the Kingdom of Alchtreuk, he is a full on human who seeks to sanction an era of mutuality between humans and monsters and where fantasic racism is greatly frowned upon. That and he plans on fulfilling each of his 4 Overlord subjects wishes. Just think of him as the Holy King. Traits: Diplomatic, wise, and old. Class (other than King) : Sage 2.Jellei Mel- Concubine of Burning Passion. She's the demoness Overlord of Fire and Poison and is the same demoness whose actions beget the start of Bruce 607's The Outcast. Though she is fiercly loyal to her kings propositions and his kingdom overall, she is even more amicable with the other ruling heads (the Overlords) of the Kingdom of Alchtreuk including the king himself. Her story is one on revenge. She might harbor romantic feelings for the 3rd person on this list. Just think of her as someone planning her revenge yet loves those she is loyal towards (and it's not just herself). Traits: vengeful and manipulative (except for those on this list) Class: Demoness warrior (at first) Lilith Seductress (end) 3. Mlysk Xrei Luithr - Dreadknight Necromancer Overlord. His dominion is over demons and water. A master at curse spells and water along with dark elemental arcana, he follows Jellei around, even though he's technically higher up in ranking than she is. An aromantic chaste virgin, he is essientially the Heart and Pollyana of the group. His story also begins sometime around where Jellei's begins. Part of his ends with infiltrating Bowhan's group. Just think of him as the moe and Heart/chick of the group. Traits: emotional crutch, morality chain (sort of ), genki, pollyana, is unable to even perceive the concept of monsters or what's even normal. IOW a nightmare fetish) Class: Necromancer Dreadknight (he prefers curative and support spells over physical combat) 4. Mios Lein Selter - Arc Sage Despot, he is the Overlord of Air and thunder/lightning. His specialty lies in his charms and illusions. He is both Jellei's and Mlysk's best friend as well as the leader of the 4 Overlords. Just think of him as both the leader and the genius. Traits: Tactical, strategic, understanding) Class: Warlock 5. Miraajane Julia or Julia Miraajane – Paladin. Her dominion is over Holy and Earth. Unlike the stereotypical Paladin, she has no qualms about working with and even befriending the undead and remains neutrally friendly towards necromancy. Though she’s the lowest in ranking of the Overlords (followed by Jellei)she acts as both the official eyes and ears and shield of the group. Similar to Mlysk, she prefers sending off others to do her work and is just as manipulative as all of them. Unlike Mlysk however, she prides herself on being technically honorable within reason. Just think of her as a double agent (end) and the 6th ranger. Traits: Calm, collective, façade. Class: Paladin (Yes, she’s actually a Paladin) |