Species: Pig Anthro
Height: 25'2''
Appearance: Pink-skinned, blue eyed and red-haired which she draws back into a long ponytail. She has a smattering of freckles on her cheeks. Massively obese, Daisy has large breasts but a truly massive ass that protrudes out like a hill from her backside. Though surrounded in flab, her arms and legs are heavily muscled from working out. She wears stereotypical cowboy garb, her usual outfit being a white cowboy hat, a yellow vest, white cowboy boots, and daisy dukes that ride up her ass so much they look like a thong.
A Texan native, Daisy has been a tomboy ever since childhood. Unhygenic, uncouth, and willing to get down and dirty, most of this is owed to Daisy literally being raised in a barn. While she's always been passionate about sports, fighting has always been what she's loved most and she's dreamed of joining the ASL ever since she first found out about it. She's determined to rise the ranks and be the best fighter the league's ever seen. Incredibly competitive, she finds being in the Silver Division instead of the Gold to be unbearable. As a mistress, Daisy can be described as friendly but uncaring towards her servants. While she'll always talk to them jovially, and isn't known for eating her servants at random, her position in the league is her top priority, and she frequently recruits her servants to use as training dummies to practice her moves on. During these training sessions, she never holds back, and doesn't care at all about the pain or humiliation she inflicts on her servants. She also has a perfectionist streak, meaning that she's prone to trying out a move over and over again until she gets it right. Unfortunately, Daisy is also incredibly superstitious when it comes to good and bad luck. Like certain sports fans, she believes performing certain rituals guarantee her victory. For example, she once accidentally sat on a servant for two hours before a match. Since that match was later one of her most spectacular victories, she spent a week sitting on the hapless servant for two hours prior to every match. On the flip side, if her luck runs out, Daisy is paranoid and quick to blame her servants, thinking they've "jinxed her" or are actively trying to sabotage her career. Once that idea gets into her head, the best case scenario is that her servant will end up in the hospital. The worst is that they'll end up in her stomach. In a fight, Daisy will do anything to win.
Gloria aka Glamor Gator
Species: Alligator Anthro
Height: 27'1''
Appearance: Emerald-skinned with a golden underbelly, she has black glossy hair that she wears in ringlets, ruby-painted lips, black-colored eyes surrounded by purple mascara. Gloria is very much a big beautiful woman, and takes immense pride in her appearance, outside of the ring she wears elegant dresses, while inside her clothing becomes flashier while still remaining fashionable. She also uses specially designed make-up that doesn't run or smear even during fights in the league.
Gloria, or Glamor Gator as she prefers her stage name, is a total diva and narcissist. Gloria joined the league to gain fame and wealth, and works hard to cultivate an image of being a sophisticated, glamorous and powerful, yet feminine, figure. This careful management of her image has succeeded as she's scored consistently high in league popularity polls. Gloria believes she deserves the finest things in life, the best clothes, the best treatment, and the best food. This unfortunately causes her to gripe about "merely" being in the Silver Division instead of the Gold. Gloria is a cold and haughty person who demands constant respect and admiration but gives none in return, with the only people she ever treats nicely being her fans. She thinks little of her fellow fighters in the league, and nothing at all about the servants she's given, referring to them as merely "slaves" who exist to serve her every whim, and she has quite a lot of whims. She constantly works her slaves, demanding them to pamper her nearly 24/7. Humans have it particularly rough as they are also her favorite food. Those who fail her, either through incompetence or malice, are met with brutal punishment. Those who fail consistently are devoured. However, Gloria is not the type to just wolf down some poor sap on the spot, instead she'll go out of her way to prepare them as a wonderful feast. After all, she deserves the best. The only exception to this are those unfortunate souls who happen to catch her doing something "unladylike." Gloria has worked hard to maintain her imagine, and those who see her outside of the elegant portrayal she's constructed for herself are immediately eaten to silence them permanently. It's said her last slave was eaten merely for walking in and seeing her with a bad case of bed head. Rumor has it that Gloria actually comes from a family of sewer gators. This may explain her need to appear a perfect feminine beauty, but the rumor has never been confirmed because no one has dared to ask her. In the ring, Gloria fights with power and precision, her moves more stylish and acrobatic than the normal fighter.