Each of Dominiqe's footsteps made her globular cheeks jiggle, shaking Marc's glass prison constantly as he sat shivering on the "floor". He'd given up on any sort of shouting or jumping around the bottle, knowing such was useless--even Dominique probably couldn't hear his shrunken voice though the bottle AND his hippo mistress's enormous rear, and if she could it would only amuse her. So all Marc could do was sit and cower, wondering what awaited him at the hands of his man-hating and sadistic mistress.
He couldn't even guess where she was taking him, since the bottle's cork and, of course, her entrapping behind and bikini blocked any view of the outside world.
"I don't believe it--why would those paper-shuffling jackasses assign ME to an anthro who's known to despise men? This job is dangerous enough already; do these people WANT their employees to die?" Marc's ranting went unanswered, aside from a slight echo. But ANYTHING was worth taking his mind off his fear...if he didn't, Marc knew he'd start crying. So the rant continued: "But then again, they weren't exactly honest about my contract, just 'Oh by the way; you have to stay for five goddamn YEARS, no big deal!' Total bullshit!"
"...Then again, I didn't exactly make the best first impression. The first thing I do is call her a fat bastard? Really? Way to make it worse, idiot." Marc slapped his own face.
He was about to continue ranting when the muffled sound of a massive door closing suddenly rang out. Marc looked up to see Dominique's bikini rustle above him, then slowly peel back to reveal a harsh ray of light that cut through the darkness and made him cringe away. When he looked back up, he caught a terribly familiar hand reaching down to grab the bottle he'd been shoved in. The world seemed to blur and tumble as his glass prison was rudely yanked upwards, followed by an ear-splitting POP as the cork was removed. Then the bottle tilted almost vertically, sending Marc rolling arse-over-teakettle out of the bottle...and into Dominique's palm.
Before he could speak, the massive hand constricted into a fist around his body, pinning his limbs and making him gasp in pain. Fear gripped Marc anew as his view was filled with Dominique's gigantic face and its hate-filled expression.
She snorted and...smiled. It was a tiny quirk of the lips, but just seeing her smile made Marc go pale. "Welcome to your punishment, insect. I thought about heading off for some training, but after your behavior, I thought my quarters would be more appropriate." A quick look around confirmed that he had indeed been taken to Dominique's private room: upscale furniture and immaculately-clean carpet was everywhere, from the sleek widescreen TV to the luxurious red leather sofa.
"I'd hate to be interrupted by one of the other women here--can't have you getting rescued...or having to share you." Dominique squeezed her fist, making Marc yelp in pain. "Hurts, does it not? I could reduce you to paste in a second, swallow you whole and hardly notice...but I won't, even if you DO deserve it."
She slowly licked her lips, cracking that tiny terrible smile again. Marc whimpered.
"...But I won't. No, that would be to quick; too anticlimactic. I've disposed of other men sent to me fast before, but now...I'll be patient. I'll make it LAST. And to start it off..."
Dominique wore her tiny, demonic smile yet again as she....