The three girls escort John to the C-sec station, on his way he saw just how different things are. There were hardly any men around, almost everyone he saw are women with bulging crotches, or just having there dicks hanging free. The streets are filled with perversions that made porno movies look tamed, and the C-sec officer’s pad all of it no mined.
When he gets to the C-sec station, the Asari leaves John in the care of the other 2 while she talks to another C-sec officer. She types up the info while the Asari comes back.
“This will take just a sec, she’s running you’re info, if you’re telling the truth, then we have no choice but to let you go, but if you’re lying, where going to have to give you a thorough investigation.”
John has to sit and wait with the 3 of them, while he was there he watch a TV on the wall in hopes he can learn more about this world.
A commercial comes on showing a completely white room with a white table with three small bottles on it, and behind the table is a white fancy one peace couch, with a woman completely naked on it. A naked man walks in from off screen, his expiration is blank.
The woman stands up, it’s a human female, her skin is a dark chocolate black, her head is shaved, and body thin, she looks like a runway model and she also has a very long but soft cock swinging between her legs. She takes the first bottle that’s black and sprays it on her dick and balls. In moments her cock and balls are inflating bigger and bigger till there twice the original size. She picks up the next bottle that’s red, and sprays it on her breast and ass, they start to fill up, and her skinny body becomes voluptuous in only seconds. Then she picks up the last blue bottle, she bends the man over the table and sprays his ass with it, she then inserts her fist into his now expandable butt, till she reaches her elbow, she pulls out and lets her huge monster cock flop down on top of his butt.
It ends with a close up of the models face with her holding the three bottles, then smoky captions appears on screen saying “Let him know whose boss.” Then the commercial fades to black.
The next commercial has a Drell female on some exercising machine, John actually recognizes her. She’s an athlete who won a gold-meatal in the galactic Olympics. She looks similar to the one in his universe except for the long snake that seems to be hiding in her skin tight workout spandex shorts. The Drell female exits the exercising machine and talks to the camera.
“Hallow I’m Eliri Shuin, three time Olympic champion. When I was training to become the best in the galaxy, I trained with the utmost intensity, but sometimes it wasn’t enough, I needed to push myself to go longer and harder, I needed what even my body couldn’t give. But then I discovered OTTmaxP, Over-The-Top maximum Performance, this little pill will not only make me go longer and faster, but with the ultra-strength pill, I can lift 3 times my normal reps.”
Eliri Shuin pops the pill in her mouth and the effects are immediate. She looked like she gained 20 pounds of muscle, making her athletic body more defined. Something else occurred, her cock gets hard just as fast, it punctures through her shorts, it’s also appears to have put on some weight, vanes swell along the shaft, and the head is throbbing a dark green. She grabs her hard Drell cock and strokes it right in front of the camera and speaks.
“OTTmaxP is completely legal, there is a grate selection of effects; pick what’s right for you. OTTmaxP light, OTTmaxP extra, or OTTmaxP ultra, and where now offering OTTmaxP with specific duration such as, 3 hours, 6 hours, and 12 hours, for the marathon type of girl. Side effects include insatiable lust, sexual aggressiveness, and long lasting erections, so grab you’re partners girls and give them a workout too.”
The commercial ends just in time for the C-sec officer to come back, the 3 officer’s stand around John. The Asari whispers in his ear.
“If you’re lying, you’re be spending the night here for identity theft.”
The C-sec officer returns and reads the results….