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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Sci-fi · #2025091
A magic medallion gives shapeshifting powers to the person who activates it
This choice: Dinner  •  Go Back...
Chapter #6


    by: cana
Nicki received Kenneth’s attentions readily. A handsome well spoken man of good character. He for his part found Nicki enchanting in body and personality. Curved beyond his ex’s figure with a friendly submissive demeanor. Kenneth found himself in control of the conversation. A refreshing change of pace. He tried to avoid dominating the conversation but often she demurely answered succinctly. She played the part of the mysterious lady only intrigued him further.

Holly coyly played interference at dinner. She pulled John and Kenneth into a sports conversation that started them talking about the greats from various sports. From Serena Williams in women’s tennis to Michael Jordan vs Lebron James in basketball. John controlled their conversation as Nicki distracted Kenneth. Her foot slipped from her shoe it crossed from her side of the table to Kenneth’s. It probed till it touched his leg then the games began. Startling Kenneth who soon returned the treatment. Their playfulness escaped John’s notice who thought himself persuasive and Kenneth agreeing with him. Holly smiled and pondered where the night might lead.

A club followed with intimate dancing. Nicki unashamedly rubbing up against Kenneth. John took away Holly’s attention snuggling up and making out in a corner both. A buzz at her hip indicated a text that went unanswered.

Driving away in a cab the new born relationship heated up. They pawed at each other as their entwined tongues wrestled about in their mouths. The stroke of midnight sent a tremor through Nicki. Dormant energy from the shapeshifting medallion worked its magic. Restored to Nick his mind and an awkward situation. He broke from his embrace with Kenneth. “This is much too fast. I hardly know you. Let’s keep it platonic. I am not ready to have my heart broken when I have to leave.”

“You could stay.”

“My employer wouldn’t like that.”

“Nuts to them. Work for me.”

“Why? So you can sexually harass me?”

“Maybe. I do like your ass so maybe not the best idea. But I have a lot of contacts and I bet I can get you a better job.” Kenneth’s smile a confident one.

“Let’s be realistic. We had a few too many and had a bit of fun. Let’s enjoy each others company as friends till the wedding and after.”

“I want to be friends but if the opportunity presents itself I am going after more. Don’t misunderstand me there will be no taking advantage while you are inebriated. In fact I am going sober till after the reception. We still on for a tour of the city?”

Nick pondered it and thought how upsetting Kenneth might hurt John and his sister, “I don’t see any harm in that.” With a wave they separated at his place. Responding to a his ringing phone, “Finally come up for air? I am fine by the way.”

“Sorry, I know I was supposed to watch you. But you are okay so is everything good?” Holly said.

“I mean Kenneth is cool. I managed to part as friends but if my mental state didn’t return I would’ve ended with my legs in the air. This is why I told you that I didn’t want to alter my mental state. Thank god that I set that delayed return. Never again.”

“It must have been fun you have to admit that if you were going to sleep with him.”

“Goodnight sis. You owe me.”

“Love you bro. I totally do. I could fix you up with Kenneth again.” A hangup Holly’s only reply.

Nick eyed the medallion and wished he could use it. He peeled his clothing off and let slumber come to him. A dream of him walking down an aisle with pews on either side filled with people staring at him. He felt himself blush with all of the eyes as the wedding march played. He took eveningly paced steps as he made his way to the altar. He caught sight of his sister in a bridesmaid beaming at him. Sighting Kenneth in a tuxedo in the grooms position set his mind racing. Casting his eyes down he took in the cleavage and white dress. He woke in a sweat.

He showered trying to settle himself. Soaping himself down and shampooing letting water rinse him clean. A towel for his long hair and another wrapped about himself. His body swayed as he walked sending a jiggle through his sizable chest. A shirt from his closet to cover himself he ate a bowl of cereal. His sister no doubt sleeping off her copious amounts of booze. A buzz on his phone as he dressed. Looking at the message <You ready to show me this burg? Ten minutes good?>

Nick texted back <Yeah. I will be ready.> He picked out a casual set of clothes from his sister’s closet. Holly slept dead to the world her fiancee draped over in an equally dormant state. Nick met Kenneth out front and hugged him but not too long he told himself.

“Where do we go from here?” Kenneth asked.

“I thought we might start with…”

You have the following choices:

1. hiking trail

2. shopping

3. Reader's choice

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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