"For your efforts, I'd like you to be Test Subject 1 for our newest Candy Bar: The Neverfull Bar! One bite will cause you to be constantly hungry, always wanting more. A second bite will increase the weight gained per bite of food double, and a third bite, well... you'll never be skinny again, and gain tons of weight in an instant. After that, we're not sure. So we want you to eat this at your home, and take exactly 2 bites. After that, you'll want to find the most fattening foods you can find in your house, and gobble them up. After that, weigh yourself, and record it. Finally, take the third bite, and record how much weight you gain, and tell your parents to send it to me via mailbox." The man explained. Lisa agreed, and ran home with the Neverfull Bar.
She did as the Man said, and took 2 bites. Her stomach began to ache horribly, so, as per instructions, she grabbed the leftover cupcakes from the failed school bake sale last week, and devoured them all. She noticed her belly hanging and protruding from her dress. She was still very hungry, so she grabbed everything from the fridge, and began to eat, eat and eat.
About 2 hours later, she had gained around 230 pounds. Adding that up to her previous binge, she was around 800 pounds. However, her bellowing gut called for more. She decided, after a painful 5 second thinking process, that...