A pair of threes doesn't seem to be that great a hand, but maybe you can make something of it with that Ace. So you discard the seven and two and hope for the best.
You get the Ace of Spades and the Four of Hearts.
Two pair. Not bad. This should keep you off the bottom of the list.
And it does. Fortunately/unfortunately, Tifa gets the losing hand, with an Ace-King high nothing.
"Tifa?" Cassie asks, a hint of accusation in her tone.
"I promise that I really tried to win that hand," Tifa answers, as she removes the sleeves from her arms. She gives you a smile as the next round of cards are dealt outl
Your Cards: A(H), J(D), 7(S), 3(C), 2(C)
Clothing Count:
Player: Baseball cap, jacket, sneakers, socks, t-shirt, jeans, boxer shorts.
Tifa: Gloves, sleeves, suspenders, boots, shorts, top, panties
Cassie: Shoes, Socks, Top, Sports bra, Shorts, Panties
Chloe: Boots, Socks, T-shirt, Jeans, Bra, panties
Nadine: Boots, Socks, T-Shirt, Khakis, Bra, panties
You keep