This choice: Your nurse stoped by to give you your daily treatment • Go Back...Chapter #3Your nurse stoped by to give you your daily tre... by: Vlard  "GoOoOod moOorning~" A delightful voice sings through the swinging door to your hospital room. "How's my favorite patient feeling today?"
Ironically, the sugary sweet voice fills you with dread the moment it hits your ears. It's too late for you to pretend you're asleep; you're positive she saw you watching TV through the door window. Instead, you watch anxiously as the alpine beauty of Nurse Victoria walks into your room on lofty cherubic legs, dressed in her pink nurse’s uniform. She hums a cheerful tune as she wheels a cart carrying your breakfast and your morning medication next to your bed. Victoria then brushes her curly-straight hair out of her designer frames as she counts out your morning allowance of pills.
“I hope you woke up with an appetite,” Says Victoria, smiling with plump, glossy red lips. “because I whipped up a yummy breakfast. No pre-packaged hospital garbage for you today; just genuine home cooking.”
Nobody knew for sure why Victoria appointed herself as your sole caretaker, especially since she hadn’t been a nurse in the five years since she became the hospital’s director. They were even more unsure as to what would draw a woman of her status to the aid of a patient crushed by an 800-pound woman, especially when there were plenty other guests with more serious - and much less humorous – injuries and illnesses. Most figured it was just another one of her random acts of kindness.
Only you knew the truth.
Victoria towers over you as she walks over to your bed with a tray stacked with her homemade stuffed French toast, a banana, several strips of bacon, a cheese omelet, and a tiny cup containing your morning pills. Even if you were upright, you figure she’d still stand a good three feet over your head. Nurse Victoria sets the breakfast tray on your lap, sits down it a chair next to your bed, plucks the banana off the tray, and starts peeling it for you.
“You’re awfully quiet today. Are you still feeling a little sleepy?” Victoria says. You notice a hint of mischief in her voice, and an impish wrinkle in her smile. “Don’t worry; I have juuuust the thing to wake you up.”
After Victoria finishes peeling the banana, she stares at it for a brief moment before she slowly brings the tip of the fruit to her plump red lips. Her piercing green eyes gaze deeply into yours, and then wink as she gradually pushes the banana into her mouth until 3/4th of it disappear inside. Loud, sloppy, slurping noises and deep, lusty moans ooze from her pillowy lips as she pushes and pulls the banana in and out of her mouth, poking at her beauty marked cheek from inside. Thick spit trickles out Victoria’s orifice, down the long fruit, her lips, her slight double-chin, her pink nurse’s uniform, and all over her pedicured fingers as her long tongue thoroughly and suggestively tastes the peel dangling from the bottom of the banana. After a good twenty seconds of entertaining your breakfast, Victoria pulls her tongue back into her mouth, gags a bit as she shoves the entire thing into her mouth, and starts chewing. The liberated banana peel splats down on the tray as her mouth mashes up its contents; her cheeks budge as she does so.
Victoria’s eyes, still transfixed to yours, glimmer playfully as she flashes you another warm, unnerving smile. You can feel her heaving bust roll over your chest as plants her hands on either side of your head, as leisurely brings her large face closer and closer your own until your lips touch. You’re well aware of what she’s going to do. You try to close your mouth, but the agony of her heavy breasts pushing against your injured ribcage weakens your resolve. Victoria’s soft lips clamp over yours, her tongue passionately pushes though your teeth to embrace you own, and a flood of pre-chewed banana goop pours into your reluctant mouth. Through the lumpy ocean of banana, your tongue has the misfortune of slipping into Victoria’s mouth, and brushes up against her teeth. If you weren’t already retching from being “lovingly” fed your breakfast, you definitely were after you tasted the skin of a bean stuck in her teeth, traces of burrito meat buried in her cheek, and coffee mixed in her spit; both disturbing surprises, and dark omens of things to come.
Victoria’s tongue tastes every inch of your mouth as well. It amorously brushes over your teeth and tongue while simultaneously pushing banana down your throat. It wraps around your own tongue, enveloping it with the bitter taste of morning breath and coffee. She coaxed at least half of your breakfast into your esophagus before a loud deep burp suddenly rose out of her mouth, and splattered yellow chunks all over your face.
“Oopsy, sorry about that,” Victoria laughs. “Here, let me clean you up.”
Instead of getting a towel to wipe your face clean like a normal person, Victoria sticks out her huge tongue, and begins to deeply lick banana off your face as if you were a lollipop. Your face wrinkles in disgust at the feel of her bumpy sloppy tongue, and the smell of her banana-burrito-coffee scented spittle, but she doesn’t seem to notice. She seems too far-gone in her own perverted bliss as her tongue traces the canal of your earlobe, slithers across your cheek, and slathers the inside of your nose in sticky smelly saliva.
This was Victoria’s dark secret; the reason she appointed herself as your personal nurse. Underneath her exterior personality: a successful, generous, happily-married Hospital director with an enormous heart of gold, there was a sultry perverted persona with a crude collection of disgusting raunchy fetishes. To her dismay, Victoria didn’t have any way to channel her scandalous interests outside of internet porn and a collection of foul stories she wrote and kept on a laptop buried deep in the back of her dresser.
Victoria told you she just happened to see you doctor’s report, and took great interest in your accounts of the many…incidents you’ve had with larger women. She concluded that your accidents couldn’t possibly have been by chance; you must have been throwing yourself in these situations because you were a dirty pervert, just as she was.
After her discovery, Victoria personally paid off your hospital bill, and reworked her schedule so she could work as your one and only personal caretaker. In the beginning, she was a lot more respectful of your personal space, and a lot skinnier. After that, she began to “flirt” with you. One day Victoria stopped using deodorant. Then she got into the habit of reaching for things over your head so you could smell her rank unwashed armpits. Then, to appeal to your particular taste in woman, Victoria decided to put herself on a new diet. One that included doughnuts, quadruple cheese burgers, and overstuffed burritos for lunch, dinner, and in-between meals. Her new diet didn’t do much noticeable harm her beauty , but it did her belly sag a bit with an extra 200 pounds that made her pink nurse’s uniform a lot tighter, and stretched her rear wide enough to cover more than half you bed. The bigger she got the sweatier and gassier she became; which she was always delighted to share with you whenever she “accidentally” dropped something next to your bed.
But the absolute worst moment had to be when she finally confessed her disguising infatuation with you, where she revealed that she had brewed the tea you were enjoying with the panties she had worn ever since you were first admitted to the hospital. You gagged and spat out the poison. She laughed, and told you that you didn’t need to hide who you were around her. You tried to tell her she was wrong, but it didn’t matter. Victoria already claimed you as an outlet for her filthy desires, whether you liked it or not.
Where do you go from here?
indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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