This choice: Alternate Reality "Series": Step-Mother or Step-Daughter? Step-Mother Version • Go Back...Chapter #3Alternate Reality "Series": Step-Mother Version by: G-Writer  Alternate Reality "Series": Step-Mother or Step-Daughter? Step-Mother Version Part 1 of 3
(Picture Here: )
"So, what brings you here so early in the afternoon?"
My tongue was too dry under the gaze of her emerald-green eyes. I tried to open my mouth to reply, but all that came out was a cough. This only brought a warm smile from Jackie, followed by an equally warm giggle as I occupied myself with looking at my shoelaces.
"Are you thirsty? I can grab us some drinks. Be right back!"
I glanced back up as Jackie got off the couch, her long, curly chestnut hair bouncing with the motion, along with a large pair of breasts packed into a sky-blue button up T. As she bent forward to get off the couch, I couldn't help noticing more than a few buttons left undone on her "neckline", causing an overabundant amount of cleavage to swell into view.
Though her breasts were impressive by just about anyone's standards, it was absolutely nothing compared to the giant mass that was her booty. Her twin moons of flesh were jammed into such an ill-fitting pair of khaki short shorts that along with a massive wedgie, she was also showing flashes of the bottom of her bum cheeks with every step along with more than anyone's fair share of butt cleavage out of the top. As her greatest asset jiggled its way around the corner, I was finally able to somewhat think straight again, not to mention realize what a stupid idea this all was…
I had met Jackie while in high school four years earlier, all because of a science project. I had ended up partnered with her stepdaughter, Jennifer, which at the time I considered to be the worst luck in my life. While Jackie seemed completely devoted to Jennifer even after her biological mother had left at her birth and her father had passed soon after them getting married, it was more than obvious that there was no genetics between them. While Jackie was a chestnut-haired, emerald-eyed bombshell; Jennifer was a dishwater-blonde, brown-eyed whale of a girl. If it was only for her weight, Jennifer wouldn't have been so horrible, but on top of this, she was a complete slob, not to mention an enormous klutz as well (both literally and metaphorically).
But despite this overwhelming difference in conventional beauty, I had slowly learned to not just put up with Jennifer's disgusting habits, but actually enjoy her company despite them, and eventually I had even fallen for her. Now with both myself and Jennifer at 20 years old, I had finally convinced myself that I was going to take the leap and try to make this a relationship beyond just best friends. It had taken 4 long years to get to this point in my feelings for Jennifer, but now that I had decided, there wasn't anything I wouldn't do to make my dream a reality…
Which was why I was here today before Jennifer would be home. It was an old fashioned idea, yes; but with how strong a relationship Jennifer and Jackie had, I couldn't make my move on Jennifer until I had her blessing.
I was startled out of my thoughts as Jackie jiggled and shimmied her way back into the living room, plopping down on the couch with a noticeable jostle of her breasts. With another warm smile, she offered me a glass of juice which I guzzled down in seconds; hoping to loosen up my mouth enough to form speech. "So, as I was saying; it's kind of early in the afternoon for you to be here, you know Jennifer's still at college for the next couple of hours…"
"I'm… I'm not h-here to see Jen-Jennifer… Yet, anyway…"
"Then you're here to see little ol' me?" I blushed horribly in silence as she giggled cutely. After a few moments of no reply, she probed again. "Hey, Cutie Pie, you feeling okay?"
My mouth opened and closed a few times before I was able to speak again. "Y-yeah… I'm fine, I… I have something I need to… I need to tell you…"
A knowing smirk was cast on Jackie's beautiful face. "Oh, really? Hehe, I think I know what you're going to say, but go ahead."
This was it. This was the moment I had been building up to for the last 4 years, whether or not I realized it. 4 years before I realized that despite how much of a disgusting slob Jennifer could be, I loved her… I needed to do this before I lost my nerve. "Jackie, I… well I… You see, what I'm trying to say is… I l--- I love… I love…" Panic was rising in my throat. I couldn't do it… I couldn't… "Jackie, I lo… I… I love---"
"Hehehe, don't hurt yourself trying to force it out Cutie-Pie, I know you've had a huge crush on me for the last 4 years, I'm glad you were finally able to fess up to it! Hehehe!"
This misunderstanding was enough to snap me back into control, in fact it was all I could do to keep myself from laughing. "What? No, no, no! I don't have a crush on—I mean, I like you a lot as Jennifer's Mom but… What I was trying to say is that I love… I love Jennifer!"
Jackie startled, but only for a moment before her glorious smile washed back over her face. "Hehe, oh you! You're such a jokester! I mean, I'm glad that you're able to put up with Jennifer to be around me, I mean, that's half of why I like you back, but you don't have to go as far as to say you love her just to convince me! I mean, I love her to pieces, but she's definitely… well… I guess a handful would be an understatement, no matter which way you take it."
I frowned at this turn of events. How could she think I'd like her like that? I mean, there was a good 14 year difference between us! "Jackie… I… I really do love Jennifer, handful or not… I was just wanting to ask your permission before I ask her to date me…"
Jackie's beautiful smile slowly faded away, quickly being replaced with something more akin to… disappointment? "That… that can't be true… I mean, Jennifer's like a real blood daughter to me, but… She's gross enough to put a pig, a skunk, and road-kill that's been sitting on the road for a week combined to shame… Are… Are you sure this isn't a joke?"
I sighed. Though part of me felt bad for the misunderstanding, I had to make sure Jackie understood. "It's not a joke, Jackie. I love Jennifer. It doesn't matter how gross she is to me, I just want to be with her...."
The disappointed look only grew as Jackie's arms crossed underneath her heaving bosoms. My eyes once again drifted down to my shoelaces in the silence, distracting me enough to not notice as her facial expression changed once again from disappointment to pure determination. "I'm sorry too… No matter how gross she is, you still want to be with her? That doesn’t make any sense… No one in their right mind would pick her over me… Unless… Are you actually INTO how gross she is? How she weighs more than nearly two of you combined?"
I stared dumbfounded for a few moments, wondering how this could have gone so wrong. "Well, you know what? I'm not a pretty face all of the time, and I can be just as disgusting as Jennifer, maybe even moreso! And there's even ways to make it so my body looks huge compared to even a girl Jennifer's size!!!" Unfortunately, the dumbfounded reply of silence from me gave Jackie enough time to make a few sudden hand gestures as well as mumble a bunch of words I didn't understand. Both embarrassed and confused, I got up to run out the door, but a sudden queasiness overtook me, and before I knew it I was falling face-first towards the coffee table…
For a few moments after I woke up, I was convinced that it had all been a dream. The jitters of having to ask Jackie if it was okay to date Jennifer had just got to me was all… That was until I slowly pushed myself up from my prone position and looked around. This wasn’t the floor of my bedroom. I hadn’t just fallen out of bed and woken up from some slightly humorous dream. In fact, part of me wasn’t even sure if I was awake right now.
My mind scrambled to find some kind of alternate explanation as I pinched myself a few times, but soon I could only come to one conclusion. I had just woken up on Jackie’s coffee table, and I could only be a few inches tall!!! How could this have happened?! Was this even possible?! Was Jackie a witch?!
All of these thoughts and quite a few more were buzzing around in my head like a million angry hornets, but all of them went completely silent when I finally noticed Jackie standing over me. My jaw hit the floor (or in this case, the coffee table) as I took all of her in, and there was a lot of her. I was level with her knees, my eyes slowly traveling up her perfectly sun-kissed skin to her tiny shorts cutting into the meat of her thighs just below a very mature set of hips. Following higher, I couldn’t help notice how much her dress-T’s buttons were actually puckering, especially when I took in her breasts that were overflowing out of the top. Her breasts alone took up so much of the view that I almost couldn’t see Jackie smiling down at me from high above, her giggling rumbling down to me.
“Hehehe, so you finally woke up, huh Cutie? I’m glad you came by so early, otherwise Jennifer would already be home! Lucky for you and me, we still have at least an hour!” Part of my brain told me to run as fast as I could in any direction away from Jackie, but whatever part of the brain that was wasn’t connected to my legs, and I stayed rooted in place when she reached out her hand and picked me up like some sort of doll. I nearly lost my lunch as she quickly brought me up to her face.
“Jackie, what happened? What did you do?!”
“Hehehe, well, it was the only way to make me look bigger than Jennifer, Silly! By the time she gets home, I’m gonna have you so hooked on how gross I am that you’re gonna totally forget about her! Hehe.” I nearly cried at the thought. How did she think that I actually LIKED how gross Jennifer was?! Sure, I had gotten used to it to some extent, and I tolerated it, but… I liked her IN SPITE of how gross she was, not BECAUSE of it.
“Jackie, you have to listen to me, I love Jennif—“
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