As the Heck family continue to FEAST during their Summer vacation they were ordering new clothes every time they destroy they old clothing, while also ordering more food for the family FEASTING time, the family were lost in their own GLUTTONY.
Frankie and Sue were in the kitchen while the boys were in the living room playing video games,Axl was on Playstation 4, Brick was on Xbox One, and Mike was on Super Nintendo, “Where our my LOVELY women…?” Mike asks for no reason as he plays “A Link to The Past” as he hears Frankie call from the kitchen, “Don’t worry Mike, we’re just getting food for you guys” Frankie says while eating. “Yea you boys just keep playing you games, while Mom and I bring in the FEAST for us all” Sue said with a mouthful of junk food, Sue drank from a barrel of Dr. Pepper that she carried in her CLEAVAGE, she ate doughnuts that were rings on her MEATY sausage fingers as she continues to feast on her treats.
Sues body had gotten FATTER since her last weigh in, Sue’s breasts were huge WRECKING BALLS that lay on her MASSIVE BOULDER GUT, her HUMONGOUS tree trunk THIGHS was supporting her upper body, Sues lower half had grown to the size of school bus.
Frankie wobbles into the living room as she looked like Sue as she works the same outfit, different patterns on her close which made her look much FATTER, in her CLEAVAGE she drank from a barrel full of FATTENING wine coolers.
As Mike was being fed by his lovey wife, as Mike takes a drink from Frankies CLEAVAGE wine, as Frankie fed Mike, he fed his wife, they were feeding each other while The boys fed Sue
Mike was laying on a messy dirty mattress while he was playing SyperMetroid as he Drank from a barrel of cherry coke he was carrying in his MASSIVE boulder sized MOOBS that lay on his WRECKING ball GUT, as he finishes eating.
Axl was still playing PS4, while stuffing his face with junk food making his man TITS grow BIGGER, his tank top was now a bra containing his MOOBS, Axl was FEASTING on doughnuts rings on his SAUSAGE fingers.
Brick was busy eating while playing his Xbox One, he drank from a barrel of Mountain dew held in his CLEAVAGE that lay on his BOULDER of a GUT as he kept playing Halo.
As the Heck family were FEASTING, they kept eating their food, as they ate their clothes start to get tighter, the Hecks were feeding each other, as they were FEASTing their clothes start to overstretch due to their bodies EXPAND, as they were eating, suddenly ‘RIP’ their clothes had burst off their bodies.
The Heck were now nude as they were thinking of what to do…