Naruto didn't know what time it was, but when he woke up he felt like he had the strangest dream, until he felt the wind blowing against his naked body as he was sitting on top of a nose hair, it was then he realised that this was indeed real, and he was inside some girl's nose!
Seeing that his unaware hostess was still asleep, he had no other choice as he attempted to climb the nasal wall that would soon become the floor.
As he was climbing Naruto felt himself getting a what the adults would call a "boner" from being in contact with all this flesh and stuff.
As Naruto was climbing, Jiri wakes up feeling her nose is itchy in her right nostril, so she carefully shifts her eyes from left to right and slowly she moves her index finger close to her right nostril and begins to pick her nose.
Naruto was still climbing until he felt Jiri's entire head shift again and the wall was now the floor, quickly getting to his bare feet, he then begins to run, until he sees the nostril was blocked and Naruto couldn't see anything and felt Jiri's nose was shaking like an earthquake, what he didn't know was that Jiri was picking her her nose to find the cause of what woke her up, as her finger was heading towards him.
Naruto didn't know what was causing this rumbling, but he knew it was coming from the entrance of the nostril and was coming for him!
So turning away from what was causing the rumbling, Naruto began to run, but with each step he felt like he was running through pudding as his bare feet kept getting stuck in the mucus, but he kept on going as he felt the rumbling getting closer to him.
And as he ran, Naruto suddenly tripped on something and before he knew it, something pinned him down face first into the mucus-covered floor and was now pulling him towards the nostril's entrance.
As she was picking her nose, Jiri felt like she got something and pulled out her index finger and brought it close to her eye to see what it was, and her eye widened at what she thought was a bug, and it was still MOVING!!!
"Eww! A icky, yucky bug was in my nose!" Jiri said disgusted to see a bug come out of her nose.
Naruto looked up at the young girl as she glared down at him with her big, green eyes. He gulped as she sniffed, her nose still bothering her. But as she shiffed in an attempt to breath, she accidentally suck him back up her nose.
After her shock of seeing the bug fly right back into her nose through her left nostril, Jiri stuck her finger up her nose to get it.
Looking behind him, Naruto yelped at the finger coming at him and climbed like crazy, faster than he knew he could. As Naruto reached the top of her nose where Jiri couldn't reach, he saw something. A kind of big, spiky, floating, puffy ball that didn't seem to belong there. There were a lot of them lodged into her nasal wall. But what were they doing in Jiri's nose? Going up to the nearest one, Naruto grabbed it and started carrying it out and when he got down far enough, he tossed the thing out of her nose, being sure it exited her body. Then he went to the next one and did the same thing, sure this was going to take a while, but he wanted this things out of Jiri's body. He was glad when she pulled out her finger, made things easier.
As Naruto worked, Jiri stopped and pulled her finger out of her nose. Huh? She felt strange...good, even. What was going on? Was that bug doing something? Why was she starting to feel better?
After the last of the feeling bothering her since yesterday vanished, Jiri thought of how to get the bug out and came with an idea. She pressed her right index finger against the right side of her nose, inhaled through her mouth and blew very hard through the left side of her nose.
After Naruto got rid of the last of the pollen, he felt Jiri's nose rumbling again but before he could run, a tidal wave of mucus is heading his way as Jiri was attempting to get Naruto out of her nose again and swept him off his feet and he was sent tumbling. As he did, Jiri's finger quickly appeared behind him and pulled him back out of her nose and was now looking up at her.
When she was finished, she wiped her nose with a hankerchif and saw the bug in the middle of her snot and covered in her mucus.
" nose feels all better!" then she looked down at the things the bug had taken out. It looked like that yellow stuff in flowers. She blinked, then the four-year-old girl looked back at the little bug and she smiled at it. "So that's what was bothering my nose! You went in there to help me. You're not an icky, yucky bug at all. You're really nice!"
Naruto smiled, glad to help and have made someone happy.
Jiri rubbed Naruto against her cheek in a thankful manner until she pulled away and thought what could she do with him to show her gratitude? Then she brightened as she got an idea and smiled at the nice little bug.