"And item 29 of the South Pacific Islander Shrunken Head goes to the lady at the back with the emerald green dress", said a short, plump man in a grey suit, "the next item is a lovely bright orange and pink polka dot swimsuit made for her late Majesty, Queen Victoria, ... ummm before the nasty accident with ummm... cough *her father's horse* cough- Anyway, as you can see, the wonderful lace pattern is still intact and the colours restored. So I will start the bid at $3,500. Any takers? Ah yes, I have the gentlemen at the back-".
"Dad, why are we here? I am getting bored"
"Rose, Darling please, Daddy is trying to keep an eye out for that blue eyes-"
"Dad, when you said we were going shopping, I thought we would be going to the new Gucci store, not this sh-"
"Rose, I am busy at the moment. I promise I will take you once I have bought the blue eyes bronze hawk. It will look fantastic next to striped wooden lion."
Rose scoffed at her father. She couldn't believe it. One moment, she was on her way to the mall to meet up with her friends, and in the next minute her father takes her to some dodgy part of the city, only to get caught up in his unusual hobby of collecting the weird and wonderful. The stuff he mostly bought however was just weird.
“Sold for $6,500 to the young couple at the front, and to the next item-“ the auctioneer continued.
She folded her arms in disgust. She picked up her phone from her bag to check up for any message from her friends. There were none. She sighed, feeling further depressed at her current state, she moved to return her phone back in her bag. As she did so however, she looked up for a moment, only to see something catch her eye.
“And next off, we have this wonderful golden bracelet wore by Cleopatra herself. It was made by Mark Anthony as a gift of their first meeting. It is of pure Roman design, reflecting the fertility and pregnancy goddess, Nona. The bracelet which includes three animal charms, the Turtle, the Butterfly and the Elephant, is 24 carrot gold and is said to have magical properties. So I will begin the auction at $5,000. Any takers? Yes to the woman at the bac-”
"Dad, I want that bracelet" Rose whispered in her father's ear.
"What? No it looks really gawdy." replied her father. "And besides, I don't think your mother would approve.
"$5,500 to the gentleman at the back."
" Really Dad? We are at this stupid auction so that you can get some god damn mantle piece which is as fugly as all bat crap and you won't let me have the bracelet? That is actually worth something" Rose exclaimed in retort.
"Rose I said no." replied her father.
"That's $6,000 to the old woman at the back, going once.... going twice..."
In absolute fury over the situation, Rose defiantly raised her hand.
"$15,000" she shouted over the crowd.
The crowd turned to look at the girl. The room was silent. It was after all a silent action hence everyone was shocked at the sudden intrusion of the bid.
"Um..." stuttered the auctioneer. "Okay .... $15,000 to the very excited young lady in the middle. Do I have a counter offer?.
"$16,000", said the old woman.
"What are you doing? Put your hand down!"
"$20,000" replied Rose.
She didn't budge. She wanted to get out of the auction. She wanted the bracelet. She was not lowering her hand.
"$20,000 to the excited young lady again in the middle. Do I have a counter offer from the old woman in the back?"
"Rose, if you don't put your hand down, I swear I'll-
"No ... then the bracelet is going to the excited young lady, going once.
" I'll tell mum you took me to this stupid auction and bought another stupid piece of crap to add to your collection. do you think she would be happy about that especially given the last time you did?
"Going twice
"Sold to the young lady in the middle. And unfortunately that is the end of the auction. Until next time