This choice: the goddess of love has some fun with the hero • Go Back...Chapter #6Mischief of the Mistress of Desire by: Unknown In her lofty home, Aphrodite was scheming.
Oh, she knew there were more important things to think about right now.
The former divine king was rising, or if what the hushed whispers spoke of was true, had already risen, but in a weakened state.
Oh well, that wasn't really her problem. She was 'born' after the war with the titans, and she herself was not a god, per say. How could she be, if she was born of the blood of Ouranos mixing with the primordial of the ocean's surface, Thalassa? If anything, she herself was a titan. She was sure that she could charm her way into her half-brother's good graces and survive this war.
Then again, she would lose all those wonderful playthings she had enjoyed toying with over the millenia, such as those immortal prudes Artemis and Athena.
Oh, how she loved to push their buttons! Taunting and teasing, constantly tormenting them in effort to break their wills on the matter.
But she always knew to keep them on the edge. After all, when they were broke there would be no fun in taunting them any more.
She suppressed a shiver at that, keeping herself from getting excited at the thought. She had plans to lay, no time to start messing around...
Her thought turned once again to the target of her machinations, one who intrigued her. His messy black hair, his sea-green eyes, his perfect tan...
She knew he would have been a heart-throb, if she didn't mess around with his love-life.
But this was Aphrodite! She loved sticking her nose where it didn't belong, having her fingers in all the pies she could and pulling the heartstrings of everyone around her.
She loved to pave those roads in relationships with bumps, cliffs, fire, cracks, splits and much, much more. She adored making things difficult for others love lives.
It was her very purpose.
And that's why her scheme focused on the son of the sea god, and very likely the child of prophecy.
She knew that if she didn't intervene, he would get the girl without any problems and live a nice life when all was said and done.
But, she had assured him, promised him, that she would make his love life difficult.
It was just too tempting not to, really.
She laughed a bit, sitting up from her bed. Anybody who had heard that laugh would know that something very bad was going to happen to whoever had caught the goddess' interest. They wouldn't pray, since said goddess would be able to hear them and likely turn her attention on them.
And that, as most people learned, was a folly of the greatest order.
“He thinks that even with the coming war, he'll be safe from my design?” The goddess of lust and love asked. “He thinks I'll be too busy preparing for battle to fulfill my promise?”
She laughed again, crueler this time.
“Non, petit héros.” She spoke her personal language, given to the mortals by her early on in their history. “You shall fight a war on two fronts. One from without, and one from within. If you want your girl, Perseus Jackson, you will have to fight for her. And you, Annabeth Chase, shall have to fight for him. It's not only you who has their eye on the prize, girl. There are many who would gladly fight you for him.”
But that was not enough to satisfy Aphrodite's mischievous mean streak.
No, not nearly.
“Hmm. Well, if there's a chance he may die, let's make sure he goes out with a bang, shall we?”
Instead of laugh, she snickered as she worked her godly power. Not magic, as Hecate ruled over that. Power and magic were separate things entirely, as the mistress of magic constantly explained.
“When I'm done with him, he won't be able to walk outside without the fear of women fighting over him. Any woman will be clamoring for him, and they would tear their best friend's head off if it meant twenty seconds with him. Let's see you overcome that, you little mortal.”
When she was done, she grasped the shaft in her hand. Its head glinted in the sunlight as she marveled over it.
She grinned, but quickly composed herself. The evil queen look did not suit her current form.
“Oh, Eros!” She called, sweet as could be.
The sound of wings beating filled the air as her son-slash-servant flew in as fast as Hermes with one of his extra-special A-plus-plus VIP packages needing to be hand delivered by the god himself.
Panting, which just went to show how fast he came flying at her call, the god bowed.
“Yes, Mother?”
“I have a special assignment for you.” She told him, sounding like a doting mother. “You know the son of Poseidon, Jackson, right?”
Taking a gulp of air, the god nodded.
“Very good. Now, I want you to shoot him with this arrow.” She said, carefully handing him the arrow. “And, for the love of all things beautiful and depraved, don't prick yourself with this arrow. We don't need another incident like the one about forty thousand years ago, again, now do we?
“N-no, Mother.” Eros said, keeping his eyes down.
“Good. Just so you know, if you do happen to stab yourself with this one, you had best fly down into Tartarus yourself. Because, if I find out that you screwed this up, I will personally rip off your wings, beat your current lover to death with them, making you watch before I have every mention of you RIPPED FROM HISTORY! AM I CLEAR?”
Eros shook, nodding. “Y-yes, Mother.”
She knelt down, kissing his golden locks of hair, the fury that engulfed her fading away.
“Now, be a dear and do that for mommy, yes?” She cooed, which was made much more frightening by her previous mood.
Eros nodded, quickly standing up and flying off.
Aphrodite laughed to herself quietly, smoothing out her dress. He knew she could do it, and would do so as well. She had done it many times before.
The history part, not ripping his wings off and beating his current lover to death with them part.
All it took was to make everyone apathetic to the god in question, till they were forgotten. Then, make one person happen upon material pertaining to them, enough that they become absorbed by the desire to collect any scrap of knowledge about them, any statue or painting.
Then, it was just a simple task of making them hate the fact that they wasted their tiny lives on something like collect such things and having them destroy it all.
This was the reason few people messed with Aphrodite.
Few gods survived her wrath.
Fewer survived her interest.
And no one, ever, survived her mischief. | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |