It was a rainy fall Friday night on campus. Too cold and wet to hang out outside or in town and still too early to check out any of the parties, so you found yourself in Brittany and Kayla's room along with Maggie passing the time. It wasn't an unusual scene since the group of you had met.
You've run out of conversation topics to go through - professors, midterms, stories from home, Maggie's soccer practices had all been exhausted. So Brittany - ever the competitive one in the group - suggested a game of beer pong.
Your eyes lit up and Kayla and Maggie went along with the idea.
The group of you had played plenty of beer pong so far that year, and it had been well established that you and Brittany were the best players of the group. Most of the time, you paired off with Kayla joining Brittany and Maggie joining you or vice versa to keep things even. But your relationship with Maggie was always a bit awkward and the redhead still preferred to stick close to Kayla, so the pairings were always a bit of an odd fit.
Kayla suggested an alternative.
"You know, it feels like you two are way more into this than me or Maggie. So we'll just watch. You two play one on one," she suggested. Maggie smiled at the idea and you and Brittany readily agreed.
You quickly set up the table and your neighbor poured the drinks. It wasn't long before the trash talk was flowing faster than the alcohol. You sunk your first cup and Brittany's first toss rimmed out.
"Ha! This is going to be a quick game Britt!" you chided.
"Whatever. It's still early!" she shot back.
Kayla just rolled her eyes and took a deep drink.
The game continued and so did your hot streak. You sank cup after cup while Brittany struggled to keep up. Her aim wasn't off, but her throws kept just bouncing off. You sensed her frustration and smiled as you looked at the table - you had just 1 cup left to her 3.
"Looks like we all know who the best player is of the group," you said with a smile, preparing your victory speech and what you expected to be your final throw.
"Oh, that's never been in doubt," Brittany shot back. "But if you're so confident, why don't you put something on the line?" she asked slyly. "Say...100 bucks?" she prompts.
You put your arm down. You were in a work study program, but didn't make enough money to back up a bet like that. Brittany came from a family that was very well off and that kind of money was nothing to her. But you also didn't want to back down after all your crowing just seconds before.
"Oh come on Britt, that's not fair," you moan. "I know I'm going to win, but you know I don't have $100 to risk on the off chance you make a miracle comeback," you say.
Brittany sighs. "You're right Tony. I'm sorry, I forgot. That wasn't fair to me. How about this. If you win, I'll give you $100. But if I win, I get to shrink you and wear you for a week," she asks, her hand playing with a pendant around her neck, usually nestled deep between her massive breasts.
Maggie and Kayla eye each other, suddenly very interested in the game.
The offer didn't throw you that much. It was common knowledge on campus that wealthy girls carried around shrinking devices for self defense. Brittany had even showed off her own a few times. The wearing you part was a curveball, but you liked the idea of being able to take the place of that pendent in her fingers and in her cleavage.
"So I get 100 bucks in a few minutes and worst case, I spend a week nestled softly between your tits instead of that fancy crystal necklace?" you ask. Brittany just smiles and shrugs, letting the pendant fall back into place on her soft flesh.
You smile broadly. "Deal! Better go get your purse!" you say as you prepare to take your shot.
For the first time all game, Brittany shifts position.
"Lot's on the line with this shot Tony! Don't get distracted!" she calls as she bends and cups her boobs directly over your remaining cup.
She's clearly starting to take the game seriously, she hasn't used her "bazookas" to distract you all game. How could you forget!
You shook your head and did your best to focus, but Brittany simply laughed and continued to cup and shake her boobs directly in your line of sight.
"Do we need to put you on a shot clock Tony? Let's go!" she calls with a laugh.
You breathe deep and toss the ball, missing the cup by a mile. Your three friends laugh loud at your wild miss and your obvious distraction.
"My turn!" Brittany smiles as she sinks two cups back to back. Having made both shots, she gets a bonus shot - which she also sinks.
You drop to your knees in disbelief. You couldn't believe that you had lost your $100 so quickly! You look up at Brittany who was strutting in confidence toward you. Well, at least you could be comforted by having a week in her incredibly distracting cleavage.
"Ok Brittany, get it over with. You won the bet fair and square," you said. "Shrink me and put me on your necklace. Those boobs practically won the game for you, so it's only fair that they're my punishment for the next week," you say, doing your best to sound dejected.
Brittany just laughs. "Who said anything about going on my necklace?" she asks as she activates her shrinking device.
Kayla and Maggie watch with silent smiles on their faces as they see you dwindle. You're in shock at the words you hear, but are in no position to respond.
Brittany picks you up and you see some odd fabric in her other hand. "I never said you'd be replacing my necklace. The bet was that I'd get to wear you for a week. And I plan on wearing you as. My. Thong." she says with a laugh as she plants you on the desk and ties your hands and feet to what you now realize is a thong that had been cut and prepared for you - for just this purpose.
How long had she been planning this for?
You call out to Kayla and Maggie.
"Please! Girls you can't let her do this to me! We're friends! If she does this to me, you could be next!"
Maggie just laughs. "Only if we're stupid enough to make a bet like that with her," she giggles.
"A bet is a bet Tony, we're not getting involved," Kayla adds on. "Oh, Britt - you still plan on sharing him with us, right?"
Brittany smiles and responds positively.
They were all in on it this whole time!
You kick and pull at the fabric and scream as loud as your shrunken body will allow, but the elastic fabric just bounces in Brittany's hand. The Asian co-ed smiles, having already discarded her pants and panties and steps into the prepared leg holes. You stare up at her perfectly round ass. It's an ass you've eyed on many occasions, but have never wanted as close of a look as the one you're about to get!
Brittany doesn't waste any time, but enjoys the process of slowly pulling you up her long legs and feeling you make contact with her flesh. She pulls you up tight, securing your body deep between her cheeks. She pushes her cheeks together with her hands, bouncing her flesh over your body with a smile.
"Not a bad bet Tony. You know, when your week is up, I might be willing to pay you $100 to extend it. What do you say?" she asks with a laugh before pulling her tight pants up and sealing you in.
She walks around the small dorm room for a few minutes, enjoying the sensation of her cheeks caressing and crushing your body with each step she takes. Finally, looking at the clock, the girls decide...