Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1964230-The-Village-Hidden-Underfoot
Rated: GC · Interactive · LGBTQ+ · #1964230
You're a ninja from a village of extremely tiny humans, and you happen to like male feet.

You're a ninja from a village of extremely tiny humans, and you happen to like male feet.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Hey, guys! I'm back with a new interactive! Gonna try to keep up with this one as best I can!


Once upon a time, there was a powerful ninjutsu user who specialized in one particular form of curse which caused the ninja's enemies to shrink down to the size of ants. However, it was a member of the Uchiha clan who dealt him swift justice by replicating his technique and using it on him.

Centuries have passed since then. Many of the ninja's victims were killed, either being stepped on, being eaten, or in other more horrifying ways. However, a young man with a special communication jutsu connected with other victims of this ninja and, together, they formed the Hidden Foot Village. In the present day, were the inhabitants the same size as their normal-sized counterparts, their village would tower over the others, a true monument to perseverance and ingenuity, largely out of necessity.

It is the Hidden Foot Village that you belong to. You have been given the rank of Chunin by your ninja instructors, and your job, like many other ninja of the Hidden Foot Village, are to go out into the world, and find the curse so that the village may regain its proper size and truly become a force to be reckoned with. You have been looking forward to this day, but for not quite the right reasons. Your entire village would think you insane, but you have an appreciation for your size compared to normal humans and you are fascinated by the mountainous giants, even attracted to them, and you want to take this time to explore your fetishes, whether the giant ninjas are aware of your presence or not.



I have to write these rules up 'cause not everyone likes the same kinda stuff, and I'm no different. If there's no rule about it, either message me and ask or you can try your luck. In either case, I'll add it to the rules below as it happens. These rules are mostly for the sake of common sense, common courtesy, and keeping the interactive nice and neat for a pleasurable experience for any reader.

I should also point out that, even though I created the interactive, I will be following these exact same rules that you will. If I step out of line on my own rules, please feel free to call me out on it. Everything I'm doing is to maximize the quality of the interactive.

1. No Female Interaction. Chapters featuring this content will be deleted. There are plenty of them about.

2. No killing off the main character unless the character is already about to die in a previous chapter. (ex: Naruto sticks you in his sandal and stuffs his foot in. Choice: You get compressed into the material and you live OR The pressure's too intense and you get crushed underfoot. Obviously, if you were to write a death chapter, you'd write it for the second choice.)

3. Unless the main character dies, the story does never ends. (In the past. I have seen chapters that read "And Naruto keeps you as his slave forever. The end". That's not allowed.)

4. The main character is always willing to do anything, except die. "You can't treat me like this, I'm a human being" or "Please stop!"-type behavior is not allowed. There are a TON of other interactives with unwilling/non-consensual stuff in it.

5. A decent grasp of English language and grammar are necessary. I'm not expecting Shakespeare, but I am expecting something that other people can read. Remember your capitalization, your punctuation, your spelling, and your formatting.

6. The main character does not have a name. This is so that the reader can insert themselves into the story as the main character. Don't give the main character a name.

7. Any character in the anime, alive or dead, will be alive and well in this interactive.

8. Any character can be in this interactive as long as they are from Naruto and they are biologically male.

9. No change-hands chapters. (example: Naruto is enjoying seeing you licking his feet. It is not allowed for Sasuke to suddenly come in and take you away from Naruto. If you want a story with Sasuke in it, go write a story with Sasuke in it. Don't interrupt Naruto's story.)

10. Have fun! =D



So you want to add a choice chapter. Awesome! I'm making this interactive so anyone can carve their own pathways out! But due to issues in several past interactives, I'm going to set up a special set of criteria for adding Choice Chapters.

First, what is a Choice Chapter?

A choice chapter is a chapter which includes a small amount of text followed by a choice. This is usually used at the very beginning of an interactive story to determine your starting point in the story. Do you start with Naruto? Or do you instead go with Kiba? Or maybe you're not even in the Leaf Village, maybe you're in the Sand Village and you want to pay Gaara or Kankurou a visit? With choice chapters, the starting point is far easier to get to.

Why are there guidelines for Choice Chapters?

In the past, many would-be authors would add choice chapters to various interactives, but would not start or even contribute to a story. Many have used Choice Chapters in this fashion and, as such, many interactives could read that they have 500 chapters, but maybe 490 of those chapters are choice chapters with no content. So I want to put up some guidelines to make sure that, if and when this interactive hits 500 chapters, 490 of those chapters are full of content.

A Choice Chapter MUST have:

-Two or more options. (It's not much of a choice if there isn't, is there?)

-Before a story begins, an indiscriminate "Other" choice. (ex. You decide to add a Choice Chapter for Gaara and you have one free choice available. That choice must be "Other" or something similar. Also, if you have more than one free choice, the "Other" choice must always be the final option at the bottom of the list.)

-A chapter leading from the choice chapter you started, selecting one of the options that is not the "Other" choice. (ex. You finish adding the Choice Chapter for Gaara, and your only other choice is the "Other" choice. Because you are the author of this choice chapter, you must be the one to begin Gaara's story. So you would write the first chapter of Gaara's story.)

A Choice Chapter can have, but does not require:

-More than a line or two of text. You can add it if you want to, but you are not required to. Just briefly explain what choice is happening, reflect that in the title, and you'll be fine.

-The maximum number of choices. Sometimes you don't need three choices in a chapter in an interactive, and that's okay. Just pretend the third choice isn't there. Or, if you really want to see what others would think up, feel free to put an "Other" choice, or even multiple "Other" choices as filler, just so others like yourself can add to it!

-A Choice Chapter CANNOT have the following:

-Less than a single sentence of text. You have to describe what the choice is. I'm not asking for an essay, just a sentence, maybe two.

-A title reflecting what the choice is. The title of the chapter must also describe the choice, but in fewer words. This is so every choice chapter that's added isn't titled "Other". I don't want to see 20 chapters in the story outline called "Other".

-Before the story starts, an option that is already present in another chapter. Obviously, Naruto is going to be the first option I'm going to write about. That much is obvious. And that is Naruto's storyline. There shouldn't be any other choice chapter that adds Naruto as an option because he is already an option somewhere else.


Final Remarks:

I want this interactive to be fun for everyone. It may seem like there are a lot of rules and guidelines. And there certainly are! But true and honest writing is all about remembering the rules of writing so well, that you don't even think about the rules when you're writing. You just follow them without thinking. One of the biggest accomplishments for any early writer is writing a flawless piece of work that you can feel proud of. Yeah, this isn't going to be that piece of work. But this is very good practice! If you try hard here, the next time you write something for real, you don't have to worry so much because you're in the practice of it!

Anyway, for the readers, please enjoy!
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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1964230-The-Village-Hidden-Underfoot