You arrived late in the day just as Krista and Hannah's parents were leaving. You had babysat them before, but never for an entire week. You wanted to start things out on a good note, so you brought them a special treat.
"Hey, girls. I brought you something cool..." You said, hiding an object behind your back.
"Connor! Connor! What is it?" Krista asked.
"Yeah, spill the beans!" Hannah said.
You slowly moved your hands to reveal... a can of Dr. Pepper.
"Ooh, cool!" Hannah said.
The girls normally weren't allowed to drink Dr. Pepper because their parents thought it had too much caffeine. They typically didn't get to drink much pop at all, and when they did they only got caffeine-free stuff like Sprite and Ginger Ale. Dr. Pepper was something new and exotic they'd never had before.
You went to the kitchen and poured the can into two small glasses, half a can for each of them. Hannah and Krista loved every drop of the delicious sugary nectar you had given them. To your surprise, they weren't bouncing off the walls or acting wild, they handled it quite nicely. You all relaxed and watched TV for a while. Things were going very smooth until it was almost time for bed. You were helping Krista to her feet when she suddenly had an accident and wet herself little.
"Oh... ooh, I'm sorry." Krista said.
"No biggie. You still wear diapers to bed?" You asked.
"...Yeah." Krista said, blushing a little.
She was normally embarrassed to need diapers, especially to you since Krista thought you were so nice and cool.
"Well, you were going to need a change anyway, then. Let's get you ready for bed." You said.
You took Krista to the bathroom and peeled off her damp shorts and panties. Krista removed her shirt as well, since she liked to sleep in just her diaper. You took a wet wipe and cleaned her up, and then reached into the cupboard for a diaper. You unfolded it, and then put some powder on Krista's area. Finally, you taped it up and checked to make sure the legs were nice and tight so it wouldn't leak.
"All done." You said.
"Th... thank you..." Krista said.
The diapered little girl hugged you around your legs. It felt weird, almost like she was tickling you.
"All right, time to go to bed. I'll be in to read you a story in a little bit." You said.
Krista nodded as you pushed her out the door so you could use the bathroom yourself. You felt like you might have to take a dump, so it could be a while...
"Oof, that was rough." You said, spraying air freshener around the bathroom as you left.
You were in there for a while. You went to Krista's room and were surprised at what you saw: Hannah was in there taunting and mocking her little sister.
"Diaper baby! You wet yourself, so you don't deserve any Dr. Pepper next time! Not if you're just going to pee it all out all over yourself, you dumb diaper baby!" Hannah growled.
Krista was bawling and weeping, unable to handle this kind of bullying. You were absolutely disgusted.
"Hannah! what are you doing?" You yelled.
Hannah looked back at you, her face now filled with fear. She knew she was being a bully, and there was no excuse for this kind of behavior.
"In the bathroom with me, little missy! Now!" You yelled.
Normally you were a calm and nice guy, but you were scary when you were mad. Hannah was paralyzed. She gazed at you like a deer caught in headlights.
"I'm going to count to three. One..." You didn't have to keep counting. Hannah snapped out and ran to the bathroom. You followed her in.
"So, you like bullying your sister over diapers huh? How about you wear one yourself." You said.
"What? That's not fair!" Hannah said.
"Seems fair to me. Could teach you a little about empathy." You said.
Hannah pouted.
"You're mean." She said.
"I'M MEAN? I bought you guys Dr. Pepper and let you watch TV all evening. YOU'RE the one being a little bully." You said.
You pulled off Hannah's clothes, her shirt, her panties, everything, and hastily diapered her up. Now she was like Krista, stuck wearing nothing more than a thick white diaper.