Hoping your luck is with you, you look up. To your relief, standing in the corner reading a book was Ayu. She looked exactly as you remembered. Long blue hair framing her face, cement colored skin, and grey eyes. However, just like when you first saw her, your attention went to her breasts. When you first saw her, they were almost the size of her 750 foot body. But that was 2 weeks ago. Now, they seemed to be even bigger, blocking her body from view.
The sound of footsteps brought you back to reality. Lillith was getting closer. You panicked. If she saw you, your were dead. You raced up to Ayu hoping she would.
"Hey Ayu!" You called up to her, hoping she could hear you.
You were in luck. Ayu closed the book and looked down at you. "Oh, hello" She said in a soft voice. "You're the human. Sylvia, right?"
"Yes. Look, I ned your help. I'm trying to escape, but Lillith's on her way, and if she sees me, she'll make me her snack. Can you hide me?"
"I don't know..." She began to say. You could hear Lillith getting closer. You had to think of something, and NOW!
"I can help you." You finally said. "I know how you can make your breasts bigger."
That seemed to do the trick. Ayu beemed at you and picked you up. "Alright. Get in my mouth."
"WHAT!?" You yelled.
"Don't worry. I won't eat you." She sounded honest, and you really didn't want to deal with Lillith, so you did as she said. "Get behind one of my teeth. She won't see you." You did so just as Lillith opened the cell door.
"Hello, miss." Ayu said cheerfully. Being in her mouth, her voice was like a rocket next to your ears.
"Good evening." Your heard Lillith reply. "I heard you talking in here. Is everything alright?"
"Yes. I was just reading aloud."
"Hm. Well Jedda just told me that the human Sylvia escaped." Crap. Jedda must have seen the cage by now. "You haven't seen her, have you?"
"I did. She ran right past my cell. I think she's heading towards D-Block. If you hurry, you might catch her." She was actually covering for you! You were safe for now.
"Thank you. Take care." Lillith said. As soon as you heard the cell door shut, Ayu spit you out into her hand.
"Thanks, Ayu." You said.
"No problem." She replied. "Now you need to hold up your end of the bargin. How do I make my pitifully tiny breasts bigger?"
Pitifully tiny? They were the size of monster sized couches to you. But you still needed to hold up your end or she may decide to rat you out. You needed to come up with something and fast. "Well, you see," You began.