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Can a human girl survive in a mental hospital for giant monsters |
Your are Sylvia, a female human in the monster world and you’re in a very unsettling situation. As cowardly as you were, you somehow landed in Terrordale, a city full of giant monsters. But that was the least of your problems. You were seen at the crime scene and mistaken for a thief. You would’ve been sent to monster jail, but you knew you wouldn’t survive one day in such a prison. You pleaded insanity even though you knew you were completely innocent. This turned out to be a big mistake. You were admitted into a mental hospital for giant monsters run by Dr. Kaguya West. This institute is called the Kaijuu Disarming Plant because most monsters in this institute are as violent as any monster in a kaijuu movie and extremely dangerous to humans. There’s only a handful of monsters in the entire institute that don’t eat humans and since they don’t serve humans in the K.D.P., most of them are ravenous. Five of these very creatures have escaped multiple times and have been seen in Monster Shores. Now you have to find away to get out of this bedlam house for monsters before you wind up in a giantess’s belly. Hospital Staff Name: Dr. Kaguya West Species: Kitsune Height: 700ft Appearance: A kitsune resembling a violet haired Japanese woman with the golden ears, feet and nine tails of a fox. Wears a labcoat with a tight ultramarine bikini. Description: An addition by Ultimate Neo from Monster Shores. Dr. West is the head of the K.D.P. She believes you’re legitimately mentally ill and since she doesn’t eat humans, she keeps you close to her most of the time to keep you out of trouble. You wouldn’t mind if it didn’t mean being kept in a cage on her desk. Name: Whitney Steranko Species: Wererhino Height: 975ft Appearance: A massive white skinned wererhino woman with long orange-red hair, two horns on her nose and a blue tattoo over her left eye. Wears a white nurse’s outfit that looks about ready to burst off from her obesity and a silver colored bikini underneath. Whitney also wears a pair of thin glasses due to her species’s bad eyesight. Description: Whitney is the head nurse at the institute and Dr. West’s second in command. Unfortunately, Whitney is one of the only two monsters who knows that you’re perfectly sane. Whitney resents you for pleading insanity and thinks you deserve to be in Under Gloom, so she’s out to make your stay at the institute as nightmarish and painful as possible. Of all the monsters in the asylum, you’re afraid of her the most and panic when you see her. However, Whitney doesn’t hate humans so much as she hates you and actually discourages the idea of monsters eating humans. In fact, you’ve heard that she has a human husband at home by the name of Xander. Despite being a wererhino, Whitney is half-Spriggan on her father's side. Orderlies- Dr. West has 12 orderlies in the K.D.P. three of them for each of the four elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Name: Charlene Leads Species: Jersey Devil Height: 900ft Appearance: A muscular red skinned demoness with bat wings, hooves for feet and a horn’s face with long horns. Charlene also has long pink hair that reaches down to her devil’s tail. Wears a blue two piece bikini. Description: Charlene is one of the four orderlies that act as a security guards at the institute. She’s the most gentle monster you’ve ever met and somewhat timid. Charlene is your only friend in the entire bedlam house because she’s the only monster who doesn’t scare you. She knows why you chose to stay in this awful institute and though she doesn’t want to lose her job, Charlene may or may not try to help you escape. However, for some reason, Charlene dislikes male humans and growls at any human man that gets anywhere near her. You’ve even heard her growl at that lifeguard Stephen who helps return escaped patients. Name: Cressida Fireworm Species: European Dragon Height: 900ft Appearance: A large elderly but still hourglass shaped dragon with bright purple colored scales, a yellow underbelly and long white hair. Cressida wears a pair of small of glasses with a black one piece bikini and carries a cane to support herself. Cressida resembles a stereotypical western dragon. Description: Cressida is the oldest orderly in the entire K.D.P. and has been there the longest of all the staff. However, the thousand year old dragoness is going senile, can barely see straight and has several chronic illnesses that slow her down, making her the least effective of the guards. In fact, she’s the one guard least likely to catch you. But she’s a persistent old lizard and isn’t ready to retire just yet. Name: Tori Miller Species: Salamander Height: 850ft Appearance: A giant pitch black colored salamander with six legs, the four in front doubling as two pairs of arms. Tori has long cyan hair and a matching one-piece bikini. She looks like a cross between an actual salamander and a dragon. Description: Tori is Cressida’s granddaughter. She became an orderly in order to help her grandmother keep her job. Tori eats humans, but she’s trying hard not to eat you because she thinks it will get her and Cressida in trouble. Name: Lilith Sebastian Species: Werecrab Height: 650ft Appearance: An enormous and muscular blue crab giantess. Lilith has long violet hair, huge stalks for eyes and giant claws for hands, one of which is bigger than the other. Generally she wears a red one piece bikini. Description: Lilith one of three aquatic orderlies in case anyone tries to swim away from the K.D.P. You’re afraid of Lilith almost as much as Whitney because while Lilith is very courteous towards the monster patients, she loves to eat humans and the crab giantess tends to taunt you with the prospect of being swallowed in your cage. Lilith outright said that if you tried to escape she’d put you in her belly. You’ve even heard screaming coming from her stomach. Name: Tarja Cooper Species: Mock Turtle Height: 900ft Appearance: A monster with the torso, shell and scaly arms of a green sea turtle but with the head, feet and legs of a minotaur with white and red fur. Tarja has shoulder length strawberry blonde hair and wears a yellow-green colored two piece bikini that is somehow attached to her shell. Description: Tarja is the only staff member at the K.D.P. who doesn’t care about the recovery of the patients and is very callous towards the more mentally screwed up monsters when nobody’s looking. She’s incredibly vulgar and you’ve seen her sneak alcohol on the job. Tarja knows this and has threatened to eat you if you report her to Whitney or Dr. West. Name: Jedda Starking-Crater Species: Bahamut Height: 950ft Appearance: An enormous light blue skinned monster with black hair dyed red in a bob cut. Jedda resembles a hippopotamus with the wings and skin of a dragon and the gills of a fish. For clothing she wears a tight violet colored two piece bikini. Description: Jedda is the younger sister of Elisa from Monster Slopes and one of the friendlier orderlies in the K.D.P.. However, unlike the rest of her family, Jedda eats humans but she’s in a self-help group for predators who are trying to quit. Unfortunately she’s finding it hard to resist the temptation and while she is friendly towards you, her willpower might reach its limit. You even have nightmares of seeing her enormous teeth from the inside of her mouth. Name: Tress Briggs Species: Shishi Height: 900ft Appearance: A fat yellow skinned living statue of a Chinese guardian lion with golden blonde hair and blue cat’s eyes. Tress has a fluffy tail the same color as her hair and generally wears a green two piece bikini and a pair of thin glasses Description: Tress is another orderly and a lesbian statue who is very fond of you despite the fact that you’re not gay. She’s also been very lonely since her previous girlfriend dumped her. If she catches you out of your cage, she’d do deviant things to you that haunt your nightmares. But you have no choice but to yield to Tress because humans that turn down her advances end up in her belly. Name: Cyprus Starking-Crater Species: Behemoth Height: 950ft Appearance: A gigantic white skinned hippopotamus with the scaly skin of a dragon and an elongated tail. Cyprus has long golden blonde hair and wears a pair of thin glasses and a yellow two piece bikini. Description: Cyprus is Jedda’s mate. While she respects Jedda’s decision to give up eating humans, Cyprus is even more predatory than Lilith and you’ve even seen her eat a few humans on the job. Fortunately for you, Cyprus’s glasses tend to fall off, giving you a chance to escape her. Name: Diana Howler Species: Werewolf Height: 900ft Appearance: An silver furred werewolf with long blue hair that reaches down to her butt. Diana is morbidly obese to the point where it’s a wonder she can stand up and for clothing she wears a gray two piece bikini that looks like it’s painted on. Description: Diana is a scatterbrained and somewhat ditzy werewolf with many odd behavioral habits. The woman is also oblivious to her own weight and unpredictable when she encounters humans, though most of the time it ends with her sucking on them like gum. You don’t know if she’s actually swallowed a human before. Diana is in fact the one staff member who could probably use therapy herself. She is also the mother of Hecate from Monster Tower and Persephone from Monster Gaol. The latter’s arrest drove her to a breakdown. Name: Gail Fog Species: Cockatrice Height: 900ft Appearance: An hourglass shaped monster with the upper body of a chicken and the lower body of a green lizard. Gail has wings attached to her arms that allow her to fly. Wears an orange two piece bikini. Description: Gail is Charlene’s girlfriend and another orderly. You wish that Charlene would dump the bird giantess because Gail is another human eater like Lilith. What’s worse is that Gail is trying to convert Charlene into a predator since your Jersey Devil friend’s friendliness towards humans is due to having never tasted a human in her life. You’re afraid that the cockatrice will finally convince Charlene to eat you. Name: Abilene Stallion Species: Pegasus Height: 700ft Appearance: A heavy set winged horse with chocolate colored fur and long white hair worn in pigtails. She has tattoos of Oreo cookies on her thighs. Abilene mainly wears a pink one piece bikini along with a matching cowgirl’s hat. Description: Abilene is one of several monster girls to have a crush on Stephen, the human lifeguard who helps bring in the escaping patients. Unfortunately she hates female humans because she’s afraid they’ll ruin her chances with him. Because of this Abilene has a habit of stomping on every female human she sees. She especially hates you despite you and Stephen never even meeting and told you that she was going to kill you if she saw you wandering the hall alone. Ironically she’s the older sister of Blair, an enemy of Stephen’s from Monster Slopes. Speaks in a Texas accent. Name: Virginia Braintree Species: Wereowl Height: 650ft Appearance: An obese monster resembling a great horned owl woman with long orange red hair and bright green eyes. She has talons for hands that differentiate her from a harpy and mainly wears a pink two-piece bikini. Description: Of all the orderlies, Virginia is the one closest to Whitney, though the rest of the orderlies don’t like her that much. She’s the kind of monster who thinks she knows everything, especially since she considers herself to know more about treating the patients than Dr. West, even though that’s definitely not true. You still would rather not take any chances with a giant owl because Virginia is still a bird of prey. Name: Luz Micah Del Caza Species: Gorgon Height: 825 ft. Appearance: Luz is a python gorgon. Her body is covered in brown scales with white diamond patterns. She has pythons for hair and gold snake eyes. She always wears sunglasses. She has a slim upper body, but her butt is enormous due to fat distribution. She wears a black bikini tailored to fit her mountainous rear. She has a prosthetic right arm that ends in a hook. Personality: An addition by the 12th Doctor. Hailing from Venezuela, Luz is a new guard at the KDP, having only worked their a month. As such, she is still trying to get along with the patients and other staff. The only patient she really fears is Phoebe, since she burned of Luz's right arm. When she'd not patrolling the halls, she tending to her massive rear, which she is utterly obsessed with. She does not get along with Tarja, since the latter mocks her and calls her "Medusass". While you've heard that she doesn't eat humans, you're still afraid that she might sit on you. Block A Name: Kerry Boo Species: Weredeer Height: 650ft Appearance: A sienna furred teenage weredeer with an hourglass figure, large antlers and long brown hair that reaches down to her tail. Mainly wears a pair of jeans and a green shirt. Description: Kerry is a teenage deer who suffers from anorexia. She refused to eat anything and her parents sent her to the K.D.P. to sort out this problem. Unfortunately there hasn’t really been much improvement in terms of her dietary habits, but you wonder if that’s a bad thing or not because one of the delicacies her folks tried to get her to eat was humans. Kerry is the youngest monster in the entire institute. Name: Ranru Gama Species: Werefrog Height: 550ft Appearance: A giant hourglass figured frog with turquoise colored skin and darker blue spots. She has purple hair in a bob cut and wears a black ninja’s outfit with yellow highlights along with a large pink scarf. Description: Ranru is a monster who for some reason thinks she’s a ninja and in fact, she was sent to the K.D.P. for carrying two swords in public. The werefrog giantess is unpredictable and doesn’t get along well with other monsters. She’s been know to use her long tongue to snatch up any humans that get too close to her. Name: Cassandra Adams Species: Werebat Height: 500ft Appearance: A giant hourglass shaped purple furred werebat resembling a vampire bat with long silvery hair. For clothes she wears a striped shirt and skirt that are meant for children and are noticeably tight on her taller body. Description: Cassandra is an adult Werebat with the mental and emotional level of a 5 year old, making her unpredictable and extremely dangerous to humans. If she sees you in her cell she’ll most likely mistake you for a toy or candy as she does with many humans she sees. They say her personality is the result of a head injury and she was a construction worker before she was put in the K.D.P. Name: Mira Clay Species: Golem Height: 950ft Appearance: A gigantic golem girl made out of purple clay. Very apelike in body design with a muscular build. Description: Mira is one of the five Psychos from Monster Shores. She is afraid the sky will come crashing down on her head and the paranoid golem is always hiding underneath something. Unfortunately, Mira is one of only two patient in the entire K.D.P. you know of who isn’t a predator, making her one of only five monsters in the institute you’re sure won’t try and eat you. Name: Phoebe Ordain Species: Phoenix Harpy Height: 500ft Appearance: A giant hourglass shaped harpy with a beaked face and bright red feathers all over her body. She has messy hair and wears khaki pants with a black A-shirt. Description: Phoebe is a pyromaniac from Monster Shores who has caused the most damage of all the patients that escape. The harpy’s entire dialogue consists of insane laughter and you’ve even seen her set humans on fire before eating them. You usually see her with a psychotic grin on her beak. Name: Onihime Momotaro Species: Ogre Height: 700ft Appearance: A chubby navy skinned ogress with long gray hair and several horns sticking out of her head. Resembles a Japanese oni. For clothes, she wears a zebra striped loincloth and bra. Description: Onihime was in a car accident that took away her short term memory. She can barely even remember who own name and forgets everything she learns almost immediately. Unfortunately one of the things she forgot was that she was friendly around humans and has regressed into a predator. Name: Victoria Yuri Milkovich Species: Slavic Dragon Height: 1000ft Appearance: An enormous and bald three headed orange skinned European dragoness. Victoria is morbidly obese (moreso than Diana) to the point of immobility. Description: An O.C. of the 12th Doctor. Victoria's center head has a superiority complex, her left head has a god complex and her right head has an inferiority complex. She sees other monsters as her servants and was sent to the KDP because of her insane ego. While she eats a lot, Victoria considers humans to be beneath her and not worth her time and will never eat one. Not to be confused with the Victoria in Monster Slopes. Name: Lacy Wilson Teller Species: Gremlin Height: 500 ft. Appearance: Lacy has green skin, brown eyes, and black hair in a ponytail. She has the big pointed ears and sharp teeth typical of a gremlin. She has an hourglass shape with beefy arms. Description: An OC by the 12th Doctor. Lacy is in the KDP for one very bizarre fact: she thinks she's a character in an interactive story on a site called Writing.com. Nobody knows why she does this. All they know is that she "talks to the readers" all the time. She also comments on "story ideas" and "cliches" a lot. No one likes being around her, so she is usually kept seperate. The only normal thing about her is her mechanical skills, which are very good, befitting of a germlin. (As you can tell, Lacy will be breaking the 4th wall.) Block B Name: Hazel Hamill Species: Wereskunk Height: 375ft Appearance: A large pear shaped skunk woman with white markings on her face and pale green hair that stands out among her black and white fur. Hazel wears a purple straightjacket that has been unbuckled and sports red lipstick along with a permanent slasher smile on her face. Description: Hazel is a failed monster comedian who switched to a crueler sense of humor and started attacking people with strange pranks that nearly got several monsters killed. Hazel’s twisted penchant for dark jokes hasn’t faltered since she was put in the K.D.P. She’s dangerously to both other monsters and humans and loves to spray humans with her toxic skunk mist, the last time she sprayed you the stench nearly killed you. If Charlene hadn’t taken you out of there, Hazel would’ve eaten you. Name: Artemis Montague Species: Python Height: 700ft Appearance: A titanic wingless dragon resembling a purple python snake with arms, legs and horns. Has a pear shaped figure as far as snakes go and also has long white hair. She wears a primrose colored bathing suit. Description: Artemis is a recovering alcoholic who is staying at the institute to try and become sober. Unfortunately the python giantess is being eaten up inside by the withdrawal and if she cannot satisfy her thirst, she will go after anything that seems remotely edible, including humans. Name: Jen Handel Species: Haniver Height: 300ft Appearance: An hourglass shaped monster resembling a humanoid manta ray with blue skin and white spots. She also has messy black hair and wears a lab coat with a purple domino mask and goggles. Description: Jen is one of six monsters that originally appeared in Monster Shores. Due to a head injury, she thinks she’s a Sci Fi mad scientist named Dr. Saturday and is out to conquer Terrordale. She’s built all sorts of weird inventions to escape and she’s the hardest for the lifeguards to catch because she can fly and breath underwater. Jen either uses humans to test her inventions of mayhem or simply grabs one for a quick snack. Name: Phoenicia Splash Species: Hippocampus Height: 680ft Appearance: A white skinned monster resembling an obese anthromorphic horse with fins for ears, the scales of a fish, gills on her neck, a fish’s tail and a large fin on her back like a sailfish. Phoenicia has pale blue hair and wears nothing more than a purple bikini. Description: Phoenicia is the type of monster that’s only comfortable in sub zero temperatures and was admitted because her air conditioners caused a blackout in her apartment building. Since she isn’t really an ice based monster, Sable’s mindset is really bizarre. Unsurprisingly Phoenicia is a predatory beast when it comes to humans. In fact, the last human patient in the K.D.P. perished in her stomach. She’s also cousins with Aqua, the kelpie from Monster Arms, but she hates being confused for a kelpie. Name: Eunice Dent Species: Spriggan Height: 300ft Appearance: An hourglass shaped fairy with a grotesque looking face and white hair. Her body is vertically split colored; one half of her skin is red while the other half is blue and she has one blue butterfly’s wing while the other is red. For clothing she wears a tunic that’s colored the same as her skin. Description: Eunice is another of the returning monsters from Monster Shores. She suffers from split personalities that can change instantly. One of her personalities is nice and sweet while the other personality is angry, violent and prone to punching other monsters between the legs regardless of gender. The lifeguards don’t know it, but Eunice will eat humans due to her split personality. In fact, she accused her human boyfriend of cheating on her and ate him without realizing it. Name: Core Kurotori Species: Karasu-Tengu Height: 450ft Appearance: An obese monster resembling a giant crow with indigo colored hair worn in a Japanese style bun. For clothing she wears a fuchsia colored kimono. Description: Core is an incurable kleptomaniac. She loves shiny objects and was sent to the K.D.P. because she kept taking random shiny objects of different value that didn’t belong to her. Like you, she was originally going to be sent to Under Gloom, but unlike you it is clear something is wrong with her. Core is also a compulsive eater and will unconsciously devour any human that comes near her, even if she was having a friendly conservation with said human merely seconds ago. Name: Hadie Species: Hellhound Height: 750ft Appearance: A giant voluptuous hellhound with crimson fur and dark red hair reaching past her shoulders. Description: An addition by Infinitebull. Hadie is a hellhound who thinks she is a cerberus with two missing heads and has multiple personality disorder. Her normal personality when her head is facing forward is rational while her left personality is abrasive and her right personality is extremely cautious. As a result she tends to talk and argue with herself. Name: Ayu Li Carvonis Species: Hantu Tetek Height: 750ft Appearance: Very pretty with long blue hair covering her face, grey eyes, cement grey skin, wears a white tee shirt with black jeans. She is slender but has gargantuan breasts that seem to be growing every day though you don't know why Appearance: An OC of the 12th Doctor. Ayu has a form of body dismorphia, where she thinks her breasts are not big enough even though they are gargantuan. So she always tries to make them bigger. She is friendly towards Sylvia and, while she won't eat her, she will put her in her mouth if Sylvia needs to hide from someone. Has a crush on Charlene, but knows about her and Gail, so she tries to get Charlene to dump her due to Gail eating humans. Block C Name: Mandy Hale Species: Flying Pig Height: 550ft Appearance: A fat purple skinned pig giantess with long black hair and a mole on her cheek. Mandy also sports a pair of wings covered in fuchsia feathers. She mainly wears a pink shirt and white skirt with a black jacket but in her opinion she’d look good in anything. Description: Mandy is the vainest monster you’ve ever met. She’s as narcissistic as a peacock and can’t stand anyone who she thinks might be more beautiful than her. The pig giantess tends to snatch up humans to ask if they think she’s beautiful and if she thinks they’re lying or if they tell her she’s ugly, she eats them. Mandy especially doesn’t like the idea that a human woman could be prettier than her and might just eat you for fun. Name: Natasha Bailey Species: Drider Height: 550ft Appearance: A giant Caucasian woman with the lower body of a black widow spider. Natasha has long red hair and dresses up in a captain’s jacket and tricorne like a pirate. Description: Natasha is one of six psychos that originated from Monster Shores. She has a delusion that she’s a pirate and is one of the more violent patients as a result. Whenever she breaks out, Natasha tries to rob and assault people. The lifeguards at the beach don’t know it, but Natasha likes to trap humans in spider webs before eating them. She doesn’t get along well with Ranru at all. Name: Eartha Rockbottom Species: Gargoyle Height: 900ft Appearance: A pear shaped obese gargoyle girl with whitish green skin and long blonde hair. Typically wears a white loincloth and shirt with fishnet stockings. Description: Eartha is a belligerent French gargoyle who doesn’t get along well with other monsters and suffers from Tourette Syndrome. She was admitted because she was given a court order for anger management. Unlike other gargoyles, Eartha is extremely dangerous to humans. A human kid played mean spirited pranks on her before she was admitted and because of this, she has an insatiable appetite for humans and especially loves eating human children. Name: Amalthea Delast Species: Unicorn Height: 700ft Appearance: An obese pink and white striped unicorn with a bright long horn and long purple and white mane flowing down to her butt. For clothing she wears a gray toga. Description: Amalthea is a depressed unicorn who has never seen another member of her species in her life. Since unicorns are rare even in the monster world, Amalthea is convinced she’s the last of her kind and was admitted because her neighbors saw her trying to kill herself. Dr. West is trying to cure her of her pessimism, but Amalthea is the only unicorn in the tri-city area. Just because she’s a unicorn doesn’t mean she isn’t dangerous because she sees humans as comfort food and one time when she was in England, she ate hundreds of people. Name: Allegra Flat Species: Siren Height: 475ft Appearance: A caramel skinned giantess resembling a Latina woman with long black hair and blue eyes, but with black scaly legs like a fish, gills on her neck and gray feathers growing on her arms. Wears nothing but an open blue jacket that only hides her nipples. Description: Despite being a siren, Allegra doesn’t think that she is at all beautiful because she’s never been able to entrance a man with her song. The siren girl is convinced she’s ugly and hates herself. Unfortunately this also makes her dangerous to you because Allegra believes that eating human girls will make her beautiful. She was in fact admitted after eating thirty swimmers at Miami beach. Name: Jessie West Species: Questing Beast Height: 675ft Appearance: A purple and gold colored monster with the head of a snake and the body of a leopard. Very muscular in appearance and never wears clothes. Has tribal markings painted on her face. Description: Jessie is a feral monster that acts more like a wild beast than any of the civilized monsters. She was found by Dr. West as a child in the jungle and brought to the K.D.P. Unlike the other patients, Jessie is considered to be Kaguya’s daughter and she will only listen to Dr. West. As well as trying to civilize her, Dr. West is trying to break Jessie of her human eating habits. Name: Kelly Michaels Species: Wood Elemental Height: 788 ft. Appearance: Kelly's body is completely made of Redwood bark. She has green leaves in the form of short hair and brown eyes. Kelly has a slight hourglass figure. Her feet resemble roots, though she is mobile. The left side of Kelly's face is horribly burned, giving her face a split appearance. Description: An OC of the 12th Doctor. Kelly is suffering from a delusion that the world has been completely destroyed in a nuclear war, and that she is the only survivor. Due to this, she believes that everyone in the KDP is a ghost or hallucination. No one knows how this delusion started, but the burned half of her face may be part of it. She has made up her cell to be a fallout shelter, and is hoarding supplies to "survive". Since she thinks Sylvia is a ghost, she sees no point in eating her. Block D Name: Avery Species: Chimera Height: 300ft Appearance: A 27 year old chimera resembling a human with sharks fins and a tail, suction cups all over her arms like an octopus. She is also part yuki-onna and has ice powers as a result. What you find unusual is that her mother is a pure landshark. Description: An addition by UltimateNeo from Monster Shores. Avery is generally friendly but she goes into a fury and yells “Musha, musha, MUSHA!” whenever she sees blood. She started going insane when she was 12 and a human friend of hers died. Like Mira she’s one of only two patients in the K.D.P. who doesn’t eat humans. Despite her small size, she’s capable of pile driving monsters more than twice her size. In fact, you’ve even seen her toss around that fat gargoyle girl lifeguard who usually brings in the escapees. She is also able to turn invisible and generates a icy chill wherever she is. Name: Nicole McBain Species: Nuckelavee Height: 500ft Appearance: A crimson red humanoid horse with no skin and exposed muscles with yellow veins and scars all over her body. Hourglass shaped with no eyelids or lips. Nicole also has long gray hair and mainly wears a gray A-shirt and khaki pants. Description: Nicole is an incurable masochist who was sent to the K.D.P. by her boyfriend after she kept torturing herself in ways too grizzly to describe. Nicole gets off on pain to the point of swallowing humans carrying weapons and allowing Phoebe to set her on fire. That crazy horse woman has inflicted every scar all over her already gruesome looking body and you’re terrified of what she’d have planned for you. Name: Mercy Ford Species: Lich Height: 325ft Appearance: An hourglass shaped grayish green skinned zombie with part of her lip missing and long brown hair in ringlets with one white highlight. Mercy wears a yellow dress with a hoop skirt and white gloves that have become worn out from hundreds of years in the ground. Description: Mercy is the zombie of a Southern Belle who lived in the time of the wild west. She died in her sleep and after centuries in the grave, she still hasn’t realized she’s dead. Mercy in fact thinks that the K.D.P. is a hotel and doesn’t know she’s been admitted. In fact, she thinks the other monsters are people wearing costumes. Mercy doesn’t know you’re human and thinks you’re a type of insect used as a delicacy in her new area, one that she’s grown fond of. Name: Paula Stargazer Species: Cyclops Height: 700ft Appearance: An obese rose skinned Cyclops with long blonde hair that looks like its graying due to her age. Mainly wears a black maid’s outfit from her job before she was admitted. Description: Paula is an cyclops with an extreme case of O.C.D. Everything in her house had to be arranged a specific way or she’d have a fit. Somewhat of a neat freak in that regard. She’s one of those monsters that considers humans to be vermin because they were always getting in her house and leaving footprints. But this doesn’t mean she won’t eat them, except she prefers to wash them first. She’s also the mother of Irene from Monster Arms and Irene visits Paula once a week. Thankfully Irene doesn’t share her mom’s appetite for humans. Name: Taylor Claw Species: Stymphalian Bird Height: 700ft Appearance: A fat bird with the face of a falcon and gold metallic feathers as sharp as knives. She has long bluish balck hair with sapphire eyes and wears a yellow jogging outfit with black highlights and a pair of black pearl earrings. Description: No one is sure exactly what is mentally wrong with Taylor but it’s implied that it’s something bad. She never speaks to anyone and instead communicates via morse code by stomping her talons on the ground. Taylor eats humans but unlike the other monsters, she prefers to chew because she has a hobby of making jewelry out of the bones of every human she’s ever devoured and sells them to the other patients. Name: Missy Kremlin Species: Weregator Height: 800ft Appearance: A giant and chubby weregator with long scarlet hair and scars all over her body. Missy’s scales are permanently bright red from every human she’s ever eaten. For clothing she wears a suit of silver armor that has also been stained with human blood. Description: Missy is a veteran of a monster war that took place decades ago and she’s still haunted by memories of the war, which is why she never takes off her armor. She’s violent towards the other patients and has even attacked the orderlies through her war flashback induced panic attacks. Unfortunately for you, she loves to eat humans so much that her skin and armor have been permanently stained with human blood. Name: Amara Species: Werepanther Height: 400ft Appearance: A petit-figured werepanther with black fur and yellow eyes. Description: An addition by Oregulus. Amara is a werepanther with extreme paranoia. As a teenager she was betrayed by her friends and now at 22 she has severe trust issues with her fellow monsters. She will only trust a select few such as Dr. West. But surprisingly this mistrust doesn't extend to humans. But she might see humans as food. Name: Mala Drake Tarek Species: Baku Height: 700 ft. Story: Monster Bedlam Appearance: Mala resembles a tapir, with a long nose, white hair, grey eyes, and a white spot on her back. She is morbidly obese, to the point of near total immobility. Personality: Mala is incredibly dumb. However, this lack of intelligence comes with an interesting ability: she is so dumb, she can ignore the laws of reality. She seems to inhabit her own little corner of reality, able to do what she want. Name: Méishénme (alias, real name forgotten) Species: Qilin Height: 950 ft. Appearance: Méishénme has naturally grey hair and grey eyes. Her body is covered in dull yellow scales. She has deer hooves for feet. Her body is fairly athletic, but she has enormous breasts due to an unbreakable curse, being slightly large then Ayu. Description: An OC of the 12th Doctor. Méishénme is a complete nihilist. She believes that all we do is pointless, and that concepts like life and death, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, have no meaning. She believes that everything will eventually become dust and forgotten, like her last name. Being immortal, she had to watch people age and die and whole civilizations collapse and be lost to time. Her one and only attempt at magic resulted in an unbreakable curse that made her breasts never stop growing. She stays in her cell all day. She sees no purpose in eating humans. Rules All monsters are giants, 300 feet is the minimum height. No Mutate, Mecha or Human giants. Keep interaction with male monsters to a minimum. Please no Male Preds or any interaction with Male Giant privates! I thought I didn't have to say it! Also keep interaction with underage monsters to a minimum. Kerry is an exception because she’s also a patient. No toilet stuff. Nothing heavily sexual. I want this story as clean as possible. This is a mental hospital, not a prison. If you add a new patient, they have to have something wrong with them. Try not to end the story too soon Crossovers with Monster Shores and Monster Slopes are not only allowed but encouraged. Please don’t go overboard with anything sexual. The patients can escape and wind up in the human world. This is meant to be like a kaiju story. Paragraphs must be at least 2 paragraphs unless they’re option chapters. Have Fun |