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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Fanfiction · #1960276
The Anthro women of loony Toons franchise start eating for love,laughs,and for pleasure.
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Chapter #5

La Grande Révélation

    by: WritersBlockhead Author IconMail Icon
Pepé & Penelope’s intimate feeding routines have continued for several months now. Which, needless to say, has substantially affected her figure.

Pepé had arranged a morning picnic for them in the woods, which was also an opportunity to find more herbs for new perfumes. “Zis seems like a nice spot, ah heard zere are quite ze odiferous flowers here to pluck” Pepé says, looking at his floral guidebook. “PANT, LE PANT, I’m sure zere, PANT, are” Penelope says, panting behind him. Their sessions have literally and figuratively greatly impacted her figure, her arms and legs growing exceptionally thick and flabby, her face growing so chubby it manages to merge with her neck, hidden underneath the rolls formed around her shoulders. Her belly grown so big, it basically overshadows her knees. At this point, Penelope’s grown obese to the point she almost manages to resemble a sphere. Which was utilized a bit when she suggested Pepé rolled her to the picnic. He was afraid she’d be embarrassed, but figured it was better than the EXTREMELY brisk walk she’d have to take there. But proceeded to walk once they reached.

“Phew, I need to PANT sit down” Penelope said, dropping herself onto her bottom. THOOOM!!! The force causing a SMALL tremor near Pepé. “Whoa!! Now now, madame. I recommend you sit a bit more gently next time” he said. “I’m PANT sorry. I just PANT needed to PANT rest for a while PANT” she replied, in between pants. Her belly then began to grumble loudly in impatience. “When are we going to eat? I am hankering for ze sustenance as we speak!” Penelope whined. “Patience, madame. I will get back as soon as I have collected enough of ze fluers for today’s batch. In ze meantime, why don’t you relax? Observe ze natural surroundings for a while.” he told her before going deeper into the woods for ingredients.

Meanwhile, Penelope sat around and observed, waiting for Pepé. She felt the warm rays of the sun shine on her and lay in contentment, stretching and purring as she rested in the sunlight. “I’m already pretty warm with much of ze insulation, but a little rest under ze sun is always a pleasure for us cats” As she enjoyed her solar slumber, a pair of squirrels carrying acorns scurried beside her. “Oh my, ze mountains are a bit close today, eh baby?” the husband joked at his wife, giggling mischievously. Penelope opened an eye, slightly annoyed by his impudent remark. “Ugh, such manners some people have”. His wife, annoyed as well, removes the cupule of her acorn, slams the nut over his head, and hits it with a twig. Causing him to drop his acorn and vibrate heavily to the oscillation. The wife throws the nut away and holds his hand, dragging his quivering body away with her. Penelope chuckled at the small gag she has witnessed.

Though, she cannot disagree with his acknowledgment of her size. “I mean, I suppose he is right. I have become très mountainous over ze months” Penelope realized in slight embarrassment. “Oh my, I lost too much time for ze workouts. But I suppose it is fine. I uhhh, can just..hope I’ll get to it next time, heh” she tried to reassure herself.

“I am back, my little pumpkin” Pepé called, hopping back in a bunny suit. “Why are you wearing a bunny suit?” Penelope questioned. “Oh, ze nice rabbit gives it to moi since it is “Dirty Skunk Season”” he replied, not helping Penny’s bewilderment. “Anyway, you know what time it is now?” Pepé said, taking off his costume. “Num nums for ze tum tums~?” she said seductively. “Indeed” Pepé replied, setting up the picnic next to her. She took a few tries sitting up, facing difficulty due to her massive stomach in the way. Wheezing from the amount of effort it took when she finally did. “It is...it is fine, let us continue with our meal” she said nervously. Penelope’s appetite had grown to the point of Pepé having to bring an extra basket for her. Pepé took some time to finish his sandwiches first, consisting mostly of honey and jam. After which, he began to feed Penelope her sandwiches of assorted fish and meats. Pepé wanted a bite, but was afraid she would insist all of the sandwiches belonged to her, so didn’t bother asking.
Pepé took a tuna sandwich out of the basket “Open wide, madame” Pepé said. “You do not have to tell me once” Penelope replied, giggling. He fed her the sandwich, Penelope pleasurably savoring the meal. “Mmmm~, zat is good!” she replied. “Well who says it has to finish zere?” Pepé said, taking out a mackerel one this time. He fed her for minutes, surprised she was able to take on so much at this point.

As he reached the final trout sandwich, he started to feel...apprehensive. “Huh? Why have you stopped?” Penelope asked in confusion. Pepé stood silent for a few seconds longer before speaking.

“Penelope, darling. Please tell me how you have not noticed” Pepé said, growing serious. “Noticed what?” Penelope said, confused. “All of...zis!! How absolutely enormé you have become!! And especially how easily tired you are getting from doing ze simple tasks! Zis has been silently bothering moi over ze past few months, but ah was too afraid I would...offend you. But no more. Madame, as your lover, I must assure you to lose all of zis mass you have acquired!”

Penelope was silent, shocked of how Pepé kept focus on this but kept his mouth shut to avoid bothering her. “I...I guess I must. I just kept...forgetting. I was too focused on making sure I still...like you” she replied. “You...do not like me?” Pepé said, growing disheartened. “What? No no no no no! I-I do! I just...wanted to keep it zat way.” she reassured.

“Pepé, do you remember zat hotdog you gave to console moi at ze park? I thought zat...if I let you feed moi for every meal we had togezzér, it would atone for my previous feelings towards you. I guess I...got a bit carried away, yes?” she said somewhat embarrassed.

“Baby, at this rate what WOULD carry you away?” Pepé remarked. “PEPÉ!!” Penelope retorted, albeit through breaths of embarrassed yet amused laughter. “Okay okay, pardon, madame, hehe” he said. “But I will be honest, zat is ze most ridiculous plan I have ever heard someone make for love. And zis is coming from moi.”

“I guess it WAS pretty stupid” Penelope agreed, nervously giggling while scratching the back of her head. “But I promise, I will try and lose all of zis weight first thing tomorrow.”

“Oh, but what is ze rush~?” Pepé asked, seductively. “Although I was concerned, a part of moi had grown quite, I could say, fond of your...softened figure~”

“W-w...what!?” Penelope said, flustered and confused. “I do not know, i just found that ze softer you grew, ze more...cuddly, you have become~” he said, proceeding to rub her belly.

giggles “Oh, Le Pew, you naughty little thing~” she replied flatteredly. “You know what, maybe I SHOULD hold zis back a couple more days. I suppose it isn’t so bad being a big, cuddly butterball for a while longer. At least YOU still love me, yes~? And you have acres and acres of moi to love now~” she said, giggling and rubbing her immense belly seductively.

“Oh, zat I do. And I absolutely adore it” he says, hugging her softened form. giggles “Oh, le purrr~” Penelope purred pleasurably, her body jiggling to the vibrations. “Oh, you make quite ze massage mattress, baby” Pepé remarked. giggles “You are free to rest on moi for one whenever you like” she replied, resting her arms behind her head.

“Well, I guess it is time we left. I have all ze ingredients for my latest mix” Pepé said, carrying two baskets of flowers in one hand. “You wouldn’t mind carrying one for me, right baby?”
“I may be big, but I am not a sumo wrestler. It is already somewhat hard walking back like zis carrying nothing” Penelope giggled.
“Fair point” Pepé replied. “Hey, I have heard zere is zis eating contest going on at this newly opened restaurant a few days ago. Care to participate~?
“Hohohoho, ah think it is time I did a bit of eating on my own once again, yes?” Penelope said, licking her lips and patting her belly.
“Oh, ah hope you win my hungry little honeybee” Pepé said, leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek, making her giggle. “Little? Have you not seen how immense Ah have become, Lew Pew?” she replied. “Well, I am a skunk. Our eyesight isn’t exactly ze clearest. How else could ah not tell you weren’t amongst us? Ze least ah could see was your stripe and your beautiful, beautiful face~” Penelope giggled in flattery. “Which I fortunately have much more to admire now” Penelope laughed as Pepé pinched one of her chubby cheeks. “Oh stop it, Le Pew” she says. “Stop being so adorably humongous madame” he replied. “You were ze one who did zis to moi” she said. “You were ze one who made moi with your ridiculous, apologetic scheme of relationship maintenance” he said. giggles “Touché” she replied.

“But ah do still hope to lose all zis eventually” said Penelope. “I will be glad to assist you with zat, madame. But again, why waste such a lovely, gourmandise figure right away?” replied Pepé. giggles “I suppose we could wait a bit before zen, but I’m ONLY doing zis because I love you” she replied cheekily. “Besides, ah have a contest to demolish” she said in a seductive yet intimidating tone, holding out pieces of cutlery. “And ah have gained a bit of ze extra capacity from our experiences, no?” she said, her moderate burp shortly after proving her claim, followed by a giggle. “Hohoho, I hope you scrape zem clean, madame” Pepé supported her. “Oh ah guarantee you will be très amazed, Pepé. Now let’s go, I’m already getting hungry~” she said, followed by a deep, mischievous chuckle.


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