Chapter #5Reach For the Stars by: Unknown This addition originally by Nameless One.
Rena sighed as she sat on her couch, bored out of her mind; all the chores where done and she had nothing, absolutely nothing to do....or so she thought...
[If you're that bored, I might be able to help.]
Rena awkwardly leaped out of her couch and fell to the ground, the fur on the back of her hair raised in shock."GAH! W-who's there?!? Show yourself!" Rena demanded, while rubbing her head.
[I'm afraid that's not possible, considering I don't have a physical body.]
Rena thought for a moment."Are...are you God?"Rena could hear a slight chuckle that seemed to come from her own head.
[No, no, not at all. But you could say that I often work for Him. But that's beside the point; I'm here to offer an opportunity.]
"What kind of opportunity? You're not asking me to do something illegal, are you?"
[Of course not; we don't do things that way. In fact, I'm asking quite the opposite. I'm offering the chance to do some real exchange for continuous rewards?]
[Yes. See, there are hundreds...maybe thousands... of people like you around the world chosen to follow orders from a higher place. And the effects can have great value on society and prevent awful misfortunes from happening. While I'm sure you're a good egg, and would probably accept to help out anyway, we can only give you this opportunity in return for a favor; it's our way to compensate for you trouble.]
"Well...I guess that's awfully nice of you....assuming I haven't gone insane just now."
Rena heard another chuckle.
[Oh, no, I assure you that you are quite right in the mind, otherwise I wouldn't have been allowed to choose you.]
" if I perform some tasks for you, you'll reward me each time."
[Yes, at least until you think you've been rewarded enough. Of course, if you still want to continue to help us, that's fine too but expect at least one reward first.]
"You keep talking about some kind of reward; what is it?"
[That depends on what you desire the most...I'm now searching your heart....oh my. Well, I suppose I can't blame you; you mortals do tend to place a lot of value on physical appearances….]
"Blame me for what?" Rena said, starting to get a little irritated. It wasn't every day that someone started hearing random voices in their head…and wait a sec, did the voice called her ugly!?!
[Apparently, if you agree to help us, you will be rewarded with a larger cup size each time.]
"What are you...oh, you're perverse!" Rena said, crossing her arms and blushing.[Am I? Or are you tired of your own body type? I've search your heart and you desire to be noticed a bit more....and it seems you envy your friends….and certain strangers… in fact, this seems to be a hidden desire of yours for quite some time.]
Rena couldn't help but blush even is true; she always wished she was a bit larger there but this whole thing was....
"...let's say I believe you...which I don't...what is it you want me to do?"
[That depends on multiple factors; whatever is needed at the moment. Will you agree to help us?]
Rena wasn't sure what to do. It would be nice to be...busty for once...but strange voices claiming to serve a higher power and offering free breast enhancements don't just appear out of thin air....or do they?
"One more question. Let's say I believe you and you keep making my chest bigger and bigger. Won't I have problems walking around later or...?"
[We can stop enlarging at any time, although I will probably ask that you still help out; I'm sure once you have your fun, you'll discover that helping others is its own reward, whether or not they are aware of your actions. However, this is all done by supernatural means. No matter how large you become, your chest will always be light as a feather to you. You will always be able to move freely without difficulty or pain in your back or neck. You'll even be able to lift them yourself using only your hands. However, you should be aware that to everyone and everything else, they will be rather heavy, so try to keep that in mind. In any case, you will have no need to fear becoming too large to move and whenever you think you are large enough all up to you. Now that I have answered your question, you can answer mine; will you help us?]
"Sure, why not?" Rena shrugged. "If nothing happens, then I'll know I need psychological help."
[I assure you, something WILL happen. Do you have a mode of transportation?]
"I...have a bike right now. And I can run fast too."
[That'll do. Given the odd nature of your desire, I plan to give you enough time to react even if you must be on foot. I want you to go to the following address.]
The mysterious voice led Rena until she was in front of a retirement home."What, you want me to visit old people?" Rena asked, not sure what she was getting herself into.
[While that would be an admirable act of charity, you are here with a far more important task. Go around the side of the building until you see a door facing opposite of a trash bin.]
Rena did as she asked and noticed that she was lead to a service door."I'm not sure about this. It says employees only. And I'm sure it's locked."
[It's unlocked and no one is around. Open it and turn right.]
Rena did as she was asked.
[See that closet? Open it and you'll see a little knob in the wall. Turn it counter clock-wise until it's tight.]
Rena did as she was told and wrinkled her nose at a very unpleasant stench. "Oh, gawd, something smells awful!"
[That's because it's leaking cooking gas.]
[Keep your voice down! Now, go back to the doorway and be sure to pull the fire alarm.]
"Are you-?"
[No time to argue, do it or you might get caught!]
Rena raced for the door, being sure to pull the alarm as she headed out.
[Find your bike quickly and head back home. Don't worry, if you hurry no one will notice you.]
After one panicked bike ride, Rena was exhausted. Sitting on her couch, Rena was wondering if she did anything of value at all or if she was just going insane afterall."So, was there a point to all this or are you just some figment of my imagination?" Rena asked, crossing her arms.
[If I was just a figment of your imagination, how was I able to tell you there was a gas leak at that retirement home? Did you even KNOW it was there before I met you?]
"Well...some people are...psychic...or something...I seen weird stuff like this on TV once before!"
[Can psychics do this to themselves?]
No sooner had the voice stopped speaking, Rena felt a warm sensation coming from her chest. She gasped and was afraid she might be having a heart attack but...she didn't felt any pain at all. Instead, she could feel something pressing against the skin of her chest...from the inside! She groan with pleasure as she grabbed her chest and began to instinctively rub at it, feeling it starting to swell in her hands and pulling on her almost skin tight shirt. By the time it was over, Rena was starting down at two healthy CC cups, raising the front of her shirt just over her belly button and forming two solid round lumps on her chest."W-what is this?!? Is this for real?!" she exclaimed, still a gasped at what happened.
[Did I not tell you it was? And yes, you did accomplish some good back there. One of the staff members tends to smoke when no one is looking and he has long lost his sense of smell. That gas has been slowly building up since last night and had he lit up, there would have been an explosion that would have not only turn him into a charred skeleton, but start a fire that would have eventually engulf the entire complex. The loss of life would have been devastating. Can you imagine all the people who would have lost their parents or grandparents? I'll have you know that aside from that little safety hazard back there, that happens to be one of the nicer retirement homes around here; people who are placed there aren't forgotten by their loved ones. I already know the outcome of this situation, as I’m able to see different possibilities and determine which is more likely. There will be an investigation. Safety rules will be outline better and followed more strictly. The man who would have smoke will lose his job but he will examine his life and find better, and I should also say, more competent employment down the road. Instead of death, you have, in the shadows, help bring this to a better conclusion. And I'll say that the growth on your chest is proof of that. Now, I know I promised only one cup per task but considering you were so small before, I wanted to make sure you noticed. Do you want to continue your growth and help us?]
"YES! Yes! Oh, I’m going to be HUGE! No one will ever call me flat again! heh heh, and I can do some good too, right?" Rena nervously laughed.
[No need to be ashamed; there was a reason we offer rewards. Your next task will bring you to a D cup. I want you to go to a...]  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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