This choice: Celestia Confronts Luna Right Away • Go Back... Celestia stood up and put your cage on her back. "I might as well confront Luna about this now, before the day's business starts. There is much to do today, and I can't just leave you to sulk in there alone all day." She takes off at a brisk trot from her chambers and down the hall, passing a few guards and staff along the way. A few raise an eyebrow at seeing a caged, tiny human on Celestia's back, but nobody asks questions.
A short time later, she arrives at black-painted double doors, opening the giant doors with her magic. You find Luna's luxurious private chamber--easily as big as a stadium to you, much like Celestia's--and Luna herself pacing about rifling through papers, a worried and strangely guilty look on her face. She sees Celestia and rushes toward her, relief on her voice.
"Sister, you still have the human! We were worried you had sent them to that other world..." A small stack of parchment covered in complex diagrams and equations floated up, cast in her magic. The ink looked fresh, like Luna had just written them. "There is an urgent matter regarding the human--"
"You've been indulging that spell far too much, Lulu. Snatching these poor humans away to be your's happening much too often, even if you do let them go." Celestia cuts in sternly. You see Luna wince. "At first, with the children you brought here, it was innocent--cute, even. You spaced it out, to make each time unique. But soon it was a new confused human every night--I couldn't sleep with the roughhousing you got up to sometimes!"
"Yes, but... the time we took turns sitting on the bank robbers WAS fun," Luna says sheepishly.
"Yes, it was--I'll give you that," Celestia admits, her stern tone breaking into a giggle. The sisters share a laugh, and when Celestia speaks, she's far calmer. "But my point stands: you'll have to stop using that spell completely for a good while--don't worry, you may still visit their dreams, but subtly this time. I'll let you teleport humans here again eventually, but only on occasion. Is that fair?"
Luna sighs, nodding and giving Celestia a nuzzle. "Very well 'Tia, it is reasonable."
"Good. I'll be sending this human home, and taking your notes on the spell--"
"Wait! Do not send them there!" Luna interrupts, her smile gone. She looks at you with a sudden sadness, producing her notes again. "I've discovered something troubling. This human is different than the others we played with, 'Tia. When We cast the spell, the magic felt...different, than previous castings. At first We thought nothing of it. We assumed Our catch was from the world where Sunset Shimmer now lives; that after We had had Our fun, We could simply send them back through the portal like the others. But..." She bit her lip, looking between you and Celestia guiltily.
So that confirmed it: Luna had been snatching humans from the Canterlot High world for some playtime, then sending them back unharmed once she was done. You wondered what Sunset thought of the "Giant Pony Abduction" stories that must have been all over the news in that world.
Celestia's look softens. She nuzzles Luna's head, smiling. "It's alright, Luna. Just tell me."
Luna took a deep breath and looked her sister in the eye. "We were curious about the teleportation spell feeling different. Shortly after you took the human, We tested the spell--not to take anything else, just to examine the flow of the magic." Her expression went dead serious. "Sister, We discovered why the magic felt odd: <i>it went wrong</i>. Through a tiny fluke, the connection established was NOT to Sunset's world." She looks at you, crestfallen. "The human we took are not from that world. This time, without Our intent, the spell reached a world Eqqus* has never known." She slumps, gazing at the floor. "There is no portal or natural link back to that world; no link like the Mirror Portal. Until We can find what went wrong with the spell and duplicate the inadvertent link...the human is trapped here."
....Trapped? You were stuck in a giant-sized Equestria, for who knows how long? Your legs give and you fall on your rear, hitting the metal floor hard enough for it to hurt. No, this was NOT good.
Seeing your distress, Luna hangs her head in shame, not daring to look at Celestia. The two are silent for a moment, Luna staring at the floor while Celestia remains unreadable, eyes flicking between Luna and your cage. After a pause, Celestia smiles and leans down to nuzzle Luna. "What's done is done, Little Sister. There is no need to lament what cannot be changed. Besides, it was an accident--a fluke of magic you couldn't control.
"So, are you <i>sure</i> we should not send them to Sunset? Being around other humans might be easier to adjust to, if their stay here is lengthy."
Luna shakes her head. "No, 'Tia. That would be most unwise."
"When we examined the spell, we also no shrinking component added to the teleportation, as with bringing humans from the...correct world." Luna gives you an apologetic shrug. "Whatever world or universe our guest hails from is NATURALLY small. They would be as tiny in Sunset's world as here."
The idea of being surrounded by giant high schoolers was...unappealing. To say the ABSOLUTE least. You shake your head fervently, making both mares chuckle.
"Well, I suppose that option is out,"Celestia muses, "But that raises another question, one we must answer quickly--I have a busy day ahead of me, and I'm already behind schedule." Her horn glows and your cage is lifted off her back to the floor, at her and Luna's hooves. They lie on their bellies, one on each side, and lean in close. Having two giant smiling faces so close to you is quite intimidating, and you can't help but scoot back.
"If not in Sunset's, where should they stay?" Celestia asks rhetorically. "With us, perhaps? But after what we learned today..."
"That might be awkward," Luna finishes, smiling guilty and giving you an apologetic look. "But perhaps We should let the human choose? We owe them that courtesy and more, given the circumstances."
She had a point. Celestia evidentiary agreed, looking at you expectantly.
So, who will you stay with?
* Eqqus: My name for the Planet Equestria is on indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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