The blast of the sprinkler hits him full in the face and he splutters and howls in despair, feeling the tingling in his flesh almost immediately. Desperately hoping to save himself by removing the sodden clothing, he tears at the suit but it is clearly too late. Like the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz melting, as the sprinkler blasts him again he begins to shrink within his clothes. His hands rise into the slack sleeves. The trousers fall about his ankles. Just as his head descends into the shirt, a pair of long, tufted animal ears sprout into view, covered in short, golden hair, either cat or dog you can't say for sure.
By the time you rush to the door, there is nothing left but a writhing pile of clothing. "Dad!" you cry, rushing forward.
"Don't come closer, son, there's no guarantee the immunization has worked! It's too late for me, save yourself!" a high pitched voice comes from the struggling bundle of clothing.
There's no way you're leaving him in this state. You wait until the sprinkler has made its nearest pass, then dart forward and kick it over the neighbor's fence before it can come back around. Scooping the bundle up, you race back to the house. It barely weighs anything at all. The small voice protests from within. "I might be contagious. Put me down!"
The loose clothing falls or is kicked away as you clutch him close to your chest. The last item is torn apart from within by sharp claws, and he wriggles himself free from the scraps, squirming out of your grip.
He hits the ground on all four paws, animal ears pressed back against his skull in fear, his tail rigid and upright as he twists to see his new form. He is tiny. From the tip of his ears to his rear paws, he stands no taller than 3 feet, only a little larger than a house cat, and still shrinking slightly before your eyes. Despite his size, he is perfectly formed - a fascinating fusion of human, feline and canine anatomy. His eyes are feline, the thick fur that of a golden retriever, while the ears and tail are a mixture of the two species. The face remains the most human, while the body carries the sensual curves of a cat. Most striking is the huge pair of breasts that hang so full beneath him that his erect nipples almost scrape against the ground.
He tries to rise onto his back paws but wobbles and falls. Seemingly incapable of standing like a human, he pads over to you on all fours, staring up with big, emerald green eyes. "I might have contaminated you," he says fearfully.
"Forget me, I feel fine. Wh-what about you? We have to get you to a hospital."
He, or rather she, hangs her head, tears dripping down her fur. Her tail droops as she shakes her head. "No. There's no fixing this and besides, I deserve this," she mewls. "Not even a vet is good enough for me, let alone a hospital. This is my punishment for causing all this."
Just then, there is a whine of sirens outside and the screech of tires.