"You wanna do... what?" You question, raising a well trimmed eyebrow.
"Let me feel what it's like, man," he continued excitedly, "It's a totally new experience that I wanna have, and this is a safe environment. Just you, me, your sister, and your Mom."
You know it's only fair that he get a turn, though it is a bit strange he wanted his first time to be your Mom's skin. William was into some weird stuff, so it's not weird to believe he'd want to... get himself off as a 40 year old woman. Your body shivered at the thought of it, maybe your Mom's subconscious being against it. Maybe she's just unknowingly comfortable with you in her instead of your friend.
"Okay," you finally agreed, shuddering a little more. "This is the Blow Pipe," you say, unlocking the door to your Mom's room and heading towards yours, down the hall. "All you have to do is blow into it towards your intended target, and you will push your consciousness into someone else's body... so..."
You entered your room followed by William, who you could tell was excited with anticipation, as you quietly shut the door behind you. "I'm going to go back into my own body. When I do that, you can sit there," you pointed towards the beanbag chair in the corner of your room, surrounded by archeological books. "And blow into my bod... err into my Mom's body from there so I don't have lug your heavy ass to the bed."
Quickly agreeing, you sit at the edge of your bed and look at your sleeping form, feeling a proud maternal feeling burning in your chest. You're more your mother than you while in this form. You can only imagine how William will cope with being in the maternal mindset. You shrug. What's the worse he can do?
You take the blowpipe and aim it at yourself, and with a single blow of your supple lips, your soul blows back into your body.
Your stir several minutes later, like waking from a nap, to see that your mother is gone, and William's body comatose in the corner, spread on the beanbag, blow pipe in hand.
"Looks like it worked," you shrug, happy to be in your old skin, free from your mother's mindset, inhibitions, anxieties, and attractions. Your stomach gurgle, interrupting your thought process. You haven't eaten dinner yet. You exit your room and head towards the hall, finding your Mother's room locked, with the lights on. You didn't really want to think about what William was doing in there, already aggressively sexual in the body of your lonely mother. You chuckle slightly, unsure if whether you scared for them, or relieved they both have some relief. On the way downstairs you also pass by your sister's room, also locked, as she's probably doing that anti-social thing she's so good at.
You made you way to the kitchen, quickly procured a plate of beef stroganoff, and brought it back to your room, deciding now would be the best time to do some more research on the blow pipe. From what you know of it, you still understand so little, so you got you sat at your desk, at your meal, and began decoding more from the ancient notes associated with the artifact. Half an hour of work turned into an hour, and finally you uncovered a full page of the puzzle.
"Seng Su 1254," it read, "From what we have devised for this source of ancient and mysterious power. We know not where it came from. It has based down from emperors since time was forgotten, and finally it has come to me, the first to put any research of these effects. I have tested it between myself, my handmaidens, and my close confidants. While it is enjoyable to live in someone else's shoes, it also holds many risks. The more different the person you enter is to your base nature, the easier it is to lose yourself. Different thoughts and feelings of the host can arise as the new soul takes away the pressure of moral choice. This can bring forth the darker part of the host soul, or in some case, the lighter. Regardless, as always, the choice to overtake a person is always morally gray. To all future emperors who choose to elongate their lifespan or simply have a bit of fun, but do so carefully at your discretion.
You, have long since finished your food, admired your slowly growing knowledge of ancient Chinese, but considered what Sheng was writing about. Your Mother and you were honestly, not that different, genetically or personality. You liked similar jokes, had similar tastes, and of course, looked very similar. But what about William and Andria? How similar were they? You were mostly able to stem the tide of hormones in your Mom, would William?
Your thought process was interrupted by the sound of your door closing locking. You turn from your desk.
It's William, or rather your Mom, face flushed, hair crazy, wearing perky red lipstick and makeup expertly done, wearing the skimpiest lingerie you have ever seen, black lace barely containing her supple breasts, and black thong showing her well trimmed bush.
"Hey Jake, " she said, leaning against the door frame. "You ever see your own mother wear this number?"
"Uhh William," you said, face turning pink as you looked away, back to your notes. "No, my Mom was never huge on showing me her lacy things."
"Hmmm shame," she hummed, approaching your work desk, still cluttered with papers, dictionaries, and books from your work. "Whatchu working on?"
"Well the Blow Pipe came with notes associated with it, and I've been..." you glanced a bit to your left after you felt one barely covered breast brush against your shoulder as William leaned against your chair. "I've been translating the-them every chance I've gotten."
"Great, fucking great," William said obviously not interested right now. "So listen, I'm not in here for a switch back, or more information about the fucking history of this thing, though you know how much I love your work sweetie... I... errrr." William growled to himself, saying some very out of character things in your Mother's voice. "Look man, you're mother doesn't own a dildo."
"Wait, really?" You said, kind of surprised.
"Yeah dude," she replied back somewhat disdainfully. "She's never believed in the things. Which is frustrating to me, because as soon as I entered her I've un-fucking-believably horny. Like you know I've always been kind of a horny bastard. But in here? It's hard to think about anything else. I tried to get myself off, but it just wouldn't work, no matter how long I tried or what tempo I set. I even tried the massage setting on the shower. No dice."
You noticed she was still kind of moist from the experience, but then one point of her was wetter than all other parts. In one swift motion, she stepped out of her thong and sat across your lap. "So your Mom... she pushed me, somehow to do this. I dunno how, or why... well I know why. Your Mom knows how... h-how big you are." William's face flushed red. "She's known since you were born. And she wants to try taking it all, Jake. She thinks she can do it."
The reaction in your trousers has been growing by the second, as every moment that passed, the warm crotch pushed against you heated a little hotter. "I'm going to try Jake," William said with a single tear of either joy or sadness streamed down his cheek. "Now fucking drop trou."