Esther flops onto the chair, her mind reeling from all this, just spent from the mugging, the revelations, all of it, she just wants to collapse.
And so she does. As her body hits the chair, there is a soft squishing sound and her body keeps on collapsing, like all her bones turned to jello,her body losing definition as she changes into a goo like slime blob, spilling off the chair and onto the floor. She goes to scream but it comes out as a weird gurgling noise. She is freaking out but her parents are high fiving for some reason. Mom turns to her first "Oh, honey, you have a liquiforming, this is so great for you, neither of us have that ability though your greatgrandfather gene-blended it in ages ago. This is wonderful for you!"
It's great your mom is excited that her daughter just melted into pink slime, but for you it is freaky as all hell. But then, if she is excited about this, if this is really part of who you are... concentrating, you flow and form upward, turning back to your human self, well, mostly. Mom and Dad are smiling at you, though Dad looks down, a little embarrassed. You wonder why, until you finally solidify and realize...
Your hands come to your chest, now your previously B cup, maybe C at best boobs are easily Ds, maybe double. Your waist was slim but now you're body proportions are positively Barbie doll-esque, and even your hair is luscious waves of blonde, but a smoother color and shine to it: you are a super model version of yourself, and look a bit older as well. "Oh wow...eep" even your voice is different, sultry and your Dad looks positively mortified. Your mom sighs "Dear, it's not your fault, how were you to know she had dream forming?" You mouth dream forming "Yes dear, you can form yourself into the ideal partner or fantasy of anyone... obviously you are learning and had no clue when you tried to turn back to human form that you were accessing this power. Focus on your own body dear" Esther is worried for many reasons: one, she is currently in the form of her Dad's fantasy woman which is good for a strong mental "EWWWW", two is that her powers are manifesting really fast after that first one with the mugging, but three is because she really likes this body and wants to use it. She blinks and mother shoos dad out of the room "Dreamforming also allows you a mental aspect of your form, so yes dear, you are a most likely a slutty sex kitten right now, which is why we need you to turn back"