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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Animal · #1938252
You find yourself in a land where every beast seems to be perpetually hungry.

You find yourself in a land where every beast seems to be perpetually hungry.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Awakening from your long-desired siesta, you find yourself that is both familiar and unfamiliar to you, but quickly discover that it is populated by a menagerie of beasts and monsters, both real and imagined from the silver screen and the pages of novels, that would like nothing more than to stuff you in their bellies. With no means to defend yourself, (they are much bigger than you, and your body is far too small and frail to stand a chance against the very visible muscle that powers their limbs and jaws,) you can only run. Run to try and find a safe place to hide away from the creatures and their cruel jaws and greedy stomachs.

But, before you continue with your adventure, let us establish some (very important) ground rules for this piece, shall we?

1. As you may have gathered from the description and the brief blurb from above, this is, primarily a vore-centric interactive. However, as I would not like this to turn into another sexual and bathroom humor laden interactive that seems to fester on this site, you are restricted to soft/hard oral vore, and tail vore. Any other forms, especially those that include sexual organs of any sort, will be removed immediately. (Digestion is acceptable, but do not go into further detail of digestive processes any further than the stomach. Any chapter that begins to detail the processes within the intestines and/or the anus will be removed immediately as well.) It should be noted, that while the reader's character may live through the digestive acids, they may only be released from the creature's body through regurgitation, release through defecation is strictly prohibited.

2. Please keep the perspective in second-person. This allows the story to be more immersive for the reader, and greatly enhances the reader's enjoyment of the story. In addition, it does prevent those oh-so contrived and shallow characters from coming into existence that no one on this Earth has any chance of ever connecting with.

3. Please leave the gender of our dear reader undefined as well. Too often does one gender in a story get all the attention while the other gets zilch. This also helps to keep the reader connected to the 'You' character, as well as eliminating the unnecessary mentioning of any particular genital organs. The reader's character should have as minimal description as possible, in order for her/him to appeal to a wide audience.

4. The animals the reader encounters should remain in their feral forms; meaning, no anthros or furries/scalies. This also eliminates humanoid or human-like creatures from the story. (Demons and Pokemon may be included, but they may not be humanoid variants.) Just as the reader's gender should not be described, keep the beasts' gender nondescript as well. Some us prefer a particular gender in our predators, but it is better to let us determine the sex by ourselves rather than deciding on one for all of us. The animals may speak as well. (For the parameters of the story, it is accepted that your character has developed the ability to understand the creatures' speech patterns, regardless if they come from Earthen or alien origins.

5. No sex, or anything relating to the sexualization of vore. This is a clean vore interactive, and any mention of sex, graphic or otherwise, as well as the smallest reference to the genitals of either gender, will be removed on sight.

I'm afraid the rules are a tad bit long, and certainly very strict! But, it's only to ensure you have a pleasurable experience with this interactive, and must not continually sift through the trash that seems to permeate every other vore interactive on this site.

IMPORTANT NOTICE and DISCLAIMER: The content in this story has been rated 13+. However, since this story is created by members, Writing.Com can not control the content within it. As with any item on Writing.Com, the content rating MAY or MAY NOT be accurate and the site makes no guarantees as to the accuracy. Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates will not be held responsible for the content within this interactive story. Posters accept all responsibility, legal and otherwise, for the content they've uploaded / submitted / posted on Writing.Com.
Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1938252-Beyond-the-Gates-of-Your-Earth