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by Noob
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #1934765
Billy swaps bodies with a girl from his life...will this power change who he is forever?

Billy swaps bodies with a girl from his life...will this power change who he is forever?

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Billy, a 22 year old finds a remote one day that can swap bodies with anyone of his choice, will Billy use this remote to take advantage of others lives? Or will the longer he stays in someones body, the longer he becomes more and more like them?'


Sex is allowed

The longer Billy is in one of the girls bodies, the more he becomes just like them, from personality, to interests.

As long as Billy is in one of the girls bodies, it is more than welcome that he become intimate/attracted with others males in the story, he is becoming them little by little after all!

Lesbian activity is also more than welcome.


The Swapper:

Billy (22) Caucasian, short brown hair and blue eyes. Billy is 5'8 and has a decent build for a guy his age, not too fat but also not skinny. Billy is a caring guy who would do anything for others, and is sarcastic but considered funny at the same time. Billy loves hanging out with his friends and is always looking out for girls to try and hit on. None of Billy's friends know of his body swap fetishes, and it is very secretive as only he knows of them.

The swappies:

Izzy (18) Billy's younger sister, Izzy and Billy have a very close relationship despite being siblings. Izzy teases Billy often and knows how to embarrass him very easily.

Caucasian, semi-long brown hair and blue eyes. A bisexual. Izzy is 5'6 and overall an average size for her age and skinny. People say she looks a lot like Billy and would be the ideal look if they imagine he was born female. She has c cup breast but normally hides them under large hoodies. She is very beautiful but tries to hide her looks as she is embarrassed of them, and typically wears large glasses, baggy clothes and has messy hair. She has always secretly had a crush on her older brother Billy but fights with the fact that it is seen morally wrong to the public eye and wishes she wasn't related to him to make things easier on heart. She is also secretly an avid lover of cutey things. If Billy becomes her...what will become of these emotions?

Amanda (22) Billy's closest female friend, he has had a crush on her since forever, the only problem is she is also his best friend David's girlfriend.
Caucasian, Long Brown Hair and Brown Eyes. Amanda is short (standing at only 4'11) and very petite for her age. She has a b cup bust size but due to her body they look bigger than expected. She is very girly, always wearing a bow in her hair and normally wearing girly clothing such as skirts.Her personality is also very girly as she loves to do girly things such as shopping, doing her hair and looking at hot boys. She has a very squeaky voice and has an average IQ. How long will it take for Billy to go from loving her, to becoming her mind, body, and soul?

Zoe (21) Billy's second closest female friend, she is the sister of David. Billy and her use to be close like siblings but they have not talked in a while. Billy has had eroctic fantasies about them together as well.
Caucasian, She also has long brown hair and brown eyes. She is an average height for age and is only a little shorter than Billy. She is skinny and has an average body for a 21 year old girl. Zoe's biggest quality is her beautiful face and her c cup bust size, though she is embarassed
about these qualities as she is more tomboyish. As said she is a tomboy at heart and is not very girly, trying to dress in more guy clothes and doing more guy things like playing sports, video games and whatever her fellow guy friends are doing. Though if you push hard enough you can see the girly side of her. She has a normal female sounding voice and has above average IQ, being a very smart girl. If Billy becomes her, how
long will it take to become her in more than body?

Chloe (22) A friend of Billy's, she is Zoe's best friend and was also the first person Billy kissed.
Caucasian/Spanish. She has long black hair and brown eyes. Chloe is shorter than Zoe, but also taller than Amanda (around 5'1) She has is thick but due to this she is curvy and in ways one of the most attractive out of the group. Chloe has a d cup bust size and is very attractive. Her personality is much more girly than Zoe's, but doesn't mind doing guy related things either. She also is loud and proud about who she is, and can sometimes be considered bossy by others. Her spanish accent is a heart throbber and she has an average IQ. Billy does consider her to be a pain sometimes, but how long will it take before he becomes the spitting image of her?

Amber (22) A friend of Billy's, very slutty but VERY hot. Amanda hates her, but will that last if Billy becomes her?

Caucasian. Amber is a blonde bombshell. She has long Blonde hair and brown eyes. Amber is around 5'4 (just shy of Zoe's height). Amber is very concerned of her body and looks and because of this is stunning. She has a perfect hourglass shape and is a c cup bust size. Her personality is girly but she also is very slutty and uses her looks to get what she wants. She is manipulative but at the same time you can't help but get closer to her as she woo's you in with her sexy personality. She has a very sexy/sultry voice and can make anyone head over heals for her, though she has a less than average IQ. She also is not only into guys, but is into girls as well. Will Billy become just like her?
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1934765-Swap-of-Fate-PLEASE-ADD