"Look at my ass, slutty cub." Cougar ordered.
Beth, still driven by her subconscious, readily obeyed her temporary master and watched her ass with rapt attention.
Cougar giggled at the sight.
"Good," she said before bending over and waving her butt back and forth like a pendulum, "now follow it for me and pay attention to what I say."
With no will to resist Beth complied, following the ass as it went back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
"My ass is your whole world," Cougar said, "in costume or civilian life. From now on you will crave it as you've always done, but more openly, no matter where, when, or what you're doing. Should you see it, you will obey my every word, no matter how gross or humiliating. Even when you join me and become my little cub, my Cougette, you will be drawn to it, to me, and stay by our sides forever."
Cougar smiled as Beth continued to follow her ass with a quivering lip.
"Even in smelly matrimony, if that's what you'd want." She said seductively before turning away, still swinging her rear back and forth in front of Beth's face.
Beth lowly moaned.
"When I stop swinging my ass and fart in your face, you will follow my words to the letter, throw fights with me from here on, and speak your greatest desire before leaving to your little home and coming out of your current sexy state. On the count of three."
Beth moaned in subconscious confirmation.
"One." The ass went left.
"Two." The ass went right.
"Three!" The ass stopped in the middle and--
A powerful fart not unlike the one pumped down Beth's gullet earlier hit the disgraced heroine right in the face blowing her hair back from the force!
"Damn, that felt good," Cougar said in relief, "especially when it was in your face too." She looked over her shoulder at her disgraced captive.
Beth's hair was wild from the wind of the fart, her mouth open just a tad bit more, and eyes just that much wider than previously, as if processing and accommodating to the smell and taste currently in her nostrils and mouth.
Giggling at this, Cougar asked, "Now Bethy Poo, what's your greatest desire?"
In almost instantaneous response, Beth said--