Anyone working at Gordge for long enough learned to appreciate those long lunch breaks that Jenna had worked so hard to provide her girls with. Under their previous employer Hilda, a woman of almost equal girth to Jenna, everyone in the office had been afforded with an hour-long lunch break. However under Jenna, an extra thirty minutes had been added with the addition of lunch being moved back an hour, plus an extra thirty minutes at three ‘o’ clock in the afternoon.
The first break, being the longest, was the one where everyone usually flocked to their cars to go grab lunch off-site. But the second break, being a measly thirty minutes, barely left anyone enough time to whet their appetites, let alone fill their bellies. So instead of leaving, the girls would all loiter around the office like whales wading through the water.
Mellissa would usually go smoke while Alice waited on her to come back, where both women would join Courtney in the employee lounge while Christina made a coffee run. The only one who never seemed to indulge in this little commodity was, surprisingly enough, Victoria—who opted to sit at the phone in solitude while she played Candy Crush Saga.
It was just after Christina had returned from her coffee run, everyone else already crowding the break room as she came through the doorway.
“Okay, I’ve got everyone’s coffee here…” Christina squeaked as she handled the cups with care, delivering one to each corpulent cutie one by one.
“Thanks, hun.” Mellissa said off-handedly before diving back into the topic at hand, “So anyway, she’s totally getting fat, right? It’s not just me?”
“No, I think it’s you too.” Courtney jabbed as her subordinate handed her a frappe, “But you’re not wrong, Vicky’s gonna get big really quick if she keeps all of… that up.”
As the svelte girl handed Alice the last cup, the supple sweetheart the only one to thank her sincerely, Christina sat at the table opposite Mellissa. One of the many un(?)fortunate things about being the designated punching bag around the office was that Christina often missed these little juicy bits. As much as she didn’t like gossip, it was fun listening to other women be mean to other women behind their backs. Just like in high school…
“Who?” she inquired, “And what?”
Alice clicked her tongue in a matronly manner, “Don’t encourage them, Christie.” She chided, “they’re just talking about Victoria behind her back again, even though they don’t have any room to talk.”
“Well excuse me for noticing!” Mellissa cried half-defensively from her seat adjacent to Alice, “I’m well aware of every extra pound on my body, but Vicky prances around here like she’s Christina’s size!” the surly smoker gestured towards the intern for emphasis, “It’s distracting is all.”
“How big do you think she’ll get before she wises up and stops stuffing her face?” Courtney asked deviously from the other table, “I’m giving her another week before she, like, accidentally eats her hair or something and flips out.”
“Eats her hair?”
“You know what I meant!”
“What, you don’t think she can do this forever?” Mellissa asked with a greedy gulp of iced coffee, “She’ll pork up all the way ‘til Christmas at least. Then she’ll plateau. That’s what happened to me.”
“Guys, we shouldn’t talk about Vicky like that.” Alice scolded, still seated, “I mean, we all have weight problems here. We should be trying to help her, not making fun of her and betting how much weight she’ll put on!”
A slight pause as Alice’s message sunk in…
“I think she can at least get as big as Jenna.” Christina piped up, moreso for attention than an actual opinion on the matter, “Or at least, as big as Jenna is now.”
“Wow, high hopes.” Courtney added as she grabbed for a donut
“Yeah, she’s like the biggest woman I’ve ever seen!”
Alice could only remorsefully as she hung her head low, fearing for the fate of her friends’ morality as they hypocritically mocked their friend and co-worker. Still, she knew that the three of them were right. They all knew they were right, in fact the only person who didn’t seem to understand just how right they all were was Victoria herself.
The truth was that Vicky was going to get huge, and very quickly if she kept at the pace she had been going for the past week or so…