You decide to take your chances with the family next door instead of anyone from your own household, you knew how wrong a potentially dangerous science test like this could go with any one of your family members. You could almost see Kelly eating you or Kathleen forgetting about you and crushing you in her constant drunken state, you can say with confidence your neighbors are capable and responsible people from personal experience and you feel like you've made the right choice as you reach the front door. You clear your throat, knock the door, and take a step back as it opens, only to be met with the unfamiliar face of Carly looking up timidly at you behind her glasses.
"Excuse me... Carly? Do you know if Jenn is home right now?" You ask hopeful to do the test with someone a bit more familiar. Carly wasn't necessarily a bad choice but you had already done plenty of other school related tests and applications with Jenn and she seemed like the more convenient choice for something like this.
"Uh-um.. Well no, not right now at least, Its only me and my cousin that I'm babysitting right now. Oh b-but I could let you know when they'll be back or something." She managed to stammer out while avoiding eye contact for the most part. Although she's clearly very shy, she is responsible enough to be babysitting someone else's child so you decide to go with it and get Carly's help.
"I guess it doesn't matter that much, do you think you could help me with this science project I need to do for a scholarship? It shouldn't take that long to do, just a few tests is all." You suggest, hoping to just get it over with.
"M-me? Well I um, if it's alright with you. And it's only a few tests anyways. O-oh come in." She sheepishly says partly under her breath, still making minimal eye-contact.
After following her into the house you can finally get a look at her since she's not hiding behind the door anymore, she's wearing an unremarkable white T-shirt with black jeans and socks with black framed glasses, her hair is also pulled back in a ponytail. The house seems extremely tidy from your perspective but there are also signs of disturbance like a few pillows on the floor, almost on cue Wendy reaches the bottom of the stairs to see who Carly was talking to.
"W-Well we can do the tests in the kitchen I guess." Carly gets out, but before you can respond Wendy looks up from her book, obviously intrigued by the tests.
"Tests? What kind of tests, what are they for?" Wendy asks, surprising you with the first fully audible sentence you've heard in the last two minutes.
"It's for this new scientific tool that's being developed, they're offering a scholarship for anyone who wants to test it." You say hoping to bore the girl with boring adult language. It seems like this only gets her more intrigued and determined though as she follows up with a suggestion.
"I could help test it for you." Wendy says, catching you off guard.
"This is probably something that me and Carly should do, you're a little bit too young to help us out with this complicated stuff." You say trying once again to dissuade the girl from worming her way into this potentially dangerous experiment, although part of you knows it's no use.
"Don't you know? I'm the very top of my science class, and I was first place in the school science fair!" Wendy says, although there's no way to prove if what she's saying is true, you can't help but feel a bit more open to the idea. "And I even heard that Carly has a bunch of homework piling up that she has to get finished!" getting a slight wince out of Carly.
You're left with a choice of going with an obviously smart and determined Wendy or a quiet but likely more responsible Carly to help you with the tests. Your natural choice would be Carly just by the fact that she's older and likely more responsible, but truth be told, Wendy's claims and accusations have made you much less confident in choosing Carly. Besides you also can't help but feel like Carly is hiding something beneath her timid and shy demeanor. On the other hand Wendy seems to be a surprisingly good choice even with the fact that she's only eleven in mind, her claims are also very impressive although you can't be entirely sure if they are true or not. There is also the option of both Carly and Wendy, two heads are better than one anyways.