Ken was greeted at the door by the youngest of his three cousins named stephanie who before now he hadn’t seen in almost two years, during that time she had been living with her dad for the past two years before her mom Maria won custody.
Now the young girl was seven years old but still gave Ken the same look that she did when she was just a little girl, as their eyes met after she opened the door Stephanie couldn’t help but smile at her tall older cousin still holding onto her crush on him from the past.
“Hey Stephanie nice too see you here, is you mom home?” Ken asked hoping to get straight to the point in asking his aunt Maria, looking inside to see if anybody else was home, hoping to turn to Alyssa as a second choice if his aunt was at work.
“Um... sorry but she took Alyssa and Kat to a dentist appointment, but they should be back soon if you want to come in and wait for her.” Stephanie said inviting Ken inside, Ken quickly accepts not feeling right about leaving the young girl here alone.
Ken entered through the doorway without hesitation before the door was quickly closed behind him and locked by the young girl who Ken noticed was wearing a light blue dress and was barefoot as she walked across the carpeted floor towards the couch.
“What's in the box?” Stephanie seemed quick to ask her older cousin as she sat down on the couch and turned to face him, Ken giving her a strange look but knowing it was normal behavior for a child to be interested in the unknown,
“Don’t worry about it, just something I need your mom’s help with. Would it be ok if I used the restroom?” Ken asked formally of the young girl in the hopes of changing the topic from the shrink ray, placing the box on a nearby coffee table.
“Of course, you remember where it is right? Just down the hall to the right” Stephanie smiled pointing the way acting formally as she replied to Ken’s question, of course she had plenty of time to practice during tea parties with her dolls.
Ken took note and left down the hall leaving Stephanie alone in the living room with his package, after a few minutes in the bathroom while he was washing his hands Ken heard a strange tearing noise coming from inside the house.
Fearing the worst case scenario Ken raced out to the living room where he spotted Stephanie holding the shrink ray with a smile on her face “Why didn’t you just tell me you wanted to give mom my late birthday gift?” the young girl smiled thinking the futuristic ray gun was some kind of toy.
Stephanie continued to point the ray gun at different locations of the room but judging by the size of everything she had yet to actually pull the trigger “Pew, pew!” she laughed before turning the device on Ken and moving her finger onto the trigger readying herself to actually fire it.
Ken quickly tried to rush Stephanie before her finger pulled the trigger, not liking his chances if Stephanie found out the device had the power to shrink things, or if he was shrunk to the size of a bug around the little girl thinking she might take advantage of the opportunity to toy with him at such a small size.
But before Ken could even move close enough to try and stop Stephanie from pulling the trigger a consuming green light filled to room around him, everything seemed to shoot up in height, The furniture, the ceiling, even Stephanie all grew rapidly in height until the point that they were all towering over him.
Before long Ken was smaller than half Stephanie's size and still shrinking more and more as her eyes stayed fixated on this strange phenomenon, before she could even say a word in response to what she was seeing Ken was the size of a fly standing between carpet strands on the floor.
“Wow your so little, and cute!” Stephanie said excitedly putting the shrink ray on the floor and sliding it under the couch before taking quick short steps towards Ken with a huge smile on her face, stopping in front of him and towering over the 1 inch tall teen like a living skyscraper.
“Stephanie, un-shrink me right now!” Ken yelled from the floor in front of Stephanie’s bare toes, looking upward in the hopes that he could have a face to face conversation with the gigantic young girl and try to help her reverse this, instead he only saw her blue panties high above him covering her private lower areas from underneath her skirt.
Soon after Stephanie fell to her knees to get a closer look at Ken, her kneecaps nearly crushing his puny body as they hit the carpet creating a powerful impact the knocked Ken on his back before finding Stephanie’s face looking down at him, their eyes once again making contact.
“No way I like you better this way, you'll be so much more fun to play with!” Stephanie smiled not making Ken’s situation look any better before ____________.
1.) Grabbing Ken and running up too her new room to play a little game with him, saying that he can only win his freedom back and grow back to normal size if he beats her in the first game she decides to play and two others that will follow or he'll be her toy forever.
2.) Deciding to shrink Ken's car which is still outside, Stephanie then asks Ken to take her out on a date and makes him drive to pick her up at her room after she gets dressed up, she then either will decide Ken's to small to drive her around, picks his car up with him inside, or follow him on foot to a spot for their date.
3.) Her mom and sisters walk into the house causing Stephanie to panic and hide Ken somewhere on her body(Either the front/back of her panties since she doesn't have pockets or socks). before they see what she did too Ken, the only person who seems to notice something is up was Alyssa(Ken's 10 year old cousin) who follows Stephanie to wherever she decides to take Ken out.