Just as Kelly was about to say the name of the game she had planned for her and her shrunken brother were about to play she was interrupted by the voice of their mother Jennifer "Kelly, Rosie, Kenny I made cookies down here if you want some." making Kelly's mouth water as she thought about putting Ken away some where and enjoying some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Then it hit her, she didn't need to leave Ken out to eat, at this size he was small enough to easily be swallowed, but not small enough that Kelly could get him past their mother without being noticed, looking over at the shrink ray she had used to shrink Ken it became apparent what she needed to do for her new plan to work. "Actually we're gonna play a little game I like to call *Tummy Explorer*" Kelly said with a smile on her face licking her soft pink lips, while Ken's heart sank like a rock by what Kelly had just said. "What do you mean *Tummy Explorer*, are you gonna eat me?" Ken asked frightened as he remained helplessly held by his giantess younger sister slender fingers inches away from her face seemingly unfazed by the thought of swallowing her brother alive as she made her way over to her bed and the shrink ray that sat a top her blanket.
Ken wasn't sure how to react as his tiny body was placed upon the town sized surface of Kelly's massive bed, watching carefully as the young girl picked up the shrink ray that had stated this whole mess and set it to the lowest setting...one centimeter tall before pointing it directly at Ken. Once the shrunken boy had figured out what Kelly intended to do and began running towards the foot of her bed but it was to late, Kelly opened fire and watched as her brother seemingly disappeared into nothingness, he was now a fraction of his former bug sized self, the town sized surface of Kelly's bed now seemed like a massive state sized area with each fold in the cover seeming like a small mountain in comparison to himself. Never in the time he saw him doing this experiment did he see himself in this position which of course only seemed more hopeless when he looked up to see his Massive younger sister who had when from a normal sized giantess to a 1,000 foot tall mega giantess. Her voice boomed "Kenny!?" as she took one step towards the bed in order to inspect the sheets closer for Ken's tiny body, allowing Ken to see her exposed naval under her shirt as well as her pink panties sticking out of her pants slightly.
Within seconds Ken was under her watchful blue eyes like two moons hovering over him in the sky sparkling as they fixated on him "There you are, it's hard to find you now that your smaller than an ant." her loud giggles nearly deafening Ken as Kelly laughed at how pitiful she had forced her older brother to become. "Kelly!" Ken screamed as loud as he possibly could hoping to get the gigantic girl to reconsider eating him alive, but his words didn't even make it to Kelly's ears to be heard, the sound of his voice was just not loud enough. Kelly could see Ken trying to talk up to her but couldn't hear a single word that was being said by the tiny boy "Whats that's, you don't want to be eaten by you're giant little sister." she teased reaching down and with only two fingers pinched Ken's entire body within the tips of her fingers, Ken was about 1/3 the size of Kelly's fingernail and at risk of being crushed just by being picked up. "Well don't worry after I swallow you, you can come out the other end in the bathroom later and i'll make you an inch tall again so you can tell me all about what it's like to be in my stomach." laughing as she terrified Ken with the fact that she didn't know he would die if she ate him.
"Kelly Listen, you can't eat me...." Ken said trying to reach Kelly's ear's but failing miserably to do so as the 9 year old girl simply applied pressure to her fingertips and began to crack Ken's bones effectively silencing him and his movements. With her brother under control Kelly made her way down the stairs hold Ken behind her massive rear end as she walked down the steps not wanting Ken to be seen by her mother or Rosie who might want to take him away before she has her fun with him. Kelly looked over to see Rosie talking to her mom Jennifer down the hallway away from the kitchen and the freshly baked hot cookies, most likely asking their mother about puberty related questions. While distracted Kelly saw this as the perfect opportunity to slip Ken into the center of a cookie and eat him alive. Once inside the kitchen she stepped over the stove and brought Ken to her face with a large smile "Ok big bro, i'll see you later." before lowering him onto the soft top of the hot cookie, allowing his body to sink into a molten hot chocolate chip that slowly began to burn his skin.
Ken screamed out in overwhelming pain as Kelly brought her fingers away from the plate of cookies to lick the chocolate from her fingers before eating Ken when suddenly Jennifer walked back in only seeing her daughter dipping her finger into the chocolate chip of the cookie. "Kelly! If you want some cookies all you need to do is ask, now go sit at the table and i'll bring you a few including the one you stuck your finger in." Causing Kelly to smile as she turned around to walk to the table where she could enjoy her brother inside a delicious treat, licking the chocolate of her finger as she sat down. Meanwhile back on the plate Ken screamed desperately for his mother to notice him so he would end up an unfortunate victim of Kelly's stomach acid, knowing it would mean certain death if she ate him. Jennifer however did not notice her shrunken son on the cookie at all, he was much to small to be heard or even seen accidentally by the enormous single mother of four. Kenny was suddenly lifted up off of one plate by Jennifer who was distracted dancing and humming a song in her head as she most her son onto a smaller plate to be delivered to Kelly, before placing another three cookies around him to be devoured along with the cookie he was trapped inside.
Jennifer picked up the smaller plate of cookies bringing them to level with her belly button just under her mountainous breasts, Ken couldn't believe how massive his mother's breasts were now that he was so tiny. Ken was so tiny that he felt as if he could hear the juices inside his mother's C-cup breasts as they bounced up and down with each step towards the table. Within several steps Ken felt himself being lowered down to the table before seeing a very familiar face, the face of his younger sister looking down with an him at the cookies, scanning for him so she knew which one he was on. Of course this didn't take her long to do and a smile appeared on her face, her tongue slipping between her lips and the thought of actually swallowing her brother, now that eating him was finally about to come to fruition. As Jennifer walked away she told Kelly to enjoy the cookies, giving her a kiss on the head as her daughter smiled "Don't worry mom, I will." turning her attention to the plate laid out before her.
Kelly giggled as she reached down and grabbed one of the random cookies on the side of the one Ken was trapped in, most likely to show him what was to become of him before hand. Kelly teasingly held the cookie only inches away from her mouth slowly moving it closer to her parting lips, making Ken watch the entire time knowing he could easily be in the same situation after all to him this small treat for a young girl seemed to be the size of a house, over 20 feet in length and width and about five feet tall given that his whole body had sunk inside the delicious chocolate that surrounded him. As Kelly took the first bite of her cookie, crumbs began to fall towards the plate, each the size of a baseball bouncing on the surface of the plate. Ken couldn't believe the situation that he was in knowing he was about to die at the hands of his own little sister and there was nothing he could do to stop that from happening, while he contemplated this Kelly finished her first cookie and turned her attention towards Ken.
"This cookie looks like it's gonna be extra yummy." laughing as she played oblivious to the fact that Ken was on this next cookie in particular as she lifted it up off the plate, the wind rushing past Ken as he was quickly brought to level with Kelly's massive blue eyes once more. "Mhhhm" she hummed as she lowered the treat down before her lips, the sound of them parting creating an audible squishy sound , looking inside her massive pink maw Ken could see it was riddled with saliva, obviously meaning that the young girl was a little over excited to swallow her older brother alive. As Ken made his way into Kelly's mouth the already powerful aroma of the chocolate chip cookie he was on was enhanced by the one Kelly had just eaten, her teeth slowly closing in on him leaving him to wonder if this was really how he was about to die. Kelly's teeth slowly coiled around the warm cookie as she took her first bite with Ken already in her mouth, watching as the light of the outside world seemed to slowly fade from existence, the cookie breaking into four pieces inside Kelly's mouth as her teeth made short work of a surface that Ken couldn't even struggle to get out of. Ken was finally freed from his chocolaty prison only to land on non other than Kelly's tongue while she chewed being forced into the mush that remained, the young girl being extra careful not to crush her brother before swallowing him. Finally Ken screamed as her felt himself tossed back by the force of his sister's tongue down her throat, and into a harmful pool of her stomach acids never to be seen again.
Kelly rubbed her tummy, anxious to hear what it was like to be in there first hand from her brother the shrunken explorer, of course she would never get that chance not knowing that all of brother be digested by the acidic fluids of her stomach. That was that last time Kelly ever saw her brother but not once did she regret eating that cookie.