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Ken has been offered a substantial scholarship to shrink himself and record the results.
*All-Story Wide Notice*- All chapters submitted starting a new storyline must be a minimum of 2,500 characters long(counted at the bottom of the addition menu. All chapters continuing an existing storyline must be 5,000. Keep proper grammar, and stay away from topics like farting, scat, and male content. I will delete any chapter than violates these simple rules and after multiple attempts deletions, I will block anyone who consistently posts the same chapter over and over again breaking the rules. I hate to be rude about it, but I deleted a dozen 1-line chapters just this week- 9/23/23-9/30/23 and I just can't keep doing that. The story takes place in August, during the summer Ken aka Kenny- 17 year old who had just finished his junior year of high school and was about to enter Senior year in one month, he was on several school teams including Track, Baseball, and Basketball and was in for a big change when he suddenly take an opportunity to shrink himself one day by a large company as part of their studies in return for a substantial scholarship offer(can be reffered to in any POV 1st, 2nd, or 3rd) ---Ken's family--- Jennifer- 39 years old mother who was left by her husband when Ken's younger sister was born Rosie- 12 year old sister who's always going through Ken's stuff and taking things that belong to him without asking, she has just began puberty and has since started asking Ken awkward questions Kelly- 9 year old sister and Ken's youngest sibling of his three sisters, she loves her big brother, almost as much as she loves sweets (especially cookies and brownies) Kathleen- 22 year old sister who likes to drink on occasion and is the only one of Ken's siblings who is older than him ---Extended Family--- Maria- 37 year old aunt, younger sister of Ken's mother Jennifer, she always get's Ken gifts he wants around his birthday or Christmas. Katherine(Kat)- 12 years old, your oldest cousin who loves the way you act whenever she teases you, recently got braces and hates it Alyssa- 10 year old cousin that you were the most close to, you mostly talked to her whenever you must spent the day at your mom's sister's house, or whenever you're asked to babysit your cousins Stephanie- 7 year old cousin, the last time you saw her was when she was 5 saying that you were cute and one day she wanted a BF like you ---Neighbors(left)--- Tanya- 40 year old Mom, who has three daughters, like your mother she is left without a husband after the birth of her youngest daughter Marissa- 17 years old and in the same grade as Ken, they shared a couple classes but even though their neighbors, they rarely speak Lisa- 13 year old about to enter highschool, you've seen her on occasion spying on you while your at the bus stop or doing yard work and have suspected for a while that she might have a crush on you> Possible other daughter(Reader's choice) ---Neighbors(right)--- Luara- the 43 year old Asian mother that lives next door during the spring to fall season's you've only seen her wearing dresses and sandal and rarely anything else Jenn- 23 year old college student who's been helping you with application's to schools with good NCAA teams Carly- 16 years old and a grade under you she is very shy around you especially when you are talking to her older sister Jenn Abby- 5 years old-you don't know much about this mischievous little girl except for the fact that you know she's always getting in trouble ---Friends/Aquientences--- Alex- 16 years old just about to enter her junior year, loves comic book characters, anime and going to hot topic, you haven't known Alex for long but you think she cute so you trust her -Alex's sister Michelle- you've never met her but you've heard from Alex that she's in the junior high school Middle school Volleyball team(ages 10-12) you've helped out recently as assistant coach and are working with over the summer,- (From left to right their names are) Jackie-10 (4'8) Kimberly-11 (4'11) Ashley-11 (5'1) Katelyn-12 (5'0) and Jordan-10 (4'10)> Bianca- a girl in your grade on the track team you've had a crush on since you first meet her at a track event last year 'Sophie - 17 years old. Curly light brown hair. Tallish (like 5'7") and thin, with B cup breasts and a tight round butt. She is an energetic, easily excitable, silly, and rather loud. She is a dancer and as such is in pretty good shape. She would definitely play with Ken and may not take his situation as seriously as necessary. Maggie - 15 years old. Straight dark brown/black hair kept up in a ponytail. B cup breasts but a wide rear end. She is an athletic girl (give her a sport, I don't care which). Mischievous, she will not hesitate to play some pranks on tiny Ken. Kim - 16 years old, Ken's neighbor from down the street and a good friend despite the age difference. Kim is sweet and caring, and would likely remain that way towards a shrunken person. Unfortunately she's also rather ditzy, quite clumsy, and an overall airhead. Kim is a very curvy girl with D-Cup breasts, a big ass, and a cutely plump belly, all of which might be the result of her love of food. He hair is a dark brown, typically cut at a medium length. Skylar/Skye: 7 years old, Kim's younger sister. She is the complete opposite of her sister, being much smarter, but unfortunately also very mean spirited and bratty. Being smarter also makes her a lot more devious, as such she is somewhat of a bully to other kids her age. She has a habit of going through her sister's things and taking whatever she wants. She is around 4'5", has red hair which she tends to pull into a ponytail, and wears glasses.- Coleen- 11 years old, was a student of Ken's back at a Karate academy he studied at for a long period of time, Colleen was Ken's student for almost a year and didn't live very far from his house. He remember's her owing him a favor after she bent that he couldn't beat her in a sparring match, now seemed like as good a time as any too collect a favor from the young girl. The only question was would she be as cooperative as he believes she will be or turn on him bitter from a defeat she endured months ago when he left the Karate academy. Reader's Choice- Create a character Reader's Choice- Create a character Reader's Choice- Create a character (Zero Story character's- in Outline only) Mrs. Rhea Aldrin- Ken's teacher from his Junior year Science class who had given him her number in the hopes that he would least her as a reference when applying for a job or asking for a letter of recommendation, Mrs. Aldrin is also more fond of Ken than she'd care to admit. She also wasn't exactly very tall at her normal height of 4'8. Thao- Ken remembers that he has to go to work at Dave and Busters(A place where people can play games for fun.) and asks his co-worker Thao to shrink him and proceed with doing the tests for his scholarship before her own shift starts. Thao is a 16 year old dancer who has been dancing since she was only three years old, and whenever she's not dancing she love to have fun in any way she can. Ellie- 9 year old daughter of Ken's mom's friend whom he is asked to babysit for a night, but things go awry when she finds his shrink ray. Wendy(Age 11)- Cousin of Ken’s next door neighbors(Jenn, Carly, and Abby) who he see’s more than twice a week. Usually Ken will see Wendy showing up at her cousin’s house or when he walks into her mother’s restaurant for a bite to eat. Aside from being a bit of a bookworm, Wendy is clever, sneaky, and manipulative when it come to getting what she wants. This young Asian preteen is not exactly the kind of person Ken would want to be shrunk around. Naomi(Age 32)- Naomi is the mother of Wendy and owner of the chinese resturaunt ‘China Gong’, she may be beautiful but she’s not very smart. Ken will never be able to understand why Naomi would run a restaurant when she could have been a model. Naomi loves her daughter very much and often believes almost anything her daughter tells her, which only encourages Wendy’s manipulative behavior. Emma- 8 year old girl in Ken's community that he's known for years, he would always tell her "not to jump in the leaves" when he would come over and rake them whenever her mother who was divorced asked him to come over and help out. Ken also during the school year helped Emma out with her homework by forcing her to sit down and study instead of playing like she wanted. Despite all this she couldn't help but like ken since she was in the first stages of puberty and starting to take an interest in boys. Hannah- 13 year old girl who matured rather quickly growing up, meaning that she had larger natural breasts than any other girl her age being an upper C-cup by the time she reached her teen years and was still growing. Aside from that she always disliked Ken who tried hard to relate to her over the years, being shrunken down to the size of a bug probably would help him relate better to her. Despite her development, she is notable immature for her age. - Jamie- 18 year old lifeguard for Ken's community pool who Ken had known for years, she seems exactly like the type of person Ken would want to trust with his safety while in a shrunken state. But she works a lot and it would be hard for her to get anything done with Ken's shrinking experiment. In addition to her job as a lifeguard, Jamie is working on several scholarships of her own. Preteen ballet class: Arianna (age 10) - Arianna is exceptionally shy around new people. Of course most people aren’t an inch tall so she might warm up to Ken at a fast pace, which might make her older sister Savanna think that it’s a good idea to keep Ken. Savanna (age 12) -Savanna is the oldest in her class and takes it upon herself to be a leader in doing exercises before the teacher arrives. Although she doesn’t let that stand in the way of helping her little sister Arianna. April (age 11) - April is the only girl in her ballet class who can do a full split, bringing her entire lower body to the ground with ease. Like most little girls she is playful and creative, she might go on to have a bit too much fun if Ken revealed anything about the tests for his scholarship to her. Ally (age 10) - Julia is a focused and determined dancer who is often forced to endure pains in her feet after hours of dancing. So naturally she might get excited at the thought of a little man rubbing her feet or padding her flats if given the opportunity. Young Teen hip-hop dance class: Isabella/Instructor (age 17) - Ken’s close friend and older sister to Julia, she is the reason her sister began dancing in the first place. Although Ken might need to go through her little sister if he wants to get help from Isabella. Julia (age 14) - has been dancing since she was only 4 years old and is an expert dancer. She has a fun loving personality and due to spending most of her time dancing, she constantly sweaty and smelly feet. Claire (age 13) - she’s new in her dance class but is a naturally gifted dancer who usually loses herself during a routine. She feels more free when she doesn’t wear socks or shoes, eventually forming a habit of dancing barefoot. Brie (age 13) - Brie is one of the few girls in the class who likes to dance in shorts, mostly to show off her legs to any cute boys that might be watching her dance. She is devious and cunning, often using any means necessary to get what she desires. Older teen yoga class: Sharron (age 16) - she is a brainy girl who took on yoga as a means of reducing scholastic stress, and even though she is a year younger than Ken they are in the same grade. Riana (age 17) - Hispanic, curly black hair, lean body with firm assets and an hourglass figure. Has taken yoga classes since she was in Middle School and is remarkable flexible as a result. Ken has had a crush on her for a while, but hasn't spoken up. Casi (age 18) - straight brown hair, notably large ass, wears glasses. Riana's closest friend, she occasionally gets dragged to yoga classes. In spite of this she can be very lazy and enjoys getting other people to do things for her. Olivia- Ken's 15 year old sophomore friend who he met during an elective class, the two became close as the year went on and he beliefs he can trust her. Nora- Olivia's 9 year old sister who think's Ken is cute from the moment she meets him, before Olivia tells her to go back to her room. Sofia- Olivia's youngest sister who is 6 years old. Ken gets the feeling early on that she'd be trouble if she got her hands on him while he was shrunk. --TBA-- |