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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1923887-Sonic-Feet-Reborn/cid/2043252-A-Wall-of-Silver
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #1923887
In memory of Sonic Feet (2007 - 2013) You are at the feet of Sonic and his friends!
This choice: Silver  •  Go Back...
Chapter #4

A Wall of Silver

    by: Archangel
         Slowly, your senses begin to come back to you. Before you open your eyes, you feel something soft and cushiony underneath your body. It’s warm and comfortable, covered with some kind of fabric that you thought were sheets. Whatever it was, it was silky smooth against your face, and you rub your cheeks against it as you began to regain consciousness. You breathe in deeply through your nose, stretching your shoulders and scrunching your face to try and wake yourself up. You smell something musky, like sweat or something, but you’re in too much of a daze to think too hard about it. You turn onto your back and stretch your arms and legs. You feel your body respond to the increased circulation and the fog of sleep slowly drifts away.

         You move your arms and attempt to sit up, when you come to a sudden realization. The last thing you remembered was starting up your Genesis console in your living room. If you passed out, how did you make it to your bed?

         You sit up quickly and open your eyes. It turned out you didn’t make it to your bed at all.

         The view before you is barren of any objects, save for the white fabric that covered the floor. Just in front of you, a streak of blue about as wide as your shoulders stretches off towards the horizon. At the edge of the horizon, something reflective glistened, and after shaking off the momentary blindness, you noticed that it looks like a huge hill made of gold. Your vision clears, and you begin to make out more detail. The golden hill has some kind of strange blue markings on it. They glow with a faint blue light, which suddenly grows more intense. The light bleeds onto the blue line in front of you, and it begins glowing too.

         Suddenly, you don’t feel the soft cushion beneath you. In fact, you don’t feel anything beneath you. You wave your arms and legs in alarm, but with nothing there for them to grab on to, you only succeed in flailing around as uselessly as a fish out of water. You realize that there’s an aura surrounding you; the same color as the light on the floor before. Everything takes on a bluish tint as your surrounded in the halo, but you can see out of it well enough to notice the wall of…what was that? It looked like the wall was covered in thin strands of some kind, like blades of grass. But they were just about as tall as you were. And they weren’t green either. They looked…silver?

         Before you could figure that out, you feel yourself being pulled up by an invisible force. You have absolutely no control and you begin to panic at first, but once you soon realize that whatever is pulling you is doing it slowly. In fact, it feels downright comforting. Your view of the wall of…whatever it is pans upward. Now you just want to jerk your head up and see where your going, but the aura has you paralyzed.

         Soon, the silvery strands turn into a forest of thicker, white fibers. They are about as wide as your arm at their widest, and taper off at the end. From where you were, they look like someone took apart giant, puffy cotton balls and stuck them to the surface of the wall. You continue upward and the forest abruptly ends and a new shape appears. This one is smooth and colored like skin. In fact, the whole shape looks like it’s made of skin.

         Then it dawns on you. You next see a gaping hole, so deep that you can’t see the back of it. You do see it’s slimy wet floor, though, as well as glistening white formations that look like carved rocks. A humid gust of wind hits you from inside the cave, but you remain perfectly upright as you float upwards. Next you see a black object that looks like a human-sized sausage sticking out from the wall. It appears slightly moist, like the nose of a dog, but your not paying attention long enough to get a good look. As soon as you clear black object, you see two gold-colored ovals only slightly bigger than you plastered on the white surface of the wall. But these things weren’t just ovals. They were eyes.

         And they were staring right at your puny, insignificant form.

         You knew those eye anywhere. The pieces start falling into place as you suddenly realize what all that stuff was as you flew up here. The silver and white fibers weren’t strange blades of grass; they were fur. And they weren’t attached to a wall. They were attached to a body. All the rest were features of someone’s face.

         No, it wasn’t just anyone’s face. It was the face of Silver the Hedgehog.

         Your mouth is wide open, from a million different feelings that you couldn’t even begin to figure out. How did he get here? Why was he so big? Just what in name of the Seven Chaos Emeralds was going on here?

         Your thoughts are silenced by Silver’s booming voice. “HEY, ARE YOU OKAY LITTLE GUY?”

         His voice shakes you to the bone and made your ears hurt. You want to fling your hands up to cover your eardrums, but the aura prevents you from moving. When you finally un-scrunch your face, you look into his huge golden eyes. They appear to be filled with a mixture of intrigue and genuine concern. But you’re too confused and terrified to tell if he wants to hurt you or not. If you answer him, he’ll know your alive and awake, which may not be a good thing if he decided to be less-than-friendly to your situation.

         Alternatively, you could play dead and not answer him at all. Maybe he’ll put you down and lose interest, and then you can hide and figure out just what the heck happened in guaranteed safety.

What do you do?
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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