Dana put her hand on Cat's back and started rubbing it. "I'm really sorry things didn't work out with Jennifer."
Cat frowned. "Me too, I'm really starting to regret talking to her."
"Well you shouldn't, if you didn't talk to her you might have spent along time chasing after a girl you could never be with."
"Yeah I guess you're right, it still doesn't make me feel any better...you know, maybe if I lost all this weight she might like-"
"Now you stop that," Cat looked at Dana with a look of surprise. "You are beautiful Just the way you are, and I just can't understand why you would want to change yourself for someone who doesn't like you for who you are!"
"After all you're the kindest, smartest, funniest person I know, not to mention the most beautiful person too, and you deserve someone who treats you that way."
"Someone like you?"
"Um well, yes but you know, s-" Cat leaned over and kissed her on the lips.
When Cat pulled away Dana was almost speechless. "D-did that just happen?" Dana asked shocked.
"Yes it did, should I not have? Did you mean someone else?! Did I just mess up our friendship?!" Cat began to panic.
Dana wrapped her arms around Cat. "No, you just took it to a whole new level!"
Dana came clean about how she felt about Cat, how much she loved her, how much she was hurting when Cat told her that she was interested in Jennifer and how much it meant to her that Cat had finally returned her affection.
"Dana, you should have told me sooner, I liked you a lot too, but wasn't sure that you liked me, so I just started to look for someone else and I met Jennifer at work and I...thought I fell in love, but I guess I shouldn't have gone for her."
Dana's eyes began to water. "You have no idea how happy I am to here that."
Cat hugged Dana tight. "I guess I don't, but I'd like to make you even happier."
"By being together, I'll make you happy and you'll make me happy." Cat moved her hands down Dana's back and grabbed her butt.
"Tehehe, stop it that tickles!" Dana pushed Cat's hands away.
Cat pouted "Aww, but I like the feel of of your cute, little butt."
Dane looked shocked. "I don't have a cute, little butt, I have a big, sexy one!"
"To someone you're size maybe," Cat stood up and stuck her butt out at Dana. "But to someone as big as me yeah, cute and little."
Dana fought the urge to grab onto the wobbling, fleshy mass infront of her. "Then how about I put on some weight...make my butt as big as yours is."
Cat froze, she stood still for a good thirty seconds before she snapped back to reality and turned to face Dana. "You don't have to do that for me, I was just joking, your butt is big and sexy I was just trying to be funny."
"I know, I just thought that it would be a nice idea, I get to eat anything I want and you get to have more me."
"Hmmm, I guess you're right...alright, it sounds like fun."
"So do you want me to weigh Less then you, get As big as you or maybe Bigger then you?"
"How about,
I stay the bigger one."
We get to be the same size."
You get bigger them me, is that okay with you?"