William slid the rest of the gigantic calzone over to Luke. "Let's me show you how it's done!" Luke said. He grabbed to half-calzone with both hands and started devouring it. Within seconds, Luke's muzzle was stained with meat and pasta sause, but that didn't slow him down. He swallowed mouthful after mouthful with haste; William wasn't sure he was even chewing at all. In a matter of minutes, the half-calzone was gone. Luke opened his mouth and a low, rumbling burp came out. He lifted up the bottom of his tunic to reveal a taunt curve that replaced his defined abs. A smirk appeared on Luke's face as he gave his belly slow, circular rubs.
"Opps, sorry." said Luke with false sincerity. "How are you doing, foxy?" William was still majorly bloated and could only moan in response. "Poor guy. One day you'll be able to take of these things on. Stay here, I know what'll help you out." Luke got up from the table and walked to another food vendor off in the distance. William took this as an opportunity to rest his head on the table and try to sleep for a minute.
The slamming of the beer stein on the table woke William back up minutes later. "Drink," asserted Luke. He hadn't bother cleaning the sauce off his muzzle.
"Thanks, but I'm still really fu-"
"Drink." Luke demanded. When he sat back down at the table, he took a long drink from the mug, easily downing half its contents. When he pulled the stein away from his lips, he gave off another deep burp.
William looked at the beer mug in front of him. It look as if it just contained a simple ale. He meekly raised it to his lips and took a gulp. The moment he stopped drinking, he felt the sudden need to burp. He tried stifling it, but an eruption of gas still came out of his mouth. "Opps..." said William. He noticed, however, that his stomach felt a little better. Still present was the sensation of fullness having eaten such a massive meal, but the pain associated with it was going. In fact, William thought he might have been able to eat a few more bites of that calzone if Luke hadn't finished it off.
"Good stuff, eh, foxy?" said Luke. Another series of gulps, another series of burps from Luke. William followed suit, finding that each drink of the ale made him want to burp, and with each burp his belly felt significantly less pressure. When he finished his mug, William's belly stuck out significantly making him look as if he was six month pregnant. Luke, too, was even more bloated than before, though William was quick to note how the curve of his belly complemented his bulging pecs.
"Look at us, a fox and a cheetah acting like a couple of pigs." said Luke, a paw slowly swirling around his exposed belly button. "How about dessert, foxy?"