Tummy rumbling, Jen walked into a McDonald's that was in the mall. It was busy, as expected on a weekend, but Jen simply walked to the front of the queue, leading to some objections from customers.
"Miss, you can't just..." said the cashier.
"I want a large Big Mac, 2 large fries, a large coke, a large strawberry milkshake, a large nugget box, and a McFlurry," she said. The cashier just looked at her.
"I...alright..." he said, subconsciously hearing the authority in her voice. "That comes to..."
"Zero," Jen said firmly.
"You will deliver it to my table."
Jen turned, and went to get a table, the restaurant expanding slightly to accommodate one for her in a secluded corner. Jen felt kind of bad for what she did, considering money was no object for her, but she figured a big company wouldn't miss a few dollars. And anyway, technically everything in the universe belonged to her anyway, so it wasn't stealing, just taking her property back. Content with her logic, Jen sat down, and messed around on her phone until her food arrived.
Her food arrived and Jen got eating it, but she couldn't help but notice a woman sat across the room, staring at her. The woman had an extremely full figure, her boobs being some of the biggest Jen had ever seen. The lady looked like a teenage boy's fantasy, and was dressed in a set of tight denim shorts, and a tight, white top, which showed off her tummy and tits. Jen noticed that the woman always looked away when she looked at her, and she looked extremely nervous about something.
"It's rude to stare, you know," Jen said.
"What...I mean, I'm like sorry my Lady! Or, like, uh, Jen...uh...oh shit..." the woman said.
"You know my name? Right, start talking, now. Or else." Jen raised her hand towards the woman, who immediately recoiled.
"Please, no!" she cried, looking genuinely terrified. "I just..."
Jen realised the other customers were staring at them. Jen waved her hand, and all of them got up and left, leaving their food behind.
"Right, now talk. And it had better be good," Jen demanded.
"You're like, the new God lady, and stuff, right?"
"I'm God, yes. How do you know that?"
"I'm a...I'm a...the thing, with wings? You know? In heaven?"
"An angel?"
"That's it!"
Jen ate another nugget, not taking her eye off the woman.
"What then, you're an angel, and you came to meet the new God?"
"I'm like, your, uh...your...I like, help you."
"Help me?"
"You know, like, to do stuff, and stuff. Like, I work with you..."
"Is there anything you actually know?"
"Thinking is totally hard..."
Jen was beginning to lose her patience with this woman.
"Look, unless you want to make me very angry, you will start making sense."
"No, please! I'm like, trying, but thinking's hard! He made it hard!"
"I'm God!"
"The old God, the super sexy boy!"
"He made thinking hard for you?"
"Then I command that to be undone."
Amia looked dazed, and then looked more right. The angel then looked a little bit worried, and immediately got down on her knees, bowing her head to Jen.
"My lady, oh supreme, glorious goddess, I apologise profusely for not affording you the infinite respect you deserve."
"Now answer my questions, or I'll turn you back. Who are you?"
"I am Amia, your supreme holiness, ma'am," the angel replied. "I am your chief archangel, and personal assistant."
"What, like a secretary?"
"Yes, your supreme holiness, ma'am. Ever since the beginning of time, I have served the one holding the position of God. I have stood by their sides, guiding their hands in ruling over their dominion."
Jen looked down at this woman, who was still trembling.
"Why did the previous God make you dumb?"
"I...I questioned him. I told him I disapproved of one of his decisions, so he made me a bimbo as punishment. I was like that for millennia..."
"But isn't it your job to question God?"
"Yes, your supreme holiness," Amia replied. "But you see, the previous God...he was not good at his job."
"What did he do?"
"He fucked. He reigned for billions upon billions of years, and for all that time, he never grew beyond his adolescent urges. He thought of the universe as nothing more than a toy for his pleasure. And the woman he made his Queen wasn't much better, she was terrible to all of us."
Without looking too deeply, Jen could sense much fear in Amia. Fear that Jen would punish her, or that she would be like her predecessor. Jen then realised something.
"Hang on, if you're an angel, why don't you have any wings?" Jen asked. Amia lowered her head further at this, looking embarassed.
"I...the previous God took them away."
"He did?"
"Angels are not created with wings, we have to earn them. Only God has the final say on who gets them, but he may also take them away. When I became a bimbo, I also lost my wings. You must understand, your supreme holiness, that we angels live to serve you. To lose our wings is a sign we have displeased God, and is the greatest dishonour and humiliation an angel can receive. And for it to happen to an archangel...it is only my rank preventing people from openly mocking me."
"I see..."
Jen took in everything that she had learned. It appeared that there was more to being God than she initially thought.
"Alright," she said. "I will let you help me be God."
"Thank you, oh glorious and holy one," Amia said, still kneeling. "And my wings?"
"Will be returned if I decide you've served me well. Now then, I want to go somewhere, and you will come with me."