Timothy went to his old favourite bar, to wile away his sorrows.
"I gave that woman the best years of my life, and this is how she repays me," He said to Amia as he downed his third pint of the evening.
"Forgive me Lord, but I'm confused," Amia said. "Which part of this is annoying you?"
"That my own wife refuses to acknowledge me!" Timothy shouted. "That she thinks I'm a demon!"
"In her defence Lord, it's not every day that mortals come back to life," Amia said. "Her reaction was perfectly understandable."
"Well what do you know!?" Timothy shouted, the beer clearly starting to get to him.
"A great deal Lord," Amia replied.
"I thought I'd find you here," the heard a male voice say. They turned to see Jim.
"Well if it isn't the wife-stealer," Tim said.
"It's 'widow stealer', actually," Jim corrected him, and sat down next to him. He looked at Amia, and was taken aback by her beauty. "I see you've moved on though. Fuck she's gorgeous."
"I am happily married, as are you," Amia said sternly. "And my husband doesn't take kindly to people flirting with me, so I suggest you back off."
"Alright, alright. God Tim, you sure do pick 'em," Jim said.
"This is Amia," Tim told his friend. "She's, well...an angel."
"Really?" Jim asked, not believing him.
"Jim, I've come back to life, and you're doubting this girl's an angel?"
"Sorry. Alright, she's an angel then," Jim admitted.
"Archangel, actually," Amia corrected him. "I was God's very first creation, created to guide his divine hand, and advise on the best course of action to take."
"I'd always expected angels to be, well, older," Jim said to her. Amia didn't look older than about 17 or 18.
"Mortal, did you miss the bit where I said I was God's very first creation?" Amia asked, a little annoyed. "I am the oldest thing in the universe. I have existed since before this universe, and I will exist long after it."
"Well...you look good for your age," Jim said.
"Thank you mortal," Amia smiled. "I'll put in a good word for you upon your judgement."
"Yeah...so I this means all the religious stuff is real then?" Jim asked.
"Not all of it, no," Amia replied. "There's a God, and there's a Heaven and Hell, but a lot of the stuff you'll read in books has been misinterpreted, or is just plain wrong."
"So Heaven and Hell are real...I'm afraid to ask where you went, Tim," Jim said to his old friend.
"Heaven, obviously," Tim told him.
"Is it as great as they say?" Jim asked.
"And more," Tim smiled, thinking back to his 16 years in Heaven.
"And before you ask, yes, Hell is as bad as they say," Amia added.
"How'd you know I'd ask that?" Jim asked. "Did you read my mind?"
"Yes, but you're also just very predictable," Amia replied.
"Right...So Tim...what's dying like?" Jim asked.
"I honestly don't remember much from the crash," Tim replied. "I saw the car coming towards me, and then...nothing."
"That's it?"
"Well..." Tim said.
The next thing I knew, I was waking up in an extremely comfortable bed. I was totally naked, and the bed and room were both completely white. Before I had a chance to wonder where I was, I saw a girl stood smiling at me. She was totally naked, and looked about 16.
"Who are you? Where is this?" I asked her. The girl just kept smiling at me. She crawled into bed with me, and moved into kiss me, but I resisted. "Woah there! I'm married!"
"So am I," said the girl in the most sensual voice I'd ever heard. "When you're here, you get to do whatever you want." She then gave me the most passionate kiss I'd ever had, and my cock sprung to attention.
"Where is this?" I asked again. "What's going on?" The girl then moved to my ear, and, in her incredibly sensual voice, she whispered:
"Welcome to Heaven."
I just stared at her.
"Heaven?" I asked.
"Heaven," she replied.
"But this can't be Heaven," I told her. "That would mean...Am I..." She just nodded. "How?"
"What's the last thing you remember?" The girl asked me.
"I remember driving home from work," I replied.
"You had a collision with a drunk driver," the girl told me. "You were killed instantly."
"So I'm dead..." I finally admitted. "But what about Rachel!? And Daisy and Lily!?"
"Well they weren't in the car with you, so obviously they're still alive," the girl replied.
"But what will happen to them now?"
"Their lives will go on without you."
"But they rely on me! I have to go back to help them!"
"You're dead now. There's no way back."
"That's bullshit! I want to see God!"
I got out of bed, and tried to find the door, but I realised quickly that there wasn't one.
"You can't see God," the girl told me. "He doesn't grant audiences to people. Only the archangels get to see him."
"Well then I want to see an archangel."
"The only archangel you're ever likely to meet is Lady Dorothea, the archangel in charge of Heavenly hospitality. But she wouldn't help you."
"But I can't just leave my family behind!"
"Lives come and lives go," the girl said. "Haven't you ever lost someone?"
"No, never."
"Then you are one of the lucky ones. But you will be happy here, I promise."
The girl snapped her fingers, and I was suddenly back in bed with her.
"How did you do that?" I asked her.
"As a qualified Bliss Angel, I possess limited powers, with which to make your eternal reward as blissful as possible," she replied.
"You're an angel?"
"Yes sir," she replied. "My name is Luna, if you should desire to tell a superior angel about how blissful I've been making your introduction."
"Superior angel?"
"I'm sorry sir," she said. "I've just been trying to get a promotion recently. I've been in my current position for 300 billion of your years, so I think it's about time for change."
That took a bit of taking it.
"300 billion years!?" I asked her, shocked.
"Yes sir," she replied.
"But you look...." I began.
"Sir, do you find me arousing?" I didn't reply, too embarrassed. "That is why I look like I do. Or part of the reason why. Angels can appear as old as they wish, but most wish for when they are in the prime of their life. Of course, looking young and attractive is part of my job."
"Are all angels as old as you?"
"Well obviously not, since basic maths would tell you that people need to start as age 0 and work their way up. I'm actually quite young for an angel."
"How old are you? If you don't mind me asking?"
"In your Earth years, I'm 528 quintillion, 201 quadrillion, 45 trillion, 3 billion, 892 million, 483 thousand and 119 years old," Luna replied.
"That's really young though. I know I only look like one of your teenagers, but that's basically how old I am compared to other angels."
"If you're an angel, why don't you have wings?" I asked, and in response, a pair of angelic wings appeared out of Luna's back.
"I don't normally get them out right away," she said. "I didn't want to freak you out too much."
"Wow," I said, as I felt her wings, but I stopped when I saw her shuddering. "What happened?"
"An angel's wings are a highly-sensitive erogenous zone," Luna said.
"It's fine. I am here for your pleasure, after all. Actually, you're one of the most talkative souls I've ever welcomed to Heaven. Most of them tend to be all over me within minutes."
"I just don't want to cheat on my wife," I said. "And I don't want you to cheat on yours either."
"He knows this is my job," Luna said. "In fact, he also does this job. Right before I came to you, he left to welcome a 15-year-old girl to Heaven. I suspect he's probably taking her virginity as we speak."
"It still seems wrong," I said.
"This should change your tune," Luna smiled cheekily. She then disappeared, and within seconds she was working my cock with her mouth. I won't go into the details, but let me just say that that girl knows how to please a man.
"I remember when we recruited Luna," Amia said. "She was a priestess at one of God's temples on her planet."
"You've still not told me how you came back," Jim said.
"There's time for that later," TIm said. "Right now, there's more important stuff to do." indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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