This choice: An eighteen year old female college student • Go Back...Chapter #3The geeky Goddess by: Unknown It's not like I was doing anything special when it happened. I almost didn't notice it, really. Well, I did, and I knew it was because the last god, some guy named Jack, had decided I should be his successor, but it didn't really impact what I was doing right then. One second I was pouring a glass of orange juice, having gotten up from playing a MMORPG with my group, the next I just knew I was omnipotent, and then I finished pouring the glass, put the container back in my fridge and sat back down and gamed some more. I was too immersed in the game to really think about what it meant to be all-powerful.
A few hours later we said our goodbyes and agreed to meet again soon. Then I started testing just what I could do.
I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Lisa Angela Caroline Kimberly Margaret Brynja Daphne Garden Jacinta Yolanda Wanda Quinn Ursula Osane Fadia Hayley Xiu Sophia Valeria Laila Naoko Regan Irene Zaynab Tamaya Paige Eadan Teague.
I know what you're thinking. "Lisa Angela Teague became a Goddess and decided to give herself a really long name." Nope, that was my birth name, in full. My mother was descended from old royalty from all over and couldn't settle on a name reflecting only one part of my heritage, so Lisa and Teague are from my father and the rest are my mother's. There's a lot of names in there that refer to beauty and grace and such, which as I grew up I found pretty funny.
See, to my father I'm just Lisa. My mother won't just call me that, she has to use one of the names she gave me, so I'm her Lisa Angela, or, if I'm in trouble, more than that. One time I broke one of her china plates. That was the only time she used my full name. In retrospect, it was mildly impressive that she could so easily rattle it off, considering how mad she was. Those plates had been handed down for generations. They would've gone to me as her only daughter--only child, in fact--but I was quickly told they were going to my first cousin Abigail. Abigail Schoonraad, my mom's brother's daughter. My primary descent on that side is Dutch, and on my father's side Cornish--he refuses to call himself English. Oh well. I'm not hung up on that sort of thing anyway. My dad's a financier, and my mom has old money, so I live pretty comfortably now that I've moved away to go to college. My plates are just regular ones, though, nothing impressive. I should probably note that those china plates were the ones we used for normal dinners. My mom had even older stuff for entertaining guests.
To my close friends, though, my nickname is Lack, or Lack Teague. Pretty fitting, really. My mom's a beauty. Her mom died just before she turned eighteen. My mom wasn't an only child, of course, but she didn't have any sisters and in her family, long tradition dictated that the bulk of the inheritance passed down through the female line. I think that was from something Icelandic in her ancestry. So my mom got just about everything--her brothers are still pretty rich, though--and promptly leveraged her looks by going into hardcore porn. She did a shoot with two men, on film, on her eighteenth birthday. She tried to hide it from me, of course, but long before I became all-knowing I'd ferreted out just about all of her secrets like that. Dad was one of the guys in that shoot, but he looks nothing like he did then. My mom can still pass for twenty-five, and she's pushing fifty.
And my aunts on my father's side are pretty good-looking, too. I mean, they don't hold a candle to my mom, and they never did porn, but you'd think that I'd at least turn a few heads.
Well, I do, just not in that way. See, I'm just about the opposite of my mother. She's beautiful and graceful. Tall and willowy--a good two inches taller than my dad, in fact--with breasts that she still loves to show off. She sometimes dresses up in some trashy clothing, goes to a dive bar and sees how many people there she can get to ask her to go home with them. She loves my dad, though, but there was that one time when he told me to go to my room and stay there. But I could still hear things, and though I know better now, once I found out about that little habit of Mom's I thought she'd brought the whole bar back with her that night from the din. Of course, there was a din most nights, but I could always tell when it was just the two of them and when Mom had brought a friend.
Me, I'm clumsy. Around my place all my plates, cups, and such are nigh-unbreakable, and they've all been put through their paces. I don't have a sex drive, either. Oh, I masturbate and such, and it feels good for sure, but I've never felt driven to it. Just occasional manual stimulation, or one or both of my vibrators. If it weren't for how big one of them is, I'd still be a physical virgin.
But what really embarrasses my mom is just how much I'm the opposite of her physically. She loves me, but nobody believes that I'm her daughter. I'm short, flat, and I had terrible acne and the scars left my face badly pockmarked and discoloured. The damn acne is persistent, too. Nothing worked, in fact, just this morning I noticed a new outbreak. So when I turn heads, they're usually turning away from me.
So I became pretty reclusive. I go to class, and once in a very long while my friends, Andrea and Sheila, drag me out somewhere, usually some new club they want to check out. I generally resist, but once I'm there, I remember that it's actually not that bad. I bet people that I can drink them under the table. If there's one thing I do have going for me, it's that I have a really high tolerance for alcohol. I don't know how, but I've never blown over 0.04 on a breathalyzer. Never. And one time that was after drinking half of everything the bar had. Literally right after; that bar had one right there and cut people off once they were too inebriated. The bartenders couldn't believe what they were seeing, especially when Andrea was blowing 0.10 after only three pints. Girl has no tolerance at all. By the end of that night I almost had to carry Andrea and Sheila out of there.
Of course, then I became a Goddess, and all that went right out the window.
After I logged out, the first thing I realized was that becoming omnipotent does a real number on your libido. See, in that first little while you're not quite in control of your infinite powers, so you're picking up on everything everywhere, and there's a lot of sex in the universe. All the time while I was blissfully gaming away it was flooding my brain, and I almost couldn't control myself as I made my vibrators huge, altered my pussy and ass so that they'd fit perfectly, and proceeded to satisfy a real sexual urge for the first time in my now-immortal life.
I timed my gaming sessions because I had an evening class an hour later. Usually I'd take a quick shower, slip into something I could wear outside--normally I kept my blinds drawn and just went around in panties--and head off in my Lamborghini, a Veneno. But when I realized just how horny I was I quickly reversed and then froze time. It's a good thing I'm immortal. All that sex I was picking up, even for just a few hours, took me millennia to blow off. I think I had one orgasm that lasted a good two hundred and fifty years, well, from my point of view anyway.
I was still really turned on after I snapped myself out of it, so I set up a feedback loop between a cordoned off part of my brain, my nipples, my cunt and my ass that kept me having an orgasm for a good while, though it didn't impair me in any other way. I took a shower--it felt great, I could feel the water running off me like never before--and just picked up my towels with my mind to dry off while I proceeded with a little more manual stimulation.
Looking in the mirror above my sink, I decided right then that the old me was going to go away for good.
I had to adjust my ceilings as I shot up to a full eight feet. My skin cleared up, for good this time, and all the hair I could never keep shaved off just vanished. I decided that some muscle tone was in order, but my urges got the better of me and I ended up somewhere in between fitness model and weightlifter. My face rearranged until once again nobody would believe I was my mother's daughter, but only because I was so much more beautiful than her, especially with the coloring I introduced. My nails suddenly had intricate nail polish while my fingers and toes became slender and smooth. I knew my mother's measurements, of course, and my waist shrank down while my ass and boobs exploded outward to make her look flat compared to me. My hair grew down to the floor, with a small bun on top, and gems appeared woven into the hair, while my unpierced ears suddenly gained diamond earrings. I tried having a cock, a big two-foot thing, but even though it felt great I got rid of it--it wasn't like I couldn't give myself one any time I wanted. I dressed myself all in purple, creating the clothes from nothing, a midriff-baring strapless tube top barely covering my areolae, a miniskirt barely hiding my pussy, and strappy sandals with a six-inch heel. Deciding that I didn't care who knew or guessed that I was a Goddess, I made part of the skin on top of each of my tits become iridescent, the right tit displaying a large capital alpha, and the left a large capital omega.
I knew I could teleport straight to my class, but instead I just willed myself into my garage and got behind the wheel. With my new, hyper-sensitive body, I found driving the car amazingly pleasurable. Making sure I wouldn't get stopped or ticketed, I floored it, using my perfect reflexes to drive the sports car safely to campus at over 180 mph.
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