"Well, now that I can actually appreciate it, I think we should play with a human or two," said Amia as she returned her new quantum computer to the nothingness where she had previously kept her clipboard.
"Any thoughts on which human?" asked Jen.
"Let's just see who strikes our fancy, shall we?"
Jen unfroze time, and the Goddess and her angel meandered through the mall. Amia, eager to use her own powers again, did send out small gifts to various people they passed--larger tits here, bigger ass there, longer dick on someone else--but all small and designed to be prolonged to as not to raise much suspicion. Jen grinned and began doing the same.
Passing a bookstore, they saw a small young woman peering through thick glasses at a shelf.
"There. She's our next target," said Jen to Amia telepathically.
"So do we go to her now?"
"No, we'll wait in the food court. She'll come by eventually. In the meantime, we can enjoy food like they simply can't."
Jen produced debit cards from thin air. "Each of these is linked to a bank account with a small amount of money, each in a different name. We'll each split ourselves into multiple bodies, all looking different, and carrying appropriate ID. You know the booth I'm thinking of?"
"Yes, I can see it," said Amia, staring through the walls into the seating area. "Very nice location for our purposes. I take it it's no coincidence that it's empty?"
Jen giggled. "It's no coincidence that it's even there." She reached into Amia's mind and twisted.
Suddenly Amia's eyes went a little bit wider. "Ah, I see. So, do we meet her in all our bodies or what?"
"Nah, just these. We'll have a few minutes after finishing our meals before she comes in."
As they walked, they left bodies behind with each step, each of which began wending its way toward one of the various outlets in the food court.
It wasn't long until all their bodies were gathered in Jen's large meeting room, each with a tray containing one of the various things sold in the area.
As Jen had guaranteed, a small, confused young woman carrying a small salad walked into the room, and promptly fainted upon seeing its dimensions.
As Ella came to, she realized she was sitting in the most comfortable chair she'd ever sat in, as if it were made precisely for her. Looking up, she saw her salad in front of her and, across the room, two women in close conversation.
"Oh, don't mind us," one said, and Ella wondered why she had thought their presence strange, or indeed why she had thought the room strange. She ate her salad.
As she was about to get up, the same woman said, "Leaving so soon?"
"Well..." Ella began.
"Come on, stay and chat a bit."
"Okay, I guess." Ella wasn't sure why she felt she could trust the two, yet she felt she was in no danger.
She walked around the table, taking a seat near the pair. The silence stretched until she realized they were expecting her to speak first.
"So... who are you?"
"Glad you asked! I'm Jen, the all-powerful ruler of the universe, and this is Amia, my chief archangel."
"Hi!" said the other, who had white-blonde hair.
Something about how the strange woman had made her pronouncement convinced Ella that it was true. "So, you can do anything?"
"Anything at all. Care to see?" Before Ella could say a word, a moving picture appeared hovering in front of them, just the scene, no screen or projector that Ella could see.
An Asian woman, whom Ella figured was in her mid-twenties, walked along a street. She wasn't much larger than Ella herself.
"Now watch," said Jen with a wide grin.
Ella's eyes went wide as the woman's breasts exploded out from her chest, shredding her clothing in an instant. Within seconds they were ten times as large as the rest of her, and she lay atop them, immobile, as they continued to expand, brushing up against buildings, already having flattened vehicles.
"They're doubling in size every second now," said Amia.
"Too slow, I think," said Jen. "What do you think, Ella?"
"I--I think--"
"Too slow," repeated Jen, and suddenly the woman's breasts accelerated their growth dramatically. The scene zoomed out to show them expanding, covering the city under their massive bulk.
"There, ten miles in diameter. I think that's large enough for a demonstration, don't you?"
"But, all the people in that city..."
"Pfft. I'm omnipotent, I can do as I please with them. Besides, that was just a demonstration," and suddenly the scene appeared to go into a rapid reverse, the huge boobs shrinking, the damage repairing itself, until the woman was simply walking down the street again--though, Ella noted, with decidedly more bulk under her top.
"So, why am I here, then?"
"Because I want you to be here, and that's because I'm going to give you a whole new body."
"What sort of new body?"
"And spoil the surprise?"
With that, Ella found herself naked, though to her relief she noticed that Jen and Amia were equally nude. The room changed, table and chairs vanishing, until Ella found herself at the centre. Jen and Amia walked around her.
"So, for her base form, I'm thinking this," said Jen. Ella could somehow see herself from all angles, and knew somehow that she was, all of a sudden, nine feet tall, with red hair to her knees, and otherwise shaven beneath her eyes, with tits the size of basketballs and an ass to match. She felt stronger, and her breasts felt weightless.
"Hm, that looks good," said Amia, "but I think she could use a little decoration." Ella saw, but did not feel, hoops popping into existence in her ears, lips, labia and the outsides of her eyebrows, barbells through her tongue, clit and the bridge of her nose, and both in her nipples.
"Yes, I think that will do to start."
"To start?" Ella interrupted, finding it perfectly natural to speak with her lip rings and tongue stud.
"Yes, to start. You didn't think I'd just leave you like this, did you?"
Ella realized she was suddenly in multiple places at once when she found herself looking at herself from only a few angles, but feeling multiple bodies, all sending sensations to what she found was a single shared mind.
"Let's take this one at a time, shall we?" said Jen.
As the Goddess walked around, Ella felt her power altering her yet more. One body became like a centaur's, with a six-foot-long back and four legs. Ella estimated that it was six feet to where the saddle would go were it actually a horse, and her torso was another six feet high. She found that by bending back a bit she could finger both her front and back pussies at once.
A second body's legs fused together and became scaly, growing longer. Ella realized it was becoming a naga, and it grew until its head was level with her horse-like body's. Ella found she could easily balance on a point in her tail about six feet from where it began, just below her cunt and ass, and easily slither on the remaining thirty.
Ella couldn't tell what was special about a third body, except that it had also grown, until she felt it fly through the air and into a huge tank of water, at which point its new gills and fish-like tail--also not covering her lower genitalia--made it plain. It swam happily for a while before hauling itself out, almost immediately regaining legs, never having lost the ability to breathe air.
As another body grew, she felt a pressure above its pussy as it became aroused and suddenly a massive cock burst out, standing proudly erect, three feet long with huge balls dangling behind it.
"You can choose whether that thing will grow when you get excited," said Jen. "But it will be that big if it does. And finally, for your last body..."
Ella felt her fifth body double in height, tits growing to match with another equally large pair bursting out underneath, pierced like the first. Her muscles exploded, yet she felt no loss of flexibility or mobility. She felt two more pairs of arms as well, and began to pleasure herself.
Jen let Ella get used to her new selves for a bit. Suddenly the five-bodied woman said, "But what will I wear? I can't go out like this."
"Sure you can. Weather won't affect you, and those tails are impervious to just about anything. But if you insist..."
Zippered black latex boots with a foot-high heel appeared on all of Ella's legs, reaching most of the way up her thighs, while white latex fingerless gloves appeared on her arms, covering almost their entire length. She felt her waists shrink down as if she were wearing tight corsets, but could not see or feel any such thing. Various gems appeared in her piercings.
"Now don't be shy or anything. Everyone will think your new bodies perfectly normal, including their attire, or lack thereof. And don't worry too much about growing your dick, everyone knows that, well, accidents happen."
"But these bodies are too tall for most buildings!"
"Nonsense. Just go where you please and you'll find everything adjusted to suit you."
Ella realized that she was going to be like this, but also realized that she didn't mind--that, in fact, she was starting to enjoy it. "How can I thank you?"
"By enjoying what I've given you. Now, go on, before I decide that I want you as a pet forever."
Ella variously ran, trotted and slithered out of the room and back into the mall.
"So, Jen," said Amia, "shall we fuck like only we can, or I've got this nice couple in mind..."