You immediately recognized the incoming passerby as Maribelle, Lissa's best friend! Her well groomed hair, parasol, and bright pink outfit made her stick out like a sore thumb, especially during battle. She was very graceful, and some would even say uptight. And oh, yeah, she was filthy rich!
"Hey, Maribelle!" Lissa called while Maribelle was passing by.
"Oh, hello there, Liss! How've you been?" Maribelle replied, straightening a loose hair in the process.
"Oh, I've been great! I found this shrunken maaa..." Lissa cut herself off before she accidentally revealed you, phew!
"A shrunken what?" Maribelle questioned. Uh oh, she was getting suspicious!
"Oh, oh, nothing! Nothing at all, nevermind. Anyways, what've you been up to?" Lissa stammered, trying to take the spotlight off her. All the while you were being cupped in Lissa's hands behind her back.
"Me? Well, I just got finished doing the laundry and am headed back to my tent for the night. Hey, I've got an idea, why don't you sleep over in my tent tonight!? We aren't supposed to be planning for a battle tomorrow, so it'll be okay! C'mon, it'll be just like when we were little girls!" Maribelle said. You could tell she did really want to catch up with her good friend.
"Hey, that sounds like a great idea! Lemme get some stuff from my tent and be over in a little bit! This is gonna be so much fun!" Lissa cheered.
"Alright, I'll see you then!" Maribelle waved goodbye for now and walked off, but little did she know, you were with her!
"See ya then!" Lissa called, waving her now free hands. "And don't worry, little guy, I'll get you back a bit later. Hope you have fun! Hehehe!" Lissa giggled to herself with that same cute and devious smile that gets you every time.
Where did Lissa put you?