Your eyes slowly open, and you are greeted by a white ceiling. Was it all a weird dream? You were just talking to Deb in the kitchen. You try to rub you eyes, but you can't. Your coordination is off. You look down at your hands. They are so tiny and chubby! You start to freak out. You try screaming, but all that comes out is nonsensical babble. You start crying. The door opens, and Peggy walks in. She goes to the crib you are in, and looks down at you. "Aww, is my little baby brother upset?" She asks. You look up at her, and cry harder. She picks you up, and takes you to thecchanging table of Jessica's nursery. "Its ok. I'm just going to change you." She says. You are still crying, so she puts a pacifier in your mouth. She changes you, and carries you out of the room, into hers. "Your just an adorable little baby." She says. You look at her, shocked. Baby? You try to talk again, but cannot. You are so frustrated! You start crying, your face turning pink. "Ohh, you didn't know? You are four months old now. You're just a cute little baby. Mom asked me to take care of you. And my boyfriend is coming over to help." Peggy explains in a sweet voice. She looks at you with those beautiful green eyes. She is so beautiful. But you are a baby. You didn't even know she had a boyfriend. So, she put you in your crib, and got ready for her boyfriend. Soon, the doorbell rang. It was her boyfriend. The two came upsrtairs. "Shawn, this is my baby brother." She said. "Oh my god, he's so cute." He says. The two leave the room. Peggy comes back a few minutes later, and picks you up. She goes to the kitchen, and gets you a bottle. Shawn is on the couch in the living room. Peggy carries you in, sits down, and feeds you. You resist. You know you're not a baby. You hate this. "Aww, what's wrong, little guy?" Shawn asked, flashing brilliant white teeth. Eventually, Peggy is able to feed you. You are embarrassed, but finish the bottle. Peggy burps you, and puts you in a playpen. Her and Shawn snuggle as they watch a movie. You are jealous. You start crying. Peggy picks you up. You cry into her shoulder. "Shawn, I'll be back. I have to put the baby to bed. He's cranky." Peggy says, as she takes you upsrtairs. She puts you in your crib, turns on the mobile and baby monitor, shuts off the light, and shuts the door. You wake up. You have a very full diaper. It is uncomfortable. You are carried to the changing table by...