This choice: She is right, you're tired, let's take a nap • Go Back...Chapter #3She is right, you're tired, let's take ... by: Bellatrix_  You feel tired, and decided to find a quiet room to take a nap. Maybe Deb has a guest room you can sleep in? You go upstairs, and look for one. Eventually, you find it. You walk over to the bed, and lay down. You get under the comforter, and close your eyes. You gently fall into a deep sleep. Suddenly, however, you are startled awake. You scream, and before you know it, you feel a trickle down your legs. 'Oh no. God, please no.' you think, frightened. You scramble out of the bed; there is a giant puddle of urine. You groan, fretting how anyone will react when they see what happened. You look in the closet, and find a throw blanket. You toss it over the puddle. Thankfully, it covers it. You hear the door open. You quickly pull your phone out of your pocket, and scramble onto the bed. You see Peggy enter the room. "Oh, hey, hey. What's up, Peggy?" you ask, smiling. "Hey Josh. What's going on in here?" she asks. "Oh, nothin'. Just, uh, checking Instagram." you say, as nonchalantly as you can manage. "Ok. Hey, what's that smell?" she says, wrinkling her nose. "Jessica, probably." you say. "No, I just changed her diaper. It's coming from in here." she says. Finally, she finds the source of the smell. "Josh, did you wet yourself?" she asks. "Umm, well, the thing is-" you stammer, lost for words. You break down in tears. "Peggy, please don't tell your mom." you beg, sobbing. "Awww, Josh, you poor baby." Peggy says, walking up to you. She wraps her arms around you. You return her hug. "Come with me." she says sweetly. She takes your hand, and you follow her into Jessica's nursery. She grabs one of her sister's pacifier from a jar on the changing table, and gently places it in your mouth. Then, she says something that catches you off guard. "Josh, take of your jeans and boxers." It was said so softly, that you felt helpless to do anything but. You are soon in your tight blue boxers, looking at your long-time crush. "It's ok, Josh. This won't take long." she assures you. She takes out a diaper, and opens it. "Ok, ready?" she asks. You nod. As you begin to take off your boxers, she pulls up the diaper on you. Your boxers are at your feet by the time the diaper is on your slim frame. You look into Peggy's eyes, and see them dancing with compassion. You smile at her, and she smiles back. "How are these so big?" you ask. "I got them in the geriatrics section." Peggy replies. She gives you a big light blue t-shirt. "And where'd you get this?" you ask. "It was dad's, but he left a long time ago." Peggy says, pain flashing across her face. "I'm sorry." you say, as you put on the shirt. A few second later, you catch her off guard; you pull her into a high, meaningful hug. A few minutes later, she slips out of you warm embrace. "Come on Josh." she says, as the two of you go downstairs. You follow her into the kitchen, where she pulls out a jar of applesauce, a cucumber, and a carton of milk. She cuts the cucumber into slices, and pours milk into a glass. She starts drinking it. "You want a snack?" she asks. You nod; she gives you the applesauce. "I know how much you love apples." she says, smiling. You smile, and begin eating the applesauce. Peggy picks up a cucumber slice, and begins munching on it. Then, Danielle walks in, putting her backpack on the floor. "Hi Peggy, hi Josh- Josh, what are you dressed like that?" she says, looking at you. You look at the eight year old, and then at Peggy. "Dani, Josh is just wearing a comfortable shirt, and that's ok." she says. "But, he's wearing a-" Danielle starts, cut off by her big sister. "Dani, do you want to wear what Josh is wearing?" Peggy asks the girl. She looks at her big sister with wide eyes, and runs upstairs. "Thanks, Peggy." you say. "No problem. Sometimes I dress Danielle like that anyway. She doesn't want anyone to know she likes playing house." Peggy says. "Oh, are you the mom, and she's the baby?" you ask. Peggy nods. Then, she signals you to follow her, and walks into the living room. You follow. She sits on the couch, and pats her lap. You are reluctant at first, but then sit on her lap. "You're light, Josh." she says, not that she should be surprised; you were really thin, but not unhealthily so. "Uh, thanks." you respond, not knowing what else to say. "It must be stressful, your parents leaving right as school's about to start. I'm sorry." she says. "I don't mind, really." you say. Peggy takes a bottle from the table beside her. "Peggy?" you ask. "It's ok, Josh, just drink your bottle." Peggy says softly, her voice maternal. Peggy puts the bottle in your mouth, and you begin to drink. You soon feel tired, and fall asleep. Peggy gently gets up, drags a playpen over, and places you i it. She cover you with a blanket, and puts the pacifier on a dummy clip, putting it in your mouth. She smiles, and pulls out her phone. She opens her texts, and reads her mom's latest messages.
'How is everything?'
'Is Danielle home yet?'
'Is Jessica sleeping?'
Peggy types back a few words:
'Baby Josh is sleeping in his playpen.'
Peggy waited a few minutes, and got a new message:
'Good. Thank you, Peggy; I'll be home later.'
Peggy looks back at you, and smiles.  | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |