You slowly, carefully, open the little girl's drawers, and inside, you see a very unique collection of panties.
You've never seen anything like them-not that you've spent alot of time looking at panties in your day, but still. They are both pretty and cute. You stick a trembling hand down inside, feeling the smooth, soft, material. Then, you pull at the waist band, with both hands, testing the stretchiness of the panties. All of a sudden, a strange, guilty thought occurs to you. You start to wonder what it would be like to WEAR such a garment. Being somewhat smaller than the average teenage boy, you wager you might be able to squeeze into them, barely. Wouldn't that material feel good on your goods? You blush red with shame and humiliation of even thinking such a thought.
Then again, you reason, no ones home. What could it hurt just to try them on, just for a moment. Taking a gulp and a deep breath, you quickly slip down your pants and underwear, and place them on the bed before stepping into the panties. With a little bit of effort, you manage to stretch them up your legs, and squeeze them over your privates.
Running your hands over your backside, you close your eyes and sigh at how good it feels, and it feel even better in the front!
However, just then, you hear the door open, and in walks Peggy!
"GASP! What the HELL do you think you're doing??" She demands
"This has got to be the most disgusting, perverted thing I have ever seen! Coming in here, stealing my 9-year-old sister's panties, and putting them on! You've even got a hardon in them! I guess there's only one thing to do-call mom! She'll probably have you arrested. Hahah, I can just imagine what the guys in prison will do to a nasty little panty wearing sissy like you."
Your heart sinks.
"No, wait, PLEASE!" You beg.
"Oh," says Peggy, looming over you, a foot taller than you, her hands on her hips, "and why shouldn't I?"
"Because I'll do anything you say!"
"Oh really? She says, skeptically, "Alright. Here's the deal, I'll give you three choices: One, you can keep your word, and do EVERYTHING I say, starting by getting your nasty ass over here on my lap for a spanking.
Two, you can walk out the door, onto the street, right now, DRESSED AS YOU ARE.
Or Three, I will call my mom, and let her sort it out. But like I said, she will probably call the cops on you, and I PROMISE you, she won't let you stay here, anymore.
"So, what's it gonna be?"