"The Balloon/Succubus upgrade." Samus said, selecting the upgrade from the machine. While she was quite happy with her body and its potential, she had discovered that the computer was capable of combining upgrades, and she was extremely curious about the apparent compatibility with the Balloon upgrade. She took the chip and inserted it into her zero suit, or at least what was left of it after its modifications.
Immediately, Samus began to feel strange. Her blue skin began to tingle, and felt different somehow. Samus looked down, and saw a slight shine on her cleavage, and headed over to the mirror to take a look at herself. When she looked, she noticed that her skin seemed to be shiner than usual, and increasingly so. Her skin went from merely blue to a fake looking light blue, her flawless skin losing all texture as it was replaced with a perfectly smooth layer, glossy and obviously fake.
The layer appeared to be rubber, and seemed to give more than her regular skin as she pushed at it, her hands beginning to be affected by it, her opera gloves merging with her skin, the faint imprint of her fingernails underneath it disappearing as the line where the glove ended and her skin began faded, color being the only difference between the areas. Slightly alarmed at her change, Samus looked at her skin-baring leotard to see if the same thing had happened, and sighed in relief when she found that she could still remove it, although she found through her now regular sense of touch thanks to her technical lack of gloves, that it felt like the same rubbery material as her skin, although thicker and more shinier, more like latex.
Her legs however, weren't spared, as her thigh-high stockings melded with her skin as well, although she luckily found that her high-heels were left untouched when she bent over to remove them, a very faint squeaking sound of rubber-on-rubber being made by the action. She pulled one off, and found that her foes had merged together, her foot foot-shaped and fully functional, but much more suited to being under her shoes, which she slipped back on immediately.
She examined her tail, mostly untouched, apart from the latex-like look and shine that had been added, and took a look at her wings, made of the same shiny rubber that her skin had, making it look much faker than normal, although no ability of flight had been stripped of it, since she wasn't capable of the act in the first place. She was still able to flap them, and had full control of her tail as normal, but when she moved, she felt very odd, and lighter somehow. She ran her hands across her horns, which had come out of the transformation completely untouched, and took a look at her face, changed along with the rest of her.
With her rubbery skin, her face was somewhat odd, retaining full control over it despite the new material. However, her eyelashes and eyebrows seemed to be painted on, her eyelashes completely flat and unmoving as she blinked. Her lips were puffier and shiner than usual, gleaming as she rested them, and directed her attention to her hair. Her hair had ceased to be proper hair, as the long ponytail had merged into one shiny mass, lighter and more flowing than rest of her body, but still a single mass, her bangs and fringe staying in the same shape.
Samus made a few poses, having a look at herself and all her changes. All in all, she looked like a rubber version of herself. A very realistic rubber version, but still a rubber version. She wasn't particularly happy about it. Her looks had remained and she was a beautiful as ever, and she was sure there were a lot of people into her current look, but she felt like her seductive qualities had been reduced somewhat. If only she had gotten a bigger chest…
And at that thought, there was a squeaking and stretching sound as her chest inflated, swelling until each breast was almost as big as her head, still as perfectly supported as before, giving her a very top-heavy look to her hourglass figure. Samus was surprised by this, but quickly imagined what she could do with it, and imagined her chest being just slightly smaller and rounder, her chest deflating and stretching to match. She gave a seductive smile at the thought of what she could do with an ability like this, and briefly thought of having enormous hips. On cue, her hips ballooned outwards to the same proportions, overshadowing her chest in terms of bulk as she quickly adjusted it back to a more manageable level.
Samus adjusted her pose in the mirror one again on her enormously curvy body, starting to see the upsides of her change. As she idly appreciated her own form, the thought occurred to her that her stomach may also be adjustable, and she was left to try to suppress her rapidly swelling belly.