"I think you are a little over your head kid. What if we decided to throw YOU in that trap?" he said as two of them came to grab you.
You knew that if you used too much ability, that they would tell your new hoast and that would be the end of that. Luckily, your perception wasn't something they could see. So you moved in and around them as they attacked. You dodged and landed a few punches in areas that quickly immobilized them. Some were in pain, others were unconscious. There were only 5 of them, so it didn't take you too long. With that done, you pulled two of them over to the thin stick strip and threw them into it. You did the same with the others, making sure they rolled to get good and caught. Soon, they were all caught and all awake. So you started walking to the the young Neko girl.
"Wait, where are you going?" asked one of them.
"I have to go wake her up now. Obviously I can't be around when she finds you there," you answered.
"What! No, you can't do that!" exclaimed another, the one that led the charge to attack you. The others were trying to free themselves but to no avail.
You didn't need to waste any more words on them. You warned them, fair and square. Now you had a problem. You had to get work done, but you couldn't while they were watching. So you needed them gone. Unfortunately, they chose to stay. Only one way to stay, for them at least, and that was in the neko's belly. You knew that they, like most anthro species, liked tinies as meals. Perhaps this would help cheer her up. You walked over to her one overhanging foot that you stabbed before, dipped your knife into a waking solution, then stabbed her again. You quickly got out of sight and made sure the tinies couldn't see your accent to your bookshelf perch. She started to stir and the tinies started to panic.
"Whoa... that was a weird dream," She stated as she she swung her feet over to the ground and got up. She probably wouldn't have even noticed the tinies if they hadn't been screaming in panicked efforts to escape. "Am I still dreaming?" she asked as she walked over to her trap and picked them out of it, depositting them on the table. "How in the world did you ALL get trapped in there? I have to admit, I never thought that silly thing would actually work."
"Please, don't... just please let us go!" begged a few of them.
"What good what that do? You'll just come back and steal more of my food and ruin more of my things. You already stole most of my food. I was actually going to go hungry tonight. I don't get paid till tomorrow." She asked them. She stroked one of them with her finger. Her neko side was coming out, including the cat side's affinity with playing with her food.
"Please, we'll do anything you ask of us. Anything!" begged another of them.
"Anything?" she asked.
"YES!" they all said at once.
"Well... ok, but I am hungry so I need to eat a few of you. How about we play a game. Give you all an equal chance of living and I get to eat tonight?" She offered.
"Why can't you just let us go?" one of them asked back.
"I COULD just eat you all too." She said with a stern voice. You were slightly suprised. You didn't know a neko to give any of their meals a free pass. That wasn't what you were taught, nor what you'd seen. If there was one group that could, it was humans, and that was not very often. She was either really nice or really manipulative.
"NO, We'll play any game you want." They all said. It would appear they understood well enough not to push it, like they did with you. At least they were learning.
"Good. Now, I can't play anything like hide and seek. That would be pointless with you all. I could... yes that will be perfect. Ok, here's the game." She said. You were right. This little distraction had lifted her spirits a good deal. You were glad she wasn't so far gone as to be in depression. "Ok, it is going to be like a little tournament. I will put two of you in my mouth. That way I get to taste all of you at one point. You each have to get out as fast as you can. It is just, that I can only let one out. So 3 of you get to start an new life, NOT IN MY APARTMENT."
"But there are 5 of us. Which one doesn't have to play?" one asked.
"Very observant little guy. I'll let you all decide who gets a free pass. You see, I'm not heartless. After all, it wouldn't be fair if you all ate all my food and I get nothing." She said back then let them talk amongst themselves. You couldn't hear from your perch. But finally one man came forward. "So you get the free pass. I'll just stick you here for now."
She put the tiny in the middle of the table then looked at the other 4. She seamed to be dividing them up as she plucked one up than another. She held them amazingly gentle for what you thought she would, or had seen others do.
"Ok, first round boys. Remember, first one out of my lips. Don't worry about falling, I'll catch you." She winked at them then opened her mouth wide. She was careful as she lowered them both into her mouth then leveled out her head. She sealed her mouth and hummed as she worked them around in there. You half thought she was going to swallow them both anyway, but she opened her mouth a few minutes later. "Weew, co on (Well, come one)," she said with them in her mouth. There was a flurry of movement that she moaned to. You could see indentations as they hit her cheek. Apparently they were really fighting in there. Finally, one of them appeared on the other side of her lips, jumping out. She barely caught him in her hands. With that she closed her mouth over an audible yell from inside. She smiled around the arms that were protruding from her mouth. With a slurp they were in and she moved them her morsle around then tilted back and swallowed. You saw the lump travel down her throat and disappear behind her chest. "Oh my, if I get this every time you guys steal from me, then you're all welcome back anytime."
She looked at the man in her hands then put him gently down next to the other free man. She then picked up the other two and repeated the process. She may have taken a little longer tasting them this time. But this time, the other tiny had made it all the way to his waste before she closed her mouth. The other hung from her lips, forgetting or not trusting that she woulf catch him now that he won. She put her hand under the man and opened again, but only to protrude her tongue under the other man and tilt back so he was sliding into her mouth. The other man lost his grip and fell into her palm. He watched close up as she played with the other man then swallowed him as well. For the first time she looked in a way that you could see her eyes. They contrasted her hair beautifully with a very vibrant green. Unlike before, her ears were twitching happily and you knew that this was the person you wanted to help.
"Now time to take you all out." she said, considerably more chipper than before as she held her hand out for the other two to join the one recovering in her hand. They did so, be it reluctantly, she then stood and went to leave. "Remeber, you can come back IF you want me to eat you. Otherwise, this is your one free pass."
With that she was out and you leapt over to the window. You saw her exit the building, bend over, and release the tinies into a hidden place behind some bushes. She seamed to talk with them a little then came back inside. You hid as she came back. You watched as she cheerily grabbed the broom and cleaned the mess that had previously added to her apparently horrible day. You would have to wait till she went to bed or left again to start your work. But you looked forward to making her this happy again. She would never know it was you, but that didn't matter, Backbreakers weren't meant to be seen for what they do anyway.