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Rated: E · Interactive · Activity · #1911786
Bee always hanging with friends has never been in trouble until one Friday night.

Bee always hanging with friends has never been in trouble until one Friday night.

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Bee and her friends were on their way home from school-which was on a Friday. Asking her parents before leaving for school in the morning if she could hang out with her friends. Of course they told her yes, but, she has to be home by eleven o' clock not ten minutes or thirty minutes after.
"Hey Bee what are you doing tonight," says Alvin.
"Hanging out with Hallie and Vicki tonight," says Bee on her way to her third period-history.
When school let out and the girls met at three o' clock at Hallie's house. Bee, Hallie, Vicki, Pam, Beth, and December all showed up in Hallie's room. They had discussed going to the movies.
Bee wanted to go to the movies but knowing Hallie; this was going to end badly, but she goes anyways.
December coming up behind Bee, your not going to tell your parents what happened tonight are you?"
"Of course not," says Bee, who wants to tell her parents what had just happened.
Walking through the door at ten-thirty both of her parents turn around who are reading books.
"Honey your home early," says her dad.
Standing at the stairs she looks at her parents, "we went to the movies and having nothing else to do we all decided to call it for the night."
Not even twenty minutes later her parents call her down to the front room. They had just received a call informing them that their daughter was seen at a crime scene.
Bee you were not at the movies were you?" ask her mom.
"Yes, I was at the movies with Hallie and them," standing behind the couch her fingers playing with the pillow.
"Honey we just received a photo of you not at the movie theater,' says her dad.
She was at the movies with her friends, but what happened after the incident she does not know what happened. She was in the theater when everything went down, but December might know what happened to Dylan-who was found dead.
To Be Cont....
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1911786-Bee-and-her-Friends