"God, you're both such disgusting pigs," Lauren says. "I don't know how we're even related."
"Don't you?" Megan retorts, looking pointedly and Lauren's midsection.
"Shut it!" Lauren yells. She stomps off to her room, snagging a bag of potato chips on the way out. You watch her leave, wondering if she'll come up with some form of retribution after all. The slam of her door signals that, for now at least, the two of you are in the clear.
"Man, I didn't expect her to stress eat," you say.
"Meh, you know that her diets never last long anyways," Megan says. "More importantly, I have to thank you for bailing me out back there. Once I lost my rhythm, all the food hit me at once. If she made me eat any more, I'd have probably barfed."
"No problem," you tell her, glad that you've earned even more big brother points with her. "Although I am curious about why you didn't chew your food. Don't you want to enjoy it?"
She shrugs her shoulders. "I guess that I just wanted to see how much I can eat if I really went all out. You know that I never got the chance to truly fill myself, and I wanted to see what my limits are, at least once."
You sigh. You really aren't sure that you should be encouraging this, but you won't be around for much longer and it's more important to you to leave her with a good impression of you for when you go off to college than it is to worry about her health. "If you want to push your limits, then I guess I'll help you out," you tell her reluctantly.
Megan's eyes light up when she hears you say this. "Really bro, you'll help me out?" She suddenly traps you in a big hug. "Oh thank you! You're the best Jeremy!"
"Yeah, I know," you brag. "But if we're going to do this then we're going to have to set some ground rules."
"Oh yeah?" Megan asks while letting go of you, disappointment evident in her voice.
"Don't worry, they're not that bad," your reassure her. "I just don't want you to hurt yourself. From now on whenever you binge you're going to chew your food before swallowing, and I'm going to do it with you. You know, for motivation."
"All right, that doesn't sound too horrible," Megan says, sticking out her tongue at you. "Pinky swear that you'll be cool?" She sticks out her pinky for you to hook onto.
"Like there's any doubt of that," you scoff before using you're own pinky to seal the deal. The two of you pull apart and grin at each other.
"So, what do you thing we should do next?" Megan asks.